cathole953 5 points ago +5 / -0

I probably should have worded this better. I'm not saying there will be no "moment of destruction". I'm saying that it's not going to be some kind of magical moment where everyone but the forever lost magically do a 180 and are all awake completely.

I'm saying that they're never going to wake up like we have. Normal people are not going to spend hours researching minute things in an autistic manner to get the truth. They're not going to ponder on random crap and come up with off the wall ideas that work. They're not going to spend years and decades fighting against corporate overlords and pushing back on a globalist agenda while everyone tells them they're wrong for doing so.

At least not until they think it's the "popular" thing to do and realize that it will help them "fit in" socially with the actual majority.

If I were to hazard a guess, I'd say the population mix is something like this.

50-60% Awake 30-40% Normie Sheeple 4-6% Lost Forever (Permanently Brainwashed Sheeple) 4-6% Cabal and the Minions

So yeah, we ARE the majority, but we have somewhere between a third and two fifths of our population as unopinionated sheep who can't think for themselves. Thus, we'll have to herd them the way WE want them to go, like I pointed out in the original post.

cathole953 7 points ago +7 / -0

I find the first point is probably the most important here. Everyone talks about "lost generations" and whatnot, but if we're able to herd entire generations away from the stupid tick tock/youtuber/influencer douchebag "lifestyle" that seems to get the most attention (by design of the background cabal tech monkeys no doubt), and back to being normal patriotic citizens, then none of these generations is truly lost.

Though I'd argue that young people aren't as liberal or "lost" as most seem to assume, especially considering I fall in that age group, but I digress. All three points are true, and are methods that the cabal uses to herd the sheep.

Now we just have to herd them the same way, but in the opposite direction.

cathole953 2 points ago +2 / -0

You know, the two are not mutually exclusive. This can be correct AND we can have a massive financial collapse. In fact, I'd argue it'd make this "reverse sheeple herding" easier since all the "BUY GOLD AND SILVER" people on our side will probably be the ones hit the least by it all. Thus, those types will be the ones the sheeple turn to for guidance since they appear to be the only ones who know what they're doing.

cathole953 1 point ago +1 / -0

All I'm saying is that is seems to be working for every country that has banned public displays of homosexuality, gay propaganda, or promoting "alternative lifestyle". (Hungary, Russia, etc.)

You'll never be able to control what two adults do in private (hence why sodomy laws are a stupid way of going about this). But you CAN make laws about what's suitable for the public and give it HARSH consequences (felony level) if you break said laws.

Contrary to what people think, gays aren't killed on sight in Russia, but Russia also has a stupid low amount of non straight normal people, because gay propaganda is illegal, as is promoting alternative lifestyles.

So basically, it's illegal to brainwash someone into the queer cult over there.

cathole953 7 points ago +7 / -0

I keep telling people, it's not that hard to deport all these illegals and "refugees" back to their own country. We just need a competent government to do it.

cathole953 1 point ago +1 / -0

Funny since I live in the literal middle of nowhere, in a "dying" region of the country, and I know plenty of people like that. Just because you don't personally know any, doesn't make it any less true.

cathole953 1 point ago +1 / -0

Don't start trying to take the moral high ground with me. It's been proven over and over again in history that proliferation and acceptance of sexual immorality and debauchery leads to societal collapse. Sodom and Gamora, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Ancient Japan, and if you want a more recent example, the Weimar Republic (do yourself a favor and research this one since we're basically in weimar 2.0 at this point).

There is a factual basis for this. Just like how communism and socialism neve work no matter how many times you try it, acceptance and proliferation of sexual degeneracy will never lead to anything other than further degeneracy and societal collapse.

There is no moral high ground in defending this disgusting crap, and you can preach about "throwing the first stone" all you want, but God would not have us openly accept sin and debauchery, otherwise the flood would have never happened, and Sodom and Gamora would still be here if God would just have us all "mind our own business".

The whole "throw the first stone" teaching of Jesus was never meant to be taken that we're literally never to fight or call people out on their sin. It just means we're not to call others out without expecting to be called out ourselves. I'm a sinner, just as you are, homosexuals are, and everyone else alive is. I have no problem being called out on that, and I'll call others out on it as well. We're all sinners and our only hope is Jesus Christ.

But please, continue to morally grandstand as the queers literally sing about how they'll convert your kids into homosexuals against your will (like the san fran men's choir did a few years ago) and dress up as demons and read propaganda to our children in school and libraries.

But Lord forbid you should call evil out as being evil.

cathole953 4 points ago +4 / -0

Assuming this is even remotely true (It's freaking newsweek after all), I don't really think the pillow man is right on this one. I love him to death, but it's FAR more likely that they simply just didn't cheat in Florida and Florida had a legitimate election without any (or at least minimal) interference for the first time in decades.

And that's assuming this is even a cabal thing. Could be the white hats for all we know. Regardless, I don't think there was voter fraud in favor of Desantis.

cathole953 1 point ago +1 / -0

Check again bucko, it's not that hard to be a millionaire in the United States. Literally everyone who owns a small business is a millionaire, and small businesses make up something like 44% of the economy (GDP). So yeah, roughly 10% of the US adult population are millionaires or billionaires simply because they own and operate a small business and contribute to the economy.

