I was weary about this line of inquiry right off the bat. It is a school of logic imported wholly from the sovereign citizen movement, who were equal parts incredibly obnoxious, pompous and stupid.
I think perhaps they either decided to piggy back on the GA thing or someone injected that line of thinking as a parasite, like you suggested.
Either way, echoing facts from Q/GA is already starting to make folk look silly because no big earth shattering disclosures/events have occurred.
Looks like it’ll be a slow drip where only lots of low level no-names pay the price. Nothing that will vindicate our wacky proclamations anyway
Trust Grassley, Q said. Grassley is a Masonic bad bastard though isn’t he? So, think mirror and DON’T trust Grassley? Trust Kansas, Q said. Something about Pompeo is inauthentic. He reads EVERYTHING from an autocue. I’m not sure that he could hold a spontaneous and knowledgeable/insightful conversation about any of the subjects he speaks or tweets about.
Ron Watkins, yes. He has elongated his name to Ronnie, which is also feminine. He gave his coming out article in one of the major Trans bimonthlies - I think it was either Frock or Transvestia, I can’t remember which. He actually looks quite a natural MTF. Quite soft features and feminine appearance. It is very off to hear that someone like CodeMonkeyZ has gone that route but, hey. Who am I to judge.