Not fully trusting AI to actually do the math on this one rather than just making a nice image, I decided to check it...
Based on the buildings around it, that center block looks to be about the size of 6 Manhattan blocks (3 the long way and 2 the short way including the streets and avenues in between). That's about 5 million sq ft or 500k sq m.
In a tight crowd, you can fit about 5 people per sq m according to this page:
That puts that block at 100k people. Generously assuming the three behind it are about half it's size, and adding those to it, we get to 250k, and assuming the one on the foreground is somewhere between the middle and background ones in size, we end up with a total of 325k or so.
Nice job AI. Still don't trust you to always be accurate, but this was a good guess, or at least close enough.
He's already making excuses for why the story didn't drop and why he can't just tell us what it is:
As president, Donald Trump had a habit of saying announcements and decisions would come in (or over the next) two weeks:
Type George Santos Lies into your search engine of choice. There are tons of sites that list them. Pick one you trust.
If you were paying attention when this guy was in the spotlight, it was pretty hilarious. He's like that one kid everyone knows from school who just made up everything about their life.
I'm just going to type some of them out here as a bullet list because they are just so good, but feel free to verify for yourself:
•Claiming he worked for Goldman Sachs, and them saying they have no record of it.
•Claiming he was a producer of Broadway's Spider-Man show, and them saying he had no part in it.
•He lied about where he went to high school and college (including he was a volleyball star there). Both schools said they had no record of him attending.
•Claiming he founded an animal charity that didn't exist.
•He said he was Jewish, then later said he meant Jew-ish.
•He claimed his Grandmother was a holocaust victim, his neice was kidnapped, and employees of his were killed in the Pulse nightclub shooting. None of those were true.
•He claimed his mom died from complications from being at the WTC on 9/11. She was in Brazil at the time.
•He said he wasn't a drag queen in Brazil, but photos and his drag name surfaced.
•He claimed he was in a movie with Uma Thurman that she wasn't in.
•He claimed he was a journalist in Brazil for Globo. They said that was a lie.
• He pleaded guilty to wire fraud and aggravated identity theft.
...Congress is made up mostly of compulsive liars?
Dude was kicked out of Congress by a vote of about 3 to 1 basically for being such a huge liar.
"former Congressman" "other than a narcissistic need for attention"
This is coming from disgraced former congressman George Santos, known mainly for being a compulsive liar.
And fourth, who actually follows Elon?
This could have been more accurate if everyone who uses X got the poll, but my guess is most democrats have either unfollowed or blocked him.
This argument will go nowhere. Political parties are not required by the constitution or any law to hold primaries in order to nominate a candidate. They make up their own rules.
U.S. citizens get to vote in November for whoever the party nominates.
Maybe the make and version of the phone/computer?
Yes, and the site it's shown on.
The one on loads emojis as svg images. Odd because they could just use a custom emoji webfont.
The embedded tweet here shows the alt text (in this case gun emoji) with your system emoji font (Apple's is a green squirt gun, for example).
Here's a thread with plenty of pics and videos.
An anonymous maintenance worker, huh?
Here's a thread with pics and videos from several locations in the crowd:
Since Kamala will probably refuse the 3 debates Trump scheduled
Which three debates?
Sensationalism. It's a correction.
The market has been doing better for the last several months than its 2-year uptrend.
It's been going down a bit for the last couple weeks and then dropped quickly over the last few days... To May 2024 levels. Will probably drop a bit more and even out.
Normal market stuff. Here's since 2020:
Maybe when Trump said "Take the guns first, go through due process second."
Uh, he was sitting down. Longer clip:
So humiliating.
Executed... for what?