conservativecookie 3 points ago +3 / -0

A while ago I wrote under the millionth 'it's happening' post : "just two more weeks has only felt like 18 months" and was banned for a week. At this point, some people need to seriously consider that Japanese soldier who sat alone in some forest for decades after 1945 thinking WWII was still ongoing.

by panamax
conservativecookie 1 point ago +1 / -0

The last 2 weeks have only felt like 23 months. (I was silenced for a week for commenting this)

conservativecookie 9 points ago +9 / -0

Turkish hotels are offering Germans to spend the winter in Turkey at a very reasonable monthly rate, since otherwise they'd be closed for the season. It'll be cheaper than to heat your home in Germany. Many pensioners are going.

conservativecookie 8 points ago +8 / -0

They are actually chanting 'Italia, nazione, viva la revoluzione', which means 'Italy, nation, long live the revolution'. I'm jewish and I totally approve. Enough of this globalist bs.

conservativecookie 4 points ago +4 / -0

vax bs and how much I love sushi

conservativecookie 1 point ago +1 / -0

"it's not necessarily a Nazi thing" that might be true but it's even LESS a jewish thing! I'm jewish, and I have never ever, in my entire life, seen a Jewish wear something like this. His kids are baptised in Russian orthodoxy. He's as Jewish as Bill Gates is Christian.

deleted 1 point ago +1 / -0
conservativecookie 4 points ago +4 / -0

I live in London. Years ago I called a plumber. We started chatting. He casually mentioned that he was going on holiday for 2 months to his house in Greece, and he was going to send someone to me, but he was in the area and just around the corner and this was a 5 minute job (I paid 65 GBP). I'm self employed and do very well, but a plumber having a house in Greece and taking months off at a time, got me curious. Turns out he started in plumbing in his late teens. By his mid 20s he had his own little company. By his 40s his company has expanded to the biggest and best plumbing company in the Greater London area, employing hundreds of people. His clients included a dozen 5 star London hotels, stadiums, gym chains, malls, restaurants, department stores, etc. Everyone has kitchens and toilets. It might not be a glamorous job, but from that day, I realised that sometimes the least glamorous jobs, can be very lucrative indeed.

conservativecookie 1 point ago +1 / -0
  1. stone doesn't burn 2. no obelisk in video and most importantly 3. wherever in Rome this is, it's nowhere near the Vatican! Residential streets are quite removed from Vatican City (it's small but still) and look nothing like this street
conservativecookie 2 points ago +3 / -1

I like a good conspiracy theory, but sometimes a logo is just a logo, made by some graphic designer somewhere, who majored in illustration or graphic design or web design, and makes a couple of grand a month for his/her services. That's it. There aren't that many shapes and there are millions of logos. Just like often, red shoes are just red shoes. As a woman, I have lots of red shoes, I love red, I love dressing in all black (or white or grey) with a red shoe. It does not make me some sort of kiddie fiddler. Stop being simpletons and seeing the boogieman under every bed. It's unhinged.

conservativecookie 10 points ago +10 / -0

Spoke to my friend in Berlin the other day. He's very much not a 'conspiracy theorist'. We have a good relationship, he makes fun of my 'conspiracies', while I make fun of him believing everything television says. His words a few days ago: "people here are actually buying and installing fireplaces! Sales of fireplaces have gone up to never seen before highs all over Germany. I can't blame them. I think we're being reset in some sort of way. Everything all at once, from all sides. Covid, gender bs everywhere you look, Ukraine war, going green shite, Islamisation, inflation, airports in chaos, supermarkets rationing oils and flour, empty shelves. I wonder what the next shite will be. Might as well be people freezing to death this coming winter. These fucking nut job governments." I answered "since you don't have the space for a free standing fireplace, I suggest you dig out your skiwear to wear around the house come december". We both laughed.

conservativecookie 1 point ago +1 / -0

Same. Luckily most ppl I know accept my decision and we don't talk about it, just go on with our relationships/friendships.

conservativecookie 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm a middle aged woman who started lifting weights a few years ago because I'm vain. The only reason was looks. But the side effects are astounding: I feel better, I have much more energy, I think clearer, my mood is improved. Sleep is the only thing that is messy but it was always messy. For those who feel intimidated by lifting weights: don't be! As little as 20 minutes a day with dumbbells at home, can already change your body. I love Jeff Cavaliere from AthleanX on the tube. He has a beginners program with dumbbells that'll take a max of 20 minutes 3 times a week. After 4 weeks you will notice a huge difference already. Also: when I see older and/or overweight people at the gym, I never think they're embarrassing. Quite the contrary, they impress me. I think 'go for it!'.

by DrMcCoy
conservativecookie 2 points ago +2 / -0

When he goes, he will be remembered as a hero.

conservativecookie 3 points ago +3 / -0

Dear Donald, I'm really not enjoying this show very much. It gives me anxiety and worry about the future for my kids. Can we speed it up and finally move to the good part please?

conservativecookie 5 points ago +5 / -0

Those who pee in the shower, and those who lie about not peeing in the shower.

conservativecookie 1 point ago +1 / -0

Don't rub her face in it. One year ago my cousin called me a crazy conspiracy theorist. A few weeks ago during a conversation she actually said 'we are totally being reset'. I laughed and said 'you're such. conspiracy theorist'. She laughed too. Everyone's welcome on the awake-train.

conservativecookie 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sometimes I feel like the craziest person in the looney bin, other times I feel I'm the sanest. Whether sane or insane though, I have discovered that Einstein was correct about human stupidity. At least I never feel that I belong in that club.

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