I get the feeling that he is trying to keep people in the building while something is happening outside and he doesn't want people to be frightened. Tonight is definitely being run off the cuff. We can see him actually in action when something unexpected happened. Usually all the thinking and planning has happened before the event. Here it's actively being run.
Research trigger point massage/therapy for your shoulder pain. I'm a huge advocate of the wonders of trigger point therapy. Fixed my shoulder pain. I'm an RN and had never heard of it. You can do yourself too- I used it on hip pain that ortho doc couldn't fix
I was thinking about the debate today. Don't they have devices nowadays that can continuously infuse medication into your body, like hormones and insulin? What if they do something like that to him, instead of injections and stuff that wear off?
As a registered nurse (since 1977), I started realizing the parroting media when they were hyping H1N1 and pts were coming in droves to get their H1N1 vaccines- it was insane. Then I noticed the hype over Zika and remembered the hype with lead testing in children (I fell for that one when my kids were little- and they never ate lead paint! ha!). I finally stopped listening/trusting media. Then I laughed at the fawning over Obama's "physique" (and laughed at the video of him holding little weights and doing step-ups.) The fawning over ugly Big Mike (and then seeing the picture of "her" deplaning in that godawful low-rent shorts outfit. And all those sweaters! Ha!) The cover-up over Barry's birth certificate, after I had watched the excellent presentation showing why it was fake. I was already awake by the time covid came around but I have to bring that into this because I literally thought I was going to go insane- it was breathtaking at how many medical truths were just thrown out the window by supposedly knowledgable medical people, including my intelligent veterinarian brother (wearing masks and getting the vaccine!) I remember sitting in front of Publix waiting for it to open so I could get some TP and watching all of the people arriving wearing their masks and standing apart from each other. I had serious depression from the dissonance of it all. The lies! Sorry for rambling....
I was thinking of wearing my Covfefe shirt