Besides, it's not right for the government to steal someone's life's work from them upon death and deprive their children of their inheritance just because they were successful in life.

As for the rest, that's part of the discussion. I don't feel too strongly about the whole health insurance tax thing one way or the other, especially since I don't trust the medical industry. I just remembered Trump talking about it at several points and making promises on it.

Though I do agree that the Federal government can, and should, be run on tariff income alone. Especially since, as you pointed out, it worked just fine before 1913

cathole953 4 points ago +4 / -0

As in the post cabal world after we finally win this war and start cleaning up the mess they've made?

cathole953 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just going to point out, that this is all planned and easily reversible. As for the bestiality laws, from my understanding all those states listed treat it as animal cruelty so it's covered under animal cruelty laws.

As far as I'm aware the only two states that allowed bestiality in recent times were Washington state and Missouri. The only reason I know that is because of that weird case several years ago that became an internet meme about the horse sex farm in Washington state that caused this to blow up all over the internet.

If I'm not mistaken, Washington state fixed their laws to ban it, not sure about Missouri.

Anyway, the point I'm trying to convey, is that none of this is permanent and easily reversible in the post cabal world when it's proven the majority of people don't support this crap.

cathole953 9 points ago +9 / -0

Seems pretty simple to me. Nashville is just as corrupt as any other "blue" city. Anyone who think's most of these cities are actually "blue" are deluding themselves at this point.

And since it's a corrupt cabal "stronghold", it only makes sense for the cabal hitmen (the cartels) to have a presence there. It may not be as strong as in border states, but you'd have to be a fool to think that anywhere there's cabal "influence" (read election fraud), there's not also a cartel presence.

Q and Trump talked about MS13 and other cartels being used as literal hit squads for the cabal, specifically the clintons. So until we clean up everything, this will continue to come into the public eye.

cathole953 2 points ago +2 / -0

Notice the bit about homosexuality and religion. Almost like atheism and homosexuality are part of the cabals plans and artificially propagated

cathole953 7 points ago +7 / -0

Ah yes, the liberal Utopia where everything from homosexuality to necrophilia and pedophilia was not only legal, but openly encouraged. But remember, "there's no evidence" that acceptance sexual debauchery leads to societal degradation.

cathole953 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think there's a misunderstanding. I'm not saying he made Paypal communist, I'm saying he's built a multinational payment system before, so it's entirely plausible for him to do it a second time now that he's the "official" wealthiest person on the planet.

cathole953 2 points ago +2 / -0

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Elon part of the Paypal Mafia. AKA, the people who literally built Paypal, got rich selling it to Ebay, and then went on to become multibillionaire entrepreneurs?

So, not like he hasn't done this before.

cathole953 8 points ago +8 / -0

You know, I don't know why people put any merit into this kind of thing. We all know that if you account for all the cheating, there's MAYBE 4 or 5 blue states in the union, and every red state is infinitely more red than the "official" narrative.

Seriously, how people on here can claim that California and New York are actually red (which all the evidence points to), while at the same time claim that a state like Texas isn't really that red, or claim it's all the (funnily enough) New Yorkers and Californians moving there that are turning it blue, boggles my mind.

Outside of the fact that it's been proven over and over again that people moving to red states like Texas are overwhelmingly conservative by a factor of like 80-90% depending on the year, we can't keep having this weird mental dissonance between what we claim and what's actually happening.

Either pretty much every state in the union is overwhelmingly red and the cabal is cheating using the many tactics we've identified over the past several years (Mail in ballots, counting ballots multiple times, shutting down Republican polling places, dominion et al voting machines, Voter Roll Manipulation, creating ballots/votes out of the ether, etc.), or they're not and two/thirds of the country are actually cucked, meaning we're not actually the majority.

Both can't be true, and all the evidence points towards the former. This cognitive dissonance is starting to get old, and people need to stop perpetuating it.

EDIT: This just occurred to me so I figured I'd point this out too. This article claims that Alabama and Tennessee are the first and second most conservative states in the union respectively. While both ARE always consistently in the top 5 most conservative states in the union for the last 20 or so years, this is untrue. WYOMING, WEST VIRGINIA, AND IDAHO are ALL more conservative statistically. Granted it's usually by a margin of 0.5-5%, but they are technically more conservative.

Ergo, this article is already inaccurate in it's methodology.

cathole953 8 points ago +10 / -2

Quite a few people ON HERE either don't want to admit or refuse to admit that Q and the Great Awakening as a whole are, at their base, Christian movements. Just like the last 4 Great Awakenings.

And it's not just this specific Q post that points to that. There's dozens, hundreds even, of drops that all have Christian themes, overtones, undertones, etc. Some are even bluntly Christian in their nature.

But as always, people will only see what they want to see, until they're forced otherwise.

cathole953 4 points ago +4 / -0

.....You know, sometimes I think people get a little TOO excited. if this were anything else, I'd probably be of the same thought process, but this isn't that different from just buying a beer regularly. You'd still have to show your ID to buy the beer, all this does is cut down on time in line at the cashier.

cathole953 10 points ago +12 / -2

Because this isn't the first time these exact same signs have been shown in history? WW I and WW II are a pretty good example of this. They tick off every box for the end times just about.

