changeagent 14 points ago +14 / -0

Please please please please please

changeagent 1 point ago +1 / -0

So just because I suggested that he answer their question, I am the one who doesn't support rights?

And what if this guy was really a pedophile? With all the human trafficking stuff circulating, you don't think it was reasonable for the police to at least check in? What about the child? The dad can certain claim "my rights", but what is a cop supposed to do when the child is present?

I just don't understand if how you are the Dad, you would not answer simple questions so that you can avoid being separated from your son in that situation.

changeagent 1 point ago +1 / -0

Now we agree on something.

As for asking questions repeatedly... what do you do when the first asshole cop is advancing and taking you down without really answering your questions?

Listen, I totally understand what you're saying. I'm agree with that. You don't seem to think that I agree with you--but look at my original post and re-read that I said both cops deserve to be fired.

You hit the nail on the head above... "because in their yes, you're Guilty of something," and that's my whole point--if you take your approach of asking questions (which is what I meant by saying test the waters) and you discern that the cop thinks you're guilty no matter what... well... that's when it's time to let him have his moment, and not do anything that jeopardizes your son, your ability to take care of your son, your self, or your ability to prosecute later that day.

You think I am a cop. Well, I'm not. I am a realist. I would have recognized in that situation that I could not win against a dirty cop with his mind made up. And that is my larger point--people need to understand what they're up against, and use body cam footage or their own cell phone footage to prosecute, rather than risk getting hurt and/or risk doing something that then nullifies the opportunity to prosecute.

All I hear from you is "rights" "rights" "rights". That's the obvious thing. What happens when the cop doesn't care about you asking your questions and just hears your questions as resistance, because he doesn't even know the law?

I hope you can see what I am trying to explain.

changeagent 3 points ago +3 / -0

I really appreciate your post! Thank you!!

I agree in totality with your bookend comments. The middle ideas about the new system, and whether or not there will be a total crash... I don't know. No one knows. Your concepts are laudable and worthy of merit. I hope they come true. My hunch, though, is that a 1-3 month crash of the stock market is the only red pill that will speak to a still very large number of people who don't care about the world, or our country, or the cabal, etc. It's only when their wealth is threatened that they will ask questions. And that's when the Q Team provides the answer and we achieve unity.

Like you, I do trust the Plan. But I do think there is financial pain in the Precipice.

changeagent 2 points ago +2 / -0

And here's the ironic thing: I agree with everything you said. You've just failed to understand what I'm talking about in that context.

You say "should" quite often. He should be free to go. You're the naive one, here.

changeagent 0 points ago +1 / -1

It occurs to me that you might be a glowie, yourself, trying to get people to do stupid shit.

I have not proclaimed to know law. So fuck you about that.

And, you still haven't said what you would do. Oh... ask them what crime you've committed?

Okay... is that as far as you can think? Then what? Obviously those two cops were not interested to answer questions or be reasonable... so whatcha gonna do now, tough guy? Pick up your son and run? Really... what's next in your scenario in which you've asked these two bad cops what crime you've committed? You think they are going to stop when they've made up their mind that they need to make sure you're not trafficking the boy?

Come on, Hoser... tell me the answer. Tell me what your magical solution is in this situation.

My solution was to navigate it differently... go along with the bullshit in the moment, and go after them later. But no... that's being a boot-licking coward in your book. So, you must not appreciate Trump's often-used strategy of looking weak when he's strong, and "we have it all" approach to getting the bad guys in a sting. That isn't a viable strategy.

So, I think you're the glowie, trying to instigate people into confronting police at every chance.

changeagent 1 point ago +1 / -0

And... tell me your a simpleton without telling me you're a simpleton.

You have yourself wrapped in the American flag as you type, but in reality you cannot navigate the reality presented in that video. Tell me... what would you have done if you were that dad, and that was your son. Tell me... I'm waiting.

The truth is, you can't imagine it because you're so full of your own crusade that you didn't comprehend a single thing I explained. Instead, you picked out the quotes that trigger you because, again, you're a simple-minded person, and you start making dumb assumptions. I am not a cop by any stretch. But I know how to navigate a situation like the one in the video.

My guess is that you probably would have gotten tazed, or worse. And your son? Probably taken to the station, and placed in a room waiting for a few hours until the social worker showed up when they start at 9am, traumatized, crying, scarred for life, etc.

And then... you'd have no case to actually pursue justice and put those asshole cops in their place (get them fired) and receive compensation because you would have been confrontational. And you probably wouldn't have the money to hire the right attorneys to bring the case outside the internal review process. That's you. Mr. American Rights every moment of every day no matter what, because 'Merica!!

But... I'll wait... maybe I'm misjudging you. Tell me... how would have handled that situation differently. BECAUSE I'M TALKING ABOUT THAT SITUATION. Go ahead... start typing.

changeagent 1 point ago +1 / -0

LOL! You're dropping degrees, now? And you think I work for a PD?

Dude, look at my history of comments. I am not an officer of any sort. I am just capable of looking at a bigger context. I ask you... what would you have done if you were that Dad? Please answer. I am waiting. Pretend that was your son. Pretend you are the Dad. How do you answer the questions? What do you do? Let's hear your Masters-trained response.

changeagent 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just explain how standing up for his rights at that moment worked out well? And, can you not think of a different way and time he could have followed up and broguht a can of legal whoopass on those guys (and spare his son the trauma)?

changeagent 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree with you. Totally. I would just add that we have to assume that cops do not know their job and our rights. You can test the waters, but to stay on a sinking boat with your son also on that boat was bad judgment. You or I would have skated out of that easily. Most of the commenters here would be arrested for assault, I fear. They just can't see the long game in the moment. Thanks for your comment.

changeagent 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks for thecomment. I am actually pretty amazed at the infantile level of thinking from many. But it's fun responding to them.

And, yes, to a point. When all cops have video, it's pretty easy to go back and sue the hell out of them. The moment you give any reason for investigators to conclude that you were resisting, then you strip yourself of any possibility of exacting real justice. Play their game in the moment (in this moment, with the child present) and fight another day.

changeagent 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lol... did youcome up with that on your own? It's actually pretty funny. Now get some rest and come up with another word.

changeagent 1 point ago +1 / -0

Tell me, big man, what would you have done? Punched him? Gotten tazed? Grabbed for a gun? Gotten shot and killed in front of your son?

Tell me how this should have played out. I am all ears.

changeagent 0 points ago +1 / -1

"I don't know" was his answer to what is is your name and address. Yes, he lost his cool. He watched too many people like you put out videos about how to stand up for your rights at the wrong time and escalate a situation. Good job on you.

changeagent 0 points ago +1 / -1

Explain how I was promoting the loss of rights. And, explain how this moment in time that the child was not the priority. Get off your high horse. Learn what startegic thinking is all about. Re-read my comment and learn, you pissant.

changeagent 0 points ago +1 / -1

Stay cozy and out of the way. Your intellectual incapacities bring the rest of us down.

changeagent 1 point ago +1 / -0

Notall is lost. There are many good cops. More than there are bad. Depends on where you live, perhaps.

changeagent 0 points ago +3 / -3

I totally agree with you. I'm a father, too. I am glad those cops stopped to talk. It should not have gone down that way. It didn't have to. Neither side handled it well.

If we expect cops to do an impossible job, there's a little bit of give and take on our part to get through the situation normally without a take-down.

But because I think that, I'm a communist, haha (the other guy's comment).

Thanks for your comments.

changeagent -4 points ago +3 / -7

You're a dipshit. Try understanding the concept of context. So this Dad loses his cool and now what... his son is abandoned and with those cops. Choose your battles wisely. And don't jump to conclusions about me... you're the asswipe, not me.

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