If these foreigners are so smart why do their nations of origin suck?
Because they can move to USA instead of living a bit harder way and cleaning the mess in the place they were born. It would require them to make more effort or even to demand political change. Moving to USA is easier for them.
Are some of those people moving to USA good for USA ? Maybe even yes despite as you mentioned - American youth losing their chances. In short term. In long therm it would be beneficial to both USA and their countries of origin if they would stay. Even if they would be indeed better suited to their positions than people already living in USA.
I am saying it as non-American anon. Person for which moving elsewhere would be potentially much better personally. But - I am Polish and I am Patriot. So I stay in my country and do what I can here.Not too much and it makes me sad,but... I do not condemn people who chose otherwise. But I know what is right and I try to do it right.
Something has to be done about employment system and education in USA (and don't say it is all working great - it looks somewhere is the problem) and something has to be done in countries people want to run from - and USA can lead such change being in fact in the best interest of USA. Because spreading American values and having real friends not some states sucking you from dollars is important. You cannot be puppet "empire" of cabal and its planned scapegoat like former "british" empire any longer,and you cannot truly liberate yourself without leading the great awakening liberating whole world from cabal grasp. Or at least its part big enough to guarantee your survival. You need us,and we need you.
Such liberation requires rather spreading American values (among which freedom is most important) than "best brains" being in USA. What is for example better - some Indians in USA or India and its people being in long therm on the same side as is the USA ? Harder way,less profitable in short term - but great. And investment isn't about short therm profit but about long therm gain. Real profits and things beyond of it come from doing great things requiring more effort. Requiring vision !
And President Trump knows it too - it was his whole life as businessman. He would maybe get more money on the stock market (or not) but he were doing great real things and he is proud of it. And it is well justified pride.
Sometimes greatest victory is not simply being strong alone,but from being strong one among friends.
Just another post almost same content: https://www.defenceconnect.com.au/naval/14701-us-navy-investigation-uncovers-illegal-starlink-wi-fi-plot-aboard-combat-vessel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBUxmEJumAw
Also: breaking the encryption or small sabotage during maintenance to install rogue network.
But easiest way would be simply JAMMING at the right moment IFF system. Or to sabotage this system somehow. Or even kind of it's failure and lack of inspection being done.
u/brain_dead: does the ship communicate with other ships ? If the answer is "yes" those navy ship IS hackable.
It IS hackable if it can communicate with other ships. Period. Never underestimate hackers... Especially if they are your enemy. u/400DollarHandcart u/pente1776 u/Grady_Wilson
Not to mention there are soldiers who would gladly install some "unauthorized" network access point because you know - some "fun" after hours of service - example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBUxmEJumAw https://www.defenceconnect.com.au/naval/14701-us-navy-investigation-uncovers-illegal-starlink-wi-fi-plot-aboard-combat-vessel
Can you read my post at least ? Questions. Were you at least reading Q posts fucking once ?
Why I ask about the author ? Because anybody who isn't living under the (black)rock knows what is wrong with current media. And only stupid person would think cabal agents are only in MSM. And I remember that Epoch times while being mostly against CCP were too spreading covid fakes and propaganda due to obvious Chinese CCP infiltration...
All you have in those article are claims of organisations of unknown political affiliation being in military conflict,and man who graduated in China and can have suspicious relations to China for me. And Children and Christians harmed ? Yes,it may be VERY important and alarming but they spread those propaganda about children incubators, or "Bad Putin taking children from Ukraine" while they really harm the children and use the children as their source of adrenochrome (yes,really - Ukraine was even before the war large hub of human - especially children - trafficking).
I would now need probably to read "Beyond the Belt and Road" just to make sure about this author sympathies and bias - I don't know those author well,it would need further research - all my instinct alarm bells (which I had developed too thank to Q too) were ringing just after already reading half of the article. And the fact that you not notice it means your researching skills suck dear mod.
It is crazy. So now GAW is against Myanmar military and praising those communist friend of Xi the Pooh and Obama Aung San Suu Kyi ?!!
Or with "ethnic"militias and "minorities" you know nothing about ? Really ?
Who uses those terms "minorities" and "democratic opposition" ?
You know what is the problem with the press,even with "our" one ?
You know what is the problem with "the experts" ?
"Killing innocent civilians" narration ?
Where else you can find those narration ?
Who uses this narration usually ?
Who is the author - Antonio Gracefo ?
Anyone were reading his bio ?
