I lost taste and smell completely for 2 days. The weirdest part of it, I wasn't congested at all. Headache and throwing up for 1 day... then taste and smell went. Thankfully it all came back and I was right as rain on day 4
It's unedited, I actually noticed his hands getting brighter during the speech, it caught my attention. Don't know if it does mean anything but it was noticeable.
https://archive.ph/VJL5U FDA told us over a year ago
This was the plan over a year ago https://archive.ph/VJL5U
Look at the date. they told us forever ago https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/22/health/covid-vaccine-variants.html Archive: https://archive.ph/VJL5U
FDA (PDF) on requirements for booster corona shots https://www.fda.gov/media/142749/download
Both, imo. Farmers are struggling as prices are rising, and so is the fear. Next year we will see the food prices of this years fertilizer and feed increases. That's where it gets fun. Of course the fear is to get people to comply, both things are true. A food crisis is being created. Solvable problems are being ignored. Everyone should shorten their personal supply chain as much as possible.
Much love- Captain obvious :D
Sending love and prayers from my family to yours.
Only for US users.
Can't move freely in my country, check. Denied certain medical treatments based on vaccine status, check. No true legal representation and actual systematic discrimination.. Canada, baby!
Gotta get rid of that pesky control group before the sheep start noticing that only they are dying from the regular cold and flu. Immune system damage.
Tell the person who is administering the shot to ASPIRATE it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WuyAtvwP2H4 Also, I'd tell the young man it's not worth your life. My aunt and uncle caved and got the shots to travel. Uncle can't travel now, too sick. Even worse for young men, look at the military whistleblowers showing the data on their own recruits. Good luck and I will pray for this young man.
Thanks for this post. :D
I hope you are right, that means they will be held accountable.
I doubt it, I think they need their list of people who get bread and oil when it comes to it. Can't compare notes if you're too sick to get around or starving.
I'll do some searches, this guy has a ton of footage though https://rumble.com/c/c-411575
Yeah, donno why I feel the need to mention this but I hardly ever get sick and if I do, it doesn't last more than 2-3 days. So, in 2019, I was as sick as I had ever been in my life, for at least a solid week. I tried and couldn't easily cough up what was in my lungs. I remember I had hot showers through the day/night to try and break up the stuff in my lungs. I was terrified I was gonna make my baby sick, who was 6 months at the time. I took him into the doctors later because he developed lumps in his neck, which I thought were swollen lymph nodes but wanted to be sure. He was good.
There are a lot of lies, for sure. I believe 'Covid' is real, it was played with in a lab, just think their timing was off with release. They 100% fuck with ALL the stats. I got covid Jan this year, not vaxxed. Total 'sick time' 1 1/2 days. headache ( like neuralgia sharp pains on one side of my head) and threw up. I know it was 'covid' because the next day headache was less but I started to lose my smell and taste. The day after, senses gone completely, but no other symptoms. I couldn't even smell vinegar! Got senses back completely two days later ( took Iver, D, C, Zinc, Quercetin) . I have never experienced anything like that before, very weird not having smell and taste AT ALL. I was however super fucking sick in Nov 2019, almost went to the hospital for breathing issues. Think that was the alpha, but before the covid hysteria and tests ( not that they work)
Terminator Topp is gettin close! https://www.canadamarches.ca/
Not that any of this matters.
Almost forgot that place existed. Most people moved from Omega after a particular mod started calling everyone nazi's for supporting the PPC. If you or anyone is interested, Freecanada.win is where they went. Great community imho. Glad there was something of use over at Omega for you. Cheers!