bwn250 10 points ago +10 / -0

If the reason things are going so slow and why the military doesn’t snatch these people up and hang them for treason is because of public perception and having as few people freak out or riot, then fuck that. If they really have it all fuck the causality count. Arrest and hang these people and send a message to any other country or American citizen who thinks about doing this again, they need to be shook. I don’t care if it’s too brutal for people.

bwn250 3 points ago +3 / -0

I understand that “letting” them steal the midterms may be part of the plan in a hopeful sting operation. However, if no meaningful audits or arrests don’t come from this then I will lose almost all hope in this plan. What happened to midterms are safe? Call it dooming or whatever you want, but if there are no repercussions for the steal this time then what hell was the point of letting them steal the election in 2020 and gathering all the data and catching them? Or actually, all of the other previous elections that have been stolen for years. Just to say again that we caught them all and that we are trapping them in the next election? Believe me I think catching them and exposing everything is the best outcome versus just stopping the steal behind the scenes. And I think they would have to let them cheat in order to do that. So I pray that this is apart of the plan and shit hits the fan, it needs to be done. I’ll be happy while most normies are panicking. But if this just leads to more multiple year investigations then I believe I’ve lost hope for this plan. And I know that I’m the only one who will be affected for that feeling and I’ll be the only one who will have to deal with it. I suppose time will tell and I’ll just pray something is done about this.

bwn250 9 points ago +9 / -0

I’m 32 years old and created my first twitter account ever. I just share things other people post, which I assume is what twitter is haha? But I don’t have any followers so I feel like it’s pointless 🤣

bwn250 9 points ago +9 / -0

I know some people on here criticize Anons who scrutinize and question potential DS sleepers, but I for one love it. Not to say anyones right or wrong but isn’t that the whole point of (these) site(s)? To share ideas and question everything? I’m all for it. And we know that the DS plays the long game. So for Desantis to do most things right but also do very questionable things, I for one am very skeptical of him and could see the DS planting him in that position and to tell him to do everything in his power to do things that get the support of people, all while at the same time to do the deeds of whoever is calling the shots in the DS whenever he gets in a position of power. I mean we have seen it countless times where who we thought was a true patriot, suddenly switches their tune once they are in power. ALWAYS question!!!! Red,blue,independent etc.

bwn250 7 points ago +7 / -0

I go through ups and downs but lately I’ve been happy and at peace with the slowness of things. I’ve seen enough that I believe where it’s going to go. It will be interesting to look back here 20 years from now and read the timeline of my thoughts.

bwn250 1 point ago +1 / -0

As a lifelong Virginian, and controlled by red for the majority of my life, it’s sad to see that the moment we let democrats take our state that they passed this legislation. I pray that Youngkin can change this, but if not I guess I’ll be like everyone else and move to Florida or Texas.

bwn250 37 points ago +38 / -1

This may be unpopular, but fuck that. I feel like making the argument that if they didn’t sensor the hunter laptop then Trump “could” have won, makes it seem like that’s the reason he lost. Not because of the MASSIVE fraud that took place. Idk maybe I’m wrong but fuck that, prove the actual fraud that happened and make everyone involved pay.

bwn250 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’m a Christian but could be a better one. Curious about the scripture that’s posted about not eating meat with life’s blood in it. Does that mean that we should not eat any animals with blood in it as well?

bwn250 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not sure if this is just another (coincidence), but the movie U.S. Marshall’s has been number one on Netflix for the past couple of days. Was curious why such an old movie was at the top. Could not mean anything at all but it’s just weird to me now after seeing this.

bwn250 3 points ago +3 / -0

Even though I do think things are changing for the good and in the right direction. Man....I’m just exhausted. I don’t know what I wish for in 2022, other than the strength to survive whatever comes next.

bwn250 19 points ago +19 / -0

Not getting my hopes up, but I do have to say that I’m prone to being optimistic based solely on the fact that Twitter deleted this post 😂

bwn250 6 points ago +6 / -0

I live in Virginia, and although it is a blue state I live in a pretty red county called fauquier county, specifically in the town of Warrenton. There is a dentist I go to who does not care about masks. His name is Dr. Sentz. Very good dentist and person. Give him a shout

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