My first awakening was in 2015 when I discovered Thomas Sowell. When Trump won and the media started to attack him.
It was the first time in my life I started to think the Media was bullshit. I'll admit... I was a Democrat pre 2016.
I still don't remember what lead me to find X22Report. After listening to Dave for a few months.
I was full on red pilled and never going back.
Still wishing I could get my brother to wake up!
Gulf War '91 to I did not have sexual relations with that woman '98
By '99 God woke me up and I was fully awake but weak.
By '01 i was pretty sure i wasn't crazy.
By '10 i was pretty strong.
By '15 i was a force few could stand up to
By '17 i was questioning if maybe i was crazy.
By '20 i was sue i wasn't crazy and committed my life to the great awakening completely, after realizing all you anons were awake and catching up to me.
By '23 no one could stand up to me, and i had 30 years of truth seeking behind.
By '24 i'm at peace, and just watching any sparks or opportunities to red-pill to help get people up to speed, or completely shred a shill with as few words as possible.
Your last 3 years are so similar to how I feel. Thanks for putting them into words so eloquently.
When I saw everyone around me happily handing over their civil rights over a damn cold in 2020.
Edit: there had been previous things that never sat right with me like the way the Twin Towers fell, the above was the point where I stopped being in denial and started taking all of the redpills seriously.
Same here, could not believe what was happening to peoples thinking.
Me too. Nobody even questioned the "FBI building" collapse when other buildings closer to the towers were damaged but didn't collapse.
2007, Ron Paul talking about the non-federal no reserves bank. That led to a million rabbit holes and hasn't stopped yet.
Mine was how the media treated Ron Paul. Was a big Rush Limbaugh listener for years before this but if I could have slapped Katie Couric in her smug little face through the TV I would have. I came to realize the extent of the uniparty watching the obamacare vote when they were all good buddies and patting each other on the back when the thought that the cameras were off.
OKC Bombing ruby ridge and waco.
We gotta be around the same age cause those were mine too and I was just a kid
In 2005, then President George Bush Jr. said he thought of Jesus as a profit like Mohammed and Buddha. He claimed always to be a Christian, but he lied. He never was a Christian. I looked further into the family and it was a sickening realization and then McCain said that Obama was a good man. I knew better. My eyes opened and so did all the facts. The real facts of life as we thought we knew it. Then I hear Ron Paul and realized he wasn't crazy like they tried to make him out to be.
I was seven years old. We were watching the news and I knew that they were all a bunch of liars, and also that all they had to talk about was bad things. I was angry and I went to my room and I slammed the door. After that I never wanted to watch the news again. I’m 60 now. so that was 53 years ago
me too! could tell it was coordinated. I even remember the soap operas, how they 'programmed' kids & housewives. the commercials would say 'our program will return'...very obvious for a child that liked 'words'.
Things were seeming off to me, so started my own research. Had the same feeling about the news we were being fed. Found the boards 4chan, 8 chan, found and followed Q. Ate lots of Red pills.
The c19 bullcrap. Then I found this place…really opened my eyes.
2008....when the Kenyan was literally installed over Clinton.... I realized the whole process was rigged...
By the People: The Election of Barack Obama - 2009
“Nearly a year before Barack Obama announced his candidacy for the presidency, two filmmakers began to roll cameras on the young senator. Over the next 19 months, across the USA, the daily events of the presidential campaign are chronicled.”
This was many years before I woke up in 2020. It still got my attention. Like how did they know he would become president?
Late summer 1975. Watching how the media constantly celebrated Jimmy Carter's mama and hometown while portraying Ford as a bumbling idiot who falls down and hits people with golf balls. After a while it was just too over the top obvious to ignore. I recognized the media pattern early in life but thought it was about political preferences. By the middle of the Clinton era I knew the political struggle was all about money and power, but I did not understand how rooted it was in evil until shortly before Q arrived.
Twin towers and building 7– but a few years after when I finally really looked at it and realized the physics and math didn’t jive.
The way the towers fell never sat right with me, but I didn't even learn about Building 7 until 2020 that's how well they memory-holed it. How did I hear about it? It was when Alex Jones mentioned it on his first TimCast appearance and seconds later YouTube nuked the stream.
The 1996 downing of TWA Flight 800 was probably the first significant redpill (for me). I think that a record percentage of people were watching the news developments using a web browser instead of a newspaper or TV. The federal authorities kept hammering down on eyewitness reports and amateur video footage, for months and months. It all seemed off, if the goal was to find the cause and prevent its reoccurrence.
Friends wife died on that flight , she was a flight attendant !
Can I call it a reddish moment because I was only 9yo. On my 9th birthday, my Dad came home looking depressed. Jim Garrison lost the Clay Shaw assassination conspiracy trial that day because Shaw was found innocent. Dad worked on Garrison's team. He told me that day, "Always question what the gov't tells you." The feds did everything they could to torpedo the trial and Dad was bitter.
About 1966 - 1967 when a then-prominent member of the US House solicited my father for a bribe to perform a statutory act on my behalf. I was present. To his credit, my father declined. It began my awakening, furthered by a high-school English teacher who did an extensive unit on propaganda. I’ve been more than skeptical ever since. As a side benefit, my sales resistance is epic.
Waco Massacre 1993....
Verified, somehow, the Vietnam War was lost by the Politicians, not the Warriors....
Verified that we almost lost Korea due to U.N. Involvement....
Which verified Clintons BS, all of his BS....
Verified that Hollywood and MSM were noting more than Propaganda in the form of Entertainment, and even the ""Trusted"" News was just Entertainment on top of Propaganda....
It's a lot of Retrospect, until 9/11, and although drunk, I knew it was Bush and Co., that did all of that....
But long before any of this, before I had even gotten into junior high, before I joined the Army, still doing the Ranch Hand thing, I knew deep down, and had been taught by many Veterans, that the CIA Murdered JFK in Cold Blood, and with Prejudice and Malice aforethought....
The criminal obama stealing my ( and 40 million other working Americans) Paid health ins. and giving it to welfare slugs and illegal aliens.
Korea, 1987. Deployed for Team Spirit. A helicopter set up as an agricultural spray rig, flew over our camp, spraying "something". Every member of our company, got violently sick with some form of flu. That was it for me.
Obama's birth certificate. And it was Trump who was making the most noise about it!
Watching adverts that gradually phased out young white men.
I was in Kuwait after desert storm, watched em paint a Kuwait airliner white (UN) and used it to "recover stolen goods from Iraq" while loading it full of recovered munitions from the desert of Kuwait. I also learned about how much the Arab world hated their savior (US). It was quite the redpill.
Fox News saying Joe Biden won Arizona with only 15% of votes counted. Watching votes being flipped for Biden on live TV.
As a registered nurse (since 1977), I started realizing the parroting media when they were hyping H1N1 and pts were coming in droves to get their H1N1 vaccines- it was insane. Then I noticed the hype over Zika and remembered the hype with lead testing in children (I fell for that one when my kids were little- and they never ate lead paint! ha!). I finally stopped listening/trusting media. Then I laughed at the fawning over Obama's "physique" (and laughed at the video of him holding little weights and doing step-ups.) The fawning over ugly Big Mike (and then seeing the picture of "her" deplaning in that godawful low-rent shorts outfit. And all those sweaters! Ha!) The cover-up over Barry's birth certificate, after I had watched the excellent presentation showing why it was fake. I was already awake by the time covid came around but I have to bring that into this because I literally thought I was going to go insane- it was breathtaking at how many medical truths were just thrown out the window by supposedly knowledgable medical people, including my intelligent veterinarian brother (wearing masks and getting the vaccine!) I remember sitting in front of Publix waiting for it to open so I could get some TP and watching all of the people arriving wearing their masks and standing apart from each other. I had serious depression from the dissonance of it all. The lies! Sorry for rambling....
We refer to those who masked as "maskholes". It's good for a chuckle.
early 1970s with all the Nixon confusion, I could tell he was a good guy, I was about 5;) also when my kindergarten teacher argued with me about an art project, could tell she was a 'follower'. I didn't like that.
When I listen to some of the things that he had to say, he sounded way more libertarian than democrat. Like him or not he certainly didn't deserve what the deep state did to him and his family.
August 1987, The Boys On the Tracks.
Things like that, and they kept getting away with it..
My most profound moment was when NATO started the no-fly zone over Lybia back in 2011. Opeartion Odyssey Dawn.
Operational names usually aren't just drawn from a hat. I asked "well hot damn, what adventure are they starting?" After paying close attention for several years, that no-fly zone was the beginning of our side creating Isis.
Pretty big eye opening thing to watch happen in real time....
And Libya refused to join the world bank…until they did. After being decimated as an independent nation.
Reading about WW1 when I was a teen - none of it made sense, knew something was off. 9/11 clinched it, started digging and reading alternative history, still am. Currently making my way through The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality by John Hamer, its excellent.
9-11 was my wake up moment. When each tower fell into its own footprint and the "pancake collapse" was hurling debris for blocks sideways. I thought that looks impossible.
When I watched that happening, I remember praying and hearing "God will NOT be mocked". I had no idea how messed up that whole thing was and to this day there are no plausible excuses from the gubmint.
The Libya raid in ‘84. I knew all the real info. The media, etc. were getting so much wrong, including the real easy stuff.
'65 sophomore in h school i learned that elections were rigged (Wilson)
In 2014 when I learned about the climate hoax.
Suspicions about a lot of gov actions, but 9 -11 sealed it for me. Realized our gov would kill anyone, anytime, and any amount people to get their precious NWO.
Watched carefully and kept digging from that point on, only to find nothing but more confirmations. That never stopped and just accelerated into " We're just farm animals to them " and they are satan's soldiers who attack everyday, because they do have goals - World domination and enslavement.
I'd say they already achieved most of that, but since Trump, Q, Maga,other habbenings , I see legit hope for the first time ever. I believe we're looking at the precipice end of the year, but as u know datefaggin burns you every time, until one day - it doesn't.