djmarcone 2 points ago +2 / -0

never stopped.

Alex Jones asked him "Are you talking about demons?"

Icke said "you could call them that, some religions refer to them as that."

djmarcone 1 point ago +1 / -0

well, she's apparently exposed him for being a pedo, so there's that.

Someone who did psyops for a living may possibly still be doing psyops. I appreciate her educational content.

And she really stresses that the people are "the plan" and Q never meant for people to sit on their asses and wait for someone to show up and save the day. We are the plan.

djmarcone 7 points ago +8 / -1

ah yes, Tore Says Show. Strangely she always gets some hate here but apparently was involved in CIA psyops and stealing (foreign) elections. Has quite a story and has explained some aspects of Q and what/who/how it is. Worked for Brennan.

Strange person, quite knowledgeable about lots of topics, the podcast is primarily informative and educational.

Also has eluded to being the person who posted as John Titor as part of her work.

djmarcone 2 points ago +2 / -0

could be the rothschilds or whichever family name they are using now. (genetically the same but using a different name for cover)

The USA is built on a strong foundation of freedom, liberty, family values, Christian values yet religious freedom, work ethic and unity in the pursuit of that foundation among all the other classic american ideals.

In order to destroy the country and usher in the global communist technocracy that they want, the USA must be destroyed and thus the foundations must be destroyed. All the chaos we are seeing is textbook communist takeover disruptions. Textbook.

It isn't that the "left" is obsessed with all these things, this thing or that thing, the "left" is attempting a communist revolution. Each atrocity we see them committing isn't about that one thing. Each one is a sledge hammer blow to one more block of the foundation of this country.

By focusing on each one thing and getting upset about that one thing we don't see the forest for the trees.

Make no mistake, this is an ongoing communist revolution.

When wondering who "they" are that is fomenting it from the top, it is clear that the Rothschilds or their ilk. It is someone whose name we likely don't know.

djmarcone 1 point ago +1 / -0

of course, but if you start looking at stats of when Diabetes and heart attacks started to spike, were HFCS and seed oils that prominent?

I either don't know or don't remember, it's possible because when there was a spike in heart disease and the congressional hearings for that is when they came up with the Lipid Hypothesis, I don't think things like margarine and so on were as prominent.

djmarcone 2 points ago +2 / -0

they said Biden endorsed Kamabla 1/2 hour after the drop out posting in order to get back at Obama because she was not the intended candidate.

I think that's true, but it was Jill, not Biden.

I hope he un drops out that will be SO good. Especially if he says it wasn't him.

djmarcone 5 points ago +5 / -0

imagine if generations ago if they HAD NOT pushed the fake "Lipid Hypothesis" and the horribly flawed food pyramid. Imagine if the sugar lobby hadn't fooled and/or paid off everyone so that people cut salt, fat, cholesterol and then filled everything with sugar and sugar equivalents.

Imagine how many heart attacks and strokes could have been avoided if people had instead avoided excess sugar?

djmarcone 3 points ago +4 / -1

these woke globalist communists keep whining about Muh Science yet they thought the most elite athletes in the world would want to go vegan during the most intense days of their athletic careers?

These people probably have vegan cats too. And if they actually managed to reproduce somehow, would probably make their babies go vegan also.

djmarcone 1 point ago +1 / -0

83.66 for 24 months huh?

Imagine making payments on your child sex slave....

djmarcone 1 point ago +1 / -0

that kind of scenario plays out just like that for many of the pols in DC and elsewhere, they get drunk or dosed then get video'd in compromising situations. They are allowed or even helped to achieve their positions but they are completely controlled the whole way. For both parties.

You can see better every year who is comp'd and who isn't, the pols who give fiery speeches but never actually do anything vs the ones who are despised and shut out and harangued all the time who actually try to do things that line up with their fiery speeches.

djmarcone 2 points ago +2 / -0

I would have asked whether she is actually in charge of the usss and who is really in charge because she doesn't seem to know anything about anything.

They bring in the "directors" of these crooked and inept agencies and they don't answer any questions it's obvious they simply don't know anything. The entrenched bureaucracy run the agencies the "director" are just political appointments that do diddly squat but collect a check, go to PR meetings and take the blame or the praise.

djmarcone 1 point ago +1 / -0

TFW you realize why they loaded out the entire rally with B team fill-ins and non-secret service agents.

djmarcone 3 points ago +3 / -0

I saw this on teh goog looking into this issue to see if it affects any of the dozens of pc I look after:


has some methods to fix it

djmarcone 4 points ago +4 / -0

they need to recruit the eagle eyed rally attenders because they obviously do a better job of spotting threats than the usss.

djmarcone 2 points ago +2 / -0

no this was a failed assassination attempt, plain and simple.

It was equipped with a patsy, with complicit usss, and they F'd up because DJT has protection that can't be defeated.

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