dominickmilford 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh, my bad, I didn't actually ever join directly, just listened in via other channels, so I didn't read the actual title on X. Did not realize they called it an interview as well.

Sorry for the mistake, I still appreciated your response though!

dominickmilford 2 points ago +2 / -0

WTF!? The words Project 2025 were NEVER uttered or discussed AT ALL, was this just deliberate gaslighting for those who did not catch the interview? Whatever the case it feels petty and comes off as sad that they needed to outright lie in their response.

Its also fairly obvious they will use Kamala's term to engage Elon Musk in NO HOLDS BARRED LAWFARE same as they did with Trump.

Please get someone more mature to like, write these campaign statements, mmk thanks?!?

dominickmilford 4 points ago +4 / -0

You are right, it was a talk and not an interview... I should've been more careful with my language there.

Nice of you to add your opinion though, and agreed! 😃

dominickmilford 5 points ago +5 / -0

A lot of users referring to the event as being similar to a modernized "Fireside Chat" just now...

I would definitely agree that Elon should maybe try to do more of these in the future in some kind of format. It would be cool if he could get other relevant political voices to come on with him before the election, maybe do them once every two weeks or so.

I did read that a similar platform and structure was extended to Kamala Harris and she declined... so I am not sure if he would get anyone relevant from the left...

But after looking at metrics and the increased visibility (**like Elon repeatedly mentioned this was ideal to be listened to by independent voters, and I know he was likely gunning for center left types like himself) and if this talk made an impact. He could do future "X spaces discussions" with JD Vance and other relevant MAGA voices that many of this voting group haven't heard speak directly and likely have preconceived notions about due to hearing the MSM news.

Probably not going to happen and already the MSM is completely hammering the delayed start but hopeful there will be an impact from this one at least.

dominickmilford 4 points ago +4 / -0

The endgame of 'Modern Monetary Theory' come to pass... we are inches away from that version of reality at present

dominickmilford 7 points ago +7 / -0


Edit: please everyone watch thru Benny Johnson Tim Pool or Badlands

dominickmilford 6 points ago +6 / -0


Tim Pool is in check his YT link above. NO talking yet


Benny Johnson from Rumble is also tapped in.


dominickmilford 8 points ago +9 / -1

This is when the REAL GAMES BEGIN, in earnest.

There's certainly a new understanding to our hindsight now that T returns to X - marks the spot - and the value registered by these new variables in our expression registers a sum total value larger by EXPONENTIAL orders of magnitude than previously. Direct and unfettered, as has been said: but now, how can THEY possibly tolerate that? The REAL and RAW DATA now scheduled to COMPLETELY BYPASS the stage where they CAPTURE and MANIPULATE before release to the PUBLIC AT LARGE?

I was fairly confident this move would occur after the Trump campaign had reached out to Tiktok, attempting to make in-roads with the younger demographic represented in that audience. While that gave Trump a decent increase in volume, NOTHING BUT THIS MOVE could properly REPRESENT the turn to MAXIMIZED OUTPUT as well as his CROSSING SWORDS with the VILE AND CORRUPT AMERICAN MEDIA.

This is the legendary gladiator returned from exile to once more do battle in the arena. His legacy as the champion of the people and the de facto speaker of unadulterated truth (and undercover signs known to we, his digital warriors, who labor happily to decipher those hidden meanings and translate to his common audience. They loathe us the most because they struggle to crack the codes still!) will have every ludus in a frenzy (FOX, MSNBC, ABC and the other great houses) preparing hastily, spinning their webs and desperately looking for renewed alliances between themselves.

Expect the calling in of governments around the world for aid to censor tarnish and cripple this return which must be labelled dangerous to our democracy.

Yes, a danger to THEIR DEMOCRACY which they embarrassingly now endeavor to describe as those collected INSTITUTIONS, NGO'S & CIVILIAN REGULATORS whom are best at deciding and deciphering what the will of we the people is. How contemptible!

Already we have begun with the EU's urgent cease and desist letter to Musk, tonight it is almost certain we will witness DDoS attacks and other arrows shot from all around the entire globe to try and shut down this conversation that has no barriers according to interviewer Elon. DECLAS has stopped events as large as wars in the past, many of us remember news of a strange rocket explosion near the end of 22, before it was seemingly redacted and buried by mid-morning.

The threat of such things as this puts them into RED ALERT, and if recency bias can glean anything for us, its that [DS] will be stumbling over themselves to do things, more 🤡 than ever! Let the hilarity ensue!


dominickmilford 2 points ago +2 / -0

Here's the thing - Trump circa 2016 was extremely ill-equipped in terms of having the proper LEADERSHIP CLASS - by whom I mean individuals with suitable resumes in business, military, finance, political science, etc. as well as other thought leaders who were fully ascribed to Trump's bold vision of the future - to staff the many openings provided to him within the executive after his win.

Bannon mentioned it before, that there were 20 or 30 TRUE MAGA people in the room with him when he took the win from Hillary, and subsequently he was forced to vet hundreds of Republicans recently turned to avowed MAGA disciples and it was plain to see in hindsight many of these people were there for other reasons chiefly.

The Republican majority of 16-18 was very effectively squandered on purpose by Paul Ryan and his acolytes in Congress, combined with the numerous tentacles they managed to insert into Trump's WH staff. Obviously Trump has only so much control over who was elected to the Republican side of Congress circa 2016 and what their alignment towards him would be.

He was effectively replacing the ineffective and maligned Republican party of the past with a whole new Reform party with different ideals and goals that would only be tangentially similar to that party of Graham and McCain.

I'm sure there was an expectation they would stymie him from all angles they still clung onto and that THIS would be the REAL turning point where MAGA gained majority power within party leadership of Congress - we needed the struggle sessions of no less than almost a decade's worth of elections to merely BE IN POSITION to achieve that goal and thus gain the necessary power to start to implement the larger, sweeping reforms that Trump had talked about from the beginning.

Now that he has a significant number of those aforementioned leadership class stalwarts who have been previously vetted by both his team and the public at large and won't prove out as turncoats put in place to thwart and subvert the MAGA agenda, a large scale win in these elections now have a proper crop of players to choose from and populate the team with, en route to our 2007 New England Patriots season. WIN BABY WIN!

The defeats of 2020 and 2022 then were lessons and predicted within the story arc of the past 9 years long before they took place. Premeditated and acceptable losses in battles, in order to gather strength and prevent premature expenditure of key assets. Necessary defeats, none of them minor, but none so major to sway the overall outcome - events survived and scars taken to better commit to memory, on the way to the WAR'S DECIDING FINALE & ULTIMATE VICTORY!

Thanks for the read.

dominickmilford 1 point ago +1 / -0


Arresting people for sharing news articles that contained incorrect dangerous (mis/dis/mal) information has always been a pillar of Our Democracy. 🤡☠

[One of the best points to come out of the Twitter Files saga, when SO CALLED JOURNALISTS Shellenberger and Taibbi testified - I forget but I believe Taibbi said it.]

Is it now ILLEGAL to have an OPINION that is wrong or incorrect?

Terrifyingly, the answer appears to be YES. JUST LOVE these boot licker Statist anchors passing it off as normal and not completely sociopathic, as well. