Birthright citizenship is not in the Constitution.
It just isn't.
The Indian Citizenship Act of 1924 proves this.
You notice that Pravda has pretty much stopped this nonsense.
And when they do slip up, there is always a correction and apology almost immediately.
Pravda has learned they can't tolerate any more multi million dollar lawsuits.
There must be a whole lot of plastic in that thing because my GMC Yukon weighs 6,000lbs and it doesn't have super heavy batteries.
You went from the cave man days to modern tech.
Our school had projectors in every classroom and the teachers could cast their iMac or their iPad to the screen.
We ran a mixed Windows / Apple environment so getting all of the platforms to talk was a challenge at times.
They started moving into smart displays and replacing the projectors, which was a great move forward.
I remember using the mimiograph machine to help my dad make copies for his classroom. You had to crank it at just the right speed or the copies would be too high or too low on the page.
Good times.
I was never in the classroom, I was an IT supervisor in a school before I retired.
But yeah, most school systems are horribly mismanaged and they spend money on the wrong things.
I was talking about if parents had vouchers to spend at good schools, those schools would have the money to expand.
It all starts with vouchers.
My dad taught elementary for over 30 years, and I worked at a school for 10 years so I know about how schools operate.
A school that is maxed out but receiving a constant inflow of money, will be able to expand and hire more staff.
They wouldn't be constrained by fixed or shrinking budgets.
Who cares about optics when everything Trump is doing is legal and Constitutional?
Let the Commies and Pravda wail and cry.
Who cares?
Parents need vouchers so they can take their kids to whichever school they want, public or private.
That would quickly force public schools to perform or lose students in droves.
They don't just need a new label, they need to be charged, prosecuted and jailed as such.
A new label changes nothing.
Coke is one of those drugs that I would never even consider doing.
I've seen how it's made and you have no idea what it was cut with before you got it.
Heck, even booze was a crap shoot at one time, you had no idea if someone had spiked it with lacquer thinner or something else that could kill you.
I agree, most drugs like coke should be legal with very stiff penalties for being high in public or for allowing minors to have access.
Coke and all sorts of drugs were legal through most of the 1800's and there were very few addicts.
Maybe survival was so much tougher that you had to concentrate on just staying alive and that gave you little room for recreational drugs.
Barry went all the way to the SCOTUS to hammer home the fact that only the Executive branch has authority over immigration.
Anything other than Executive branch action on immigration is just pure BS from the Democrats when one of their own presidents hammered that fact home.
Even if it's a small amount compared to the overall amount trafficked over a year's time, more than a few people are going to end up dead over this seizure.
The cartels just don't shrug when they lose this much product.
Everything he wants violates US 1324.
Trump really, really needs to follow through on this.
If they docs are not released, no excuse will allow him to save face.
He will lose a lot of support if the docs don't come out.
Barry went all the way to the SCOTUS to prove that only the Executive Branch has control over immigration.
No lower court can issue a legal ruling that defies a SCOTUS ruling.
I wouldn't even entertain complying with the ruling.
Barry went all the way to the SCOTUS to affirm that only the Executive Branch has authority over immigration.
A lower court cannot issue a ruling that contradicts a SCOTUS ruling.
I would ignore them all.
No sauce?
That post needs to be roundly mocked.
I wouldn't even entertain following this order.
No federal judge has more power over immigration than the executive branch.
He is in direct contradiction to a previous SCOTUS ruling on immigration.
US 1324 literally talks about harboring, aiding and abetting are federal crimes.
There are a whole lot of politicians and others that should have been charged with this decades ago.
No protests from the left because they knew the dept wouldn't actual do anything to cut real waste, fraud and abuse.
Exactly, I would ignore the ruling and continue to have then fired.
Giving anything to illegals is a violation of US 1324.
Why haven't these scumbags been prosecuted?
He knows WW III is the only way to extend his existence.
Absent that, he will not live much longer.