this report is false Benny johnson has someone live outside the court house. no reporters cams, video rec, pics, aloud in the court house link below
i would like to say i am sry for false info benny does not have someone there it is global news feed he is useing
Another message from jocko
no thank you needed i served my country in the marine corps and now i serve WE THE PEOPLE
full video link above
i live in STL and crime is through the roof. it is getting so bad here that the police cant even patrol the roads or highways right because they are short staffed and spend most of there time chasseing the same criminals over and over because she keeps letting them out of jail
police body cam footage
uncut raw footage look at shoes of the dead person same shoes as entered
this is a group that is in a game i play called escape from tarkov the main group in the game that you are fighting against is the terra group. Unable to link a photo so look up terra group labs logo in goggle
the petition for a writ of certiorari on the us supreme court website under case 22_280 stats "the following 388 Respondents are a party to this action as defendants in the trail court:" video of the interview with one of the brothers
DNA was talked about in vod at the time mark 50:27 and i quote the dept of civil affairs goes thought there old rags to the neew rags they can find the DNA to over see such things like the BAR video talking about this starts at the 18 mins mark