You claim to be anon u/Brent75 ,but it seems Q had taught you NOTHING.
Situation is of course complicated,but those article - it this is pure propaganda playing on your emotions. Worst kind,alarmingly similar to those used by cabal. And you are not noticing it ?! Why are you posting such things ?
Missunderstood or perfectly understood - that's the point. Don't think anyone really believes those bullshit about Assads being bad and "opposition" being good.
So if you comment:
He would die like a dog like a Baghdadi And it looks it is about Assad's brother,former leader of syrian military:
Only vaxxtards with memory of a goldfish unable to research not knows who those "rebels" are (fucking Al-Qaeda) ,and who (Obama,CIA,moSSad) supported them.
Even if Q or Trump would state otherwise - that would require quite serious and detailed explaination (probably endangering national security then) to make it even look believable,not to say - believed.
You could call "sir" your drill sergeant in boot camp or some british noble sonofabitch (and those second one doesnt deserve it). You made mistake (everybody does, and there are ones doing bigger ones - we are humans...), I corrected it,end of the story fren :) Just make some checks next time.
think the part we don’t understand is why the cabal created and paid ISIS to destroy ancient ruins.
They destroy it everywhere.
I suppose it is about "previous" "ancient" thermonuclear and biological war or something like that. Yes,I have no proof but it makes perfect sense.
Come on, who is Al-Queda (Al-Nusra/HTS) and rest of "the opposition" ? Their puppets who soon will give them reason to enter more with claims they are "restoring order".
After those criminals from "opposition" will make hundreds of thousands Syrians flee to Europe what also supports jewish agenda in Europe ! (And among those civilians harmed by jews will be jewish puppets from those terrorist organisations which now took over Syria)
Jews just took strategic position to attack in Syria.That is it. If Trump supports it for a long therm - it is international disaster coming soon.
But who exactly is "me" for Trump then ? Israel ?!
The whole point is NOT some gain for Russia or anybody.I am not fucking Russian and you probably too are not.
The whole point is USA being liberated - USA stopping being Israel and cabal puppet state !
The whole point is protecting the children !
The whole point is dismantling those globalist cabal (part of which,big one is Israel) worldwide.Nothing less.It is about the future of humanity and the future of west !
If we wouldn't see it it ends with enslaved humanity or thermonuclear war. Plain and simple.
All official data availailable (of course it is MSM media) is thise HTS rebels are "former" Al-Nusra front.
Al-Nusra is Al-Queda branch.
Something very wrong is happening here and we have not studied enough or we were fooled by our enemies all the time.
So now Assad is bad and "Al-Queda" (HTS=Al-Nusra) CIA/moSSad puppet terrorists are good ones ?!!!
Something more and more seem very wrong - were we deceived by deep state agents all the time ?!!!
In such case some Trump moves inviting some swamp members to his administration are easier to explain than Q and 5d chess but that means we would have WW3 and globalists winning, enslaving us all.Holy shit !
Oh,and here Elon and Department Of Government Efficiency comes... :)
Liberals think Elon would use it to get rid of officials who harm his businesses ?
Oh,maybe too (and it mostly isn't so bad) - but if we know something about Elon Musk for sure: we know he cares to do things which are working and good product. And this guarantees bureaucratic swamp will be drained professionally.
Those D.O.G.E idea really is skeleton key to do this and fire them no matter what chain of bureaucratic rank is it,no matter how complicated it would be at normal.
Had I said that because of left/cabal making Elon's kid trans commie being against his father Elon was "quite pissed off" ? Never underestimate father being pissed off. And you know that much of dumb paperwork complicated things for him ? So never underestimate entrepreneur and innovator being REALLY pissed off too. It is really that easy. Elon would LOVE to kick them off because problem with woke commies became personal both in his business and personal life - and to show that HE does great things too - because he has quite big ego like President Trump. He would love to fire them,and he would fire more of them that president Trump fired on "The Apprentice". That's 100% sure.
For some time you should do it for sure.
When I was child and my mother were cleaning the house nobody was allowed to move outside their room until floor would be dry and clean. Why I say it ?
Because America has enough problems with its own people and illegals now. Repairing it all,cleaning all this mess requires low or none migration for some time until you would be able to deal with the problems you have.
You know we in Poland too have too much migrants and too much people migrating. It causes almost no necessary changes are done,and real problems being hidden "under the carpet". This can be simply bad for the nation. Every.One.Nation.