Always check your ballot before pulling the lever. In one election - I pressed the GOP candidates. Checked my ballot and one had switched to DIMocrat. This happened 2 more times before finally registering all as GOP. I told the poll watchers in quite a loud voice that they should make sure that everyone is checking their ballots because ballot choices were being switched.
Went to Doc’s office today for bloodwork. They told me that I had to wear a mask. Told them that my sinuses were acting up and that I can barely breathe without a mask- not true but oh well. They didn’t say anything. On the way out, the nurse told me that she was proud of me for standing up.
This sending money is bullshit. Any agency receiving money from the Federal gov’t should have to publish monthly any money ( not just from the Feds) received and any money they spend. This is OUR money and we have to hold them accountable. Oh and the Federal gov’t including Congress should have monthly reports as well. All of these should be easily obtainable by US citizens.
Don’t know if Merkel is Hitler’s daughter but if you put Hitler’s mustache on her, there is definitely a resemblance. Bring up pics of Hitler and then Merkel. Many of their facial expressions look alike as well. As I posted, I don’t know if she’s his daughter but I wouldn’t doubt for a second that she is related.
Anon8675309, what I've told people when they talk about POTUS being crass is, "Give me crass any day over a traitor." or "I can accept a crass man who puts the US and its citizens first.". Those 2 statements usually at least cause a pause and in each case, they have become supporters of DJT.