WWI in particular was about as close to the actual end times as we've ever been. Pestilence (spanish flu)-check, War and rumors of war-obvious check, Poverty and destitution (great depression)-check, societal breakdowns (first wave feminism and civil rights movements)-check. Etc. etc. By the logic you're using this should have been the end times, and the third and fourth great awakening's should have never happened.

There have been four "great awakenings" in the history of the United States, and every time, God brings our nation back to him and cements our status as a special nation for his gentile children adopted by the blood of Jesus. God never allows us to go to far away from him. There's historical precedent for this, and this time is no different from God's view.

Besides, a lot of people overlook several of the key points about the end times that you can't really fake. For one, the temple has to be rebuilt so that the abomination of desolation can take place. And yes it has to be a physical place, because the antichrist is going to make a mockery of ancient Israel's religious ceremonies in the temple by replacing God with himself.

Second of all Wormwood has to hit the eart and cause a third of all waterways to "turn bitter" or dry up as most modern interpretations put it. Kind of had to fake a meteor hitting the earth and drying up a third of all water on the planet, Which hasn't happened yet, ergo, there's still the possibility that we're not in the "end" end times (since technically it's been the end times since Jesus died).

And finally, and this is the one I'm baffled most on HERE of all places don't recognize. The war of Gog and Magog requires Israel to exist. ACTUAL ISRAEL, as in actual real Jews, brought back to their ancestral lands organically by the Lord. Not a bunch of fake Khazarian JINOs.

Without the existence of a Biblical Israel, pretty much every other "sign" falls apart since none of the end time's occurrences can happen. Gog and Magog, the raising of the Witnesses, abomination of desolation, etc. etc.

There's also the fact that people often forget how the Bible describes the Tribulations. The first 3.5 years are supposed to basically be heaven on earth. This is how the antichrist gains the trust and faith of the lost on earth. Whether you believe in a pre-tribulation, mid-tribulation, or post-tribulation rapture, this is one fact that most agree on. The first half is basically heaven on earth, but it's all only surface level. So have the last 3.5 years been haven on earth? Not hardly. Even under Trump (which was 4 years total mind you), it wasn't heaven on earth. People still suffered all over the world in various ways.

So combine all of this, and the end isn't as close as it seems.

Sounds like someone needs to read their Bible again, since you've missed so many obvious requirements that have not, and cannot be met yet for the end times to truly occur.

You're conflating too many things here that don't match up. The end times will come when God wants it to happen. And literally no one else (not even Jesus) knows when that is. In the meantime, it's more tha possible (extremely likely and pretty much certain actually), that God will have at least a few more "mass revival" events to bring his lost sheep and children back to him in massive numbers before the end finally does come.

cathole953 3 points ago +3 / -0

And this is why we need to ban the open advertisment and propagation of homosexuality like Hungary, Poland, Russia, etc. Otherwise, crap like this happens.

cathole953 2 points ago +2 / -0

Um, not sure where you're going with this. I agree with you and never said it "doesn't matter". In fact, quite the contrary. It DOES matter, hence why I find this to be an interesting theory if it plays out this way. Basically copying what they did in Roe v Wade to turn back the clock on the liberal degeneracy to an extent.

cathole953 5 points ago +5 / -0

I mean, yes and no? I love all of my fellow man, but I'm not going to tell them whatever sin committing is alright (including homosexuality). Hate the sin, love the sinner. You wouldn't tell you're alcoholic brother that it's ok to have a few drinks would you? Doesn't mean you don't love him, but you're not going to support his self destructive and sinful behavior.

This isn't that different, contrary to what some may say.

cathole953 7 points ago +7 / -0

Doubtful when so many disapprove of it. You can still love someone and disapprove of their lifestyle and/or life choices. An unrelated example would be drug addicts or alcoholics. That number jumps up to 70-80% then, and people still disapprove of it despite the fact that nearly 4/5s of all people in the country are related to or know someone with a drug or alcohol problem.

So there's really no correlation between disapproving of someone's lifestyle and loving them. The two are not mutually exclusive. You can do both.

People really need to stop buying into the whole MSM narrative that the majority approve of gays. Between this and the stupid gen Z thing (different topic so I won't go on a tangent), I'm starting to believe people on here are selective in what they want to believe from the MSM, even if it's all still a bunch of lies.

cathole953 16 points ago +16 / -0

Seriously, how many times do I have to say it. WHY does everyone assume this is legitimate? They stole, flipped, and fabricated votes for literally every other demographic, so why is it apparently inconceivable that they did the same for this demographic?

Newsflash, they did. I'm in this age group, and literally everyone I know voted down ticket republican. I'm sure there are SOME brainwashed idiots that voted left in my age group, But the overwhelming majority of us are as patriotic and conservative as the rest of you.

This weird narrative that Gen Z is a bunch of liberal faggots is getting old, especially since it's so blatantly untrue.

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