Technically yes but it is now more of a ceremonial role with no real power, nothing at all to do with the monarchy and functions on the advice of the pm not king or queen. We don't have to consult with Charles to make new laws. In certain circumstances GG has some power but has not been exercised in decades.
We've been an independent sovereign country for decades. Canada Act 1982.
100%. Healthcare system isn't perfect and is especially messed up now because of ridiculous immigration policies. Population growth has outpaced medical infrastructure drastically. The complaints about long wait times is largely due to people going to emergency because they have the sniffles and wait 6 hours because people with serious issues obviously get priority. There are many walk in clinics and regular family doc as alternatives. No charge for any of them. Just show your health card. My dad had his knee replaced a few years ago and was about 3 weeks from initial consult to completed surgery and the doctor called him repeatedly over the next several months to ask when he wanted to get the other one done. He put it off for a while and eventually had the second knee replaced. My mother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and was in surgery within a couple weeks to have them removed and iinto chemo etc right after. Cancer has now moved to lymph glands and she was placed immediately into treatment which is ongoing. My family doc called me recently upset that I hadn't been to see her in four years. If you live in the north or other isolated community and require hospital care, medical flights are covered as well as accommodations while receiving care. We pay decent tax premiums for this but less than what private insurance would cost and they likely only cover a portion. I love you guys but I'm not interested in being part of America. Free medical is only part of it.
Those aren't the only choices. Why not an MCGA patriot? You feel a centralized govt for all the Americas would serve you better? You will have to explain that logic to me. I think two failed referendums in Quebec would suggest they don't really want to separate. The separatist ideology is all but dead there now. Alberta wants independence because they get ripped off by Quebec with billions in transfer payments, among other things. Prior to castro jr., how has our govt failed you as a newfoundlander? You were a conservative province for a long time before so it would be interesting to hear your perspective I know there are definitely some unique challenges out there.
They've been using machines for counting for a while now. I've never seen voting machines.
No Canadians want this. Kevin oleary is elite establishment scumbag who does not speak for me or any Canadians. He ran for office and failed miserably. This is the man who got drunk, killed someone with his boat then put his wife in the driver's seat and let her take the blame. The "I know a few Canadians" and "their all communists" comments on here show a shocking level of ignorance on this forum of people who are supposed to be more awake and aware than most. We've all seen what happened to the EU, why would anyone support this nonsense?
Bottom watch has a 4th hand pointing to 7 on the watch and 3 on bezel.
Can you explain how our welfare system is different from US. Are there not "lifers" on the dole there as well? Last I checked I think there is a larger % of Americans on various social assistance programs than up here. Welfare is definitely not easy to get but once in the system, one can stay in forever, and those people will always exist no matter how good the job market. In fact, the number of people on welfare has been steadily decreasing for some time. I'm wondering if you are referring to Employment Insurance (EI) in your comment. It requires a certain amount of time working before one can qualify as we pay into the fund through deductions from salary. You must apply within one week of your last day of work and benefits last less than a year at around 50% of your last pay rate. So not something to rely on long term. if you work for the govt., in a union, your contract could very likely allow you to be on a disability for a year, come back to work for one day then be qualified for another year of disability. I get confused by the "commie canada" comments I always see on here. We aren't like that at all. Until Justin at least and I don't believe our elections are any more legit than yours. Thanks in advance for your insight.
My full tube is a single dose for a 1200lb horse so I just divide it into 6 doses of 200lb each. Of you empty your tube into a small measuring cup then divide it appropriately for your weight.
Does it indicate the dosage by weight for the full tube?
The horse paste tubes are marked at 100kilo increments for weight of horse. I use one each notch represents 100kilo of weight. One tube is good for a 600kilo horse. I get 6 doses per tube. It looks like a big syringe. Does that help?
I use the horse paste. The tubes are marked in 100kilo increments for the weight of a horse. I'm 170lbs so I just use one notch for 100kilo of my body weight.
I do one notch (100kilo) twice per day for two weeks. Then take two weeks off. Then another two weeks as above to get anything that hatched. Been doing it every six months for the last few years. No ill effects as yet and I'm healthy as a horse :)
Kathy Bates
I was wondering about this. We always send crews to help. Looks like we sent about as much help as Kamala did and we got there before FEMA. You'd have to think they are limiting what they allow us to send. I'm horrified to see what is going on down there. Ya'll are in my prayers.
It'd be fun if Trump walked across the stage and pulled off Joe's mask. Is that on the bingo card? I gotta watch in case that happens.
Thanks. Noticed the answer was in the title as soon as I posted.
Did dwac shares switch to DJT? says pics I took of my kids and my back yard are likely ai generated.
Definitely different. Is the smile off too? Kinda doesn't look like him.
Very strong chemical smell in ottawa today. Like they were burning wood and chemicals last week, just the chemicals this week.
It's been raining hard here for the last couple hours. Hopefully that will help reduce the ontario fire. Smoke was thick this morning in ottawa.
Sorry fren I'm not sure what you are asking. No constitution in canada. We have the charter of rights and freedoms. It's as useless as your constitution under tyrannical rule.