digaroundandfindout 2 points ago +2 / -0

This article says they are using the same snipers that were in the AGR building....does this mean the ones that walked away from their stations?!?! The ones that went missing??? The ones thought to be the original suspects??


Goldinger told KDKA-TV earlier this week that the snipers posted inside the AGR building where Crooks fired from have been asked to help again. Law enforcement will also be on top of the AGR building.

digaroundandfindout 8 points ago +8 / -0

Revelation 17:17

For God has put it into their hearts to fulfill His purpose, to be of one mind, and to give their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God are fulfilled.

I too believe there are people who are trying to make it look like the end of the world or think it's their job to bring Jesus back (NAR folks and 7 mountainers), however, who is to say this is not God's plan? None of us know when it will happen, but God knows and made people give everything to the beast which leads to the war against Christ. I believe there is a thin line between those trying to force something and God using it for his ultimate plan. Do I think those people can cause the end of days? Absolutely not. Do I think God is working things towards his ultimate goal? Absolutely. I don't understand it all myself, but it sure is hard to decide what is real and fake when it comes to end times. But ultimately it doesn't matter because we know it will come one day and it's our job to be ready and warn others and try to bring them with us. One could even say Q is part of this "trying to force events to fulfill prophecies" thing.

digaroundandfindout 2 points ago +2 / -0

The below info does not contain photos of OP's event. It just shows that Maya Harris did attend an event with pizza for Hillary and it also shows Maya was on the campaign plane of HIllary and Podesta is in the background of a photo. Just showing that they all do know each other.

Original email saying Maya Harris was joining (at the bottom of the thread) : https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/53745

Maya Harris herself tweeting in 2021 about showing Hillary her grandkid on 2016 campaign : https://x.com/mayaharris_/status/1354620568817917952

Forbes article with picture of Hillary taking to Maya (though not mentioned by name) on her plane with John Podesta in the background : https://www.forbes.com/sites/timdaiss/2016/11/05/wikileaks-clinton-campaign-emails-broke-with-obama-on-arctic-oil-drilling/

Proof it is Maya Harris in that Forbes article with Getty Images photo (read caption) : https://www.gettyimages.co.uk/detail/news-photo/john-podesta-clinton-campaign-chairman-and-teddy-goff-wait-news-photo/621068974

Other photo of proof (read caption) it is Maya Harris on the plane from the same Getty Images photographer folder : https://www.gettyimages.co.uk/detail/news-photo/teddy-goff-listens-while-democratic-presidential-nominee-news-photo/621069302

Entire album of the photographer who labeled the album "PA: Hillary Clinton Campaigns In Key Swing States" including performances by Beyonce and JayZ : https://www.gettyimages.co.uk/editorial-images/news/event/hillary-clinton-campaigns-in-key-swing-states/680379257

digaroundandfindout 4 points ago +4 / -0

So you're telling me that these people are putting together a list of nurses that I can actually trust, all the while showing me which ones I can't?? Fantastic.

digaroundandfindout 9 points ago +9 / -0

They convinced people by having to change the definition of "vaccine" and also saying that the mRNA jab will teach your body to produce the spike protein. Literally become a little spike protein factory. I still can't get past that or how so many were like, yup sign me up!

digaroundandfindout 6 points ago +6 / -0

Ever since someone made a meme of him compared to Hades from the Disney cartoon movie Hercules, I can't see him any other way.

digaroundandfindout 4 points ago +5 / -1

Maybe the Samsung 7 or 9 or whatever it was way back was a prototype for this. Remember they were exploding and catching on fire and banned from planes.

Edit to add article. : https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/10/14/497999029/samsung-galaxy-note-7-banned-on-planes-including-in-checked-bags

digaroundandfindout 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hawaii goes back to 2014 and Tulsi Gabbard knows about it because she was in office at the time! Wrote a post here on it. The Humane Society of Hawaii tried to pass a bill but it never went through! Someone even stole a pet dog at one point and ate it and it made headlines!

digaroundandfindout 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is absolutely one of my worst fears. And something I would not put past the evil shitholes in this world. I feel like they are trying to make this a "normal" thing too with all the tv shows themed around cannibalism (Santa Clarita Diet, Fresh, Monster 2022 tv series) and the somewhat recent California ruling on using dead people as compost because you know, green planet power!

digaroundandfindout 3 points ago +3 / -0

As long as legalizing it does not cause Big Pharma to then go on a GMO spree and actually ruin the natural healing properties or turn it into a vaccine (lol).

digaroundandfindout 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is actually at least a 14 year old picture and the quote is usually referred to Maggie Kuhn. An old lady who formed the Gray Panthers and fought for the elderly voices and treatment. https://www.womenofthehall.org/inductee/maggie-kuhn/

digaroundandfindout 2 points ago +2 / -0

Operation Warp Speed Illegal Voter/Invasion edition

digaroundandfindout 2 points ago +2 / -0

Normies don't operate in reality. They need to be stirred to vote, let them be a little scared to have them wanting to vote against her. If they think it's in the bag with Trump, they may not vote because why we're gonna win. Which may even work in reverse that the democrat side thinks Kamala has it no problem. If either side feels it's on the line, they will feel like they have to fight to vote. If they feel it's hopeless, they may not vote. Probably a delicate balance somewhere.

digaroundandfindout 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah weird take for sure. If there were to be any comparison, I'd compare it to the sterilization they are trying to make normal with the trans kids and the free vasectomies. That to left you are nothing more than an animal to control or discard.

digaroundandfindout 1 point ago +1 / -0

I absolutely get what you are saying, and it's true that manipulation of emotions can cause problems. We know not everyone gets saved for whatever choices of their own. I absolutely understand that the same agenda in pop music is weaved through even Christian music. However, I believe that we are all called to Christ in different ways. God knows that what works for one person, will not work for another, and he will keep knocking on that door however way he knows will work. And he will not let anything that brings someone closer to him go to waste. Remember, it's the person's choice to continue walking towards Jesus or not. Sometimes that path takes turns, falling away, coming back, falling away again, and coming back for good. We absolutely do not know who actually is saved. Someone can look like the greatest Christian out there but their heart could be dark as night and they never actually believed in Jesus.

Now I say all this because music is how God reached me. Many years ago. Was I emotionally caught by the music and lyrics? Yes. Was I perfect after all that? Absolutely not, in fact it took many more years to 'get serious' and even by those standards today I laugh because I am even more different and 'serious' about my faith today. As Christians, we are commanded to constantly try to improve ourselves, but we're not going to get it right all the time. What the devil meant for bad, God means for good. God will turn ashes to beauty.

digaroundandfindout 3 points ago +3 / -0

I made a post awhile ago (here) showing how one of Trump's campaign ads was very (and I mean very) similar to one of the ghost (4th psyop) videos. It didn't get much traction, but it was a clear sign to me at least that convinced me that they are working together. With all the connections with Q, I would be shocked if they all weren't working together. Now if you were to ask me if it's all actually good guys, I couldn't tell you. But I sure hope so.

Trump Truth Social Ad : https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/112536996784956366

4th Psyop 'Time' video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQIMRxSILDg

The ghost video came out a month before Trump's.

digaroundandfindout 1 point ago +1 / -0

As the Kamala supporters say..... "WE'RE NOT GOING BACK"

Not doing this ever again. EVER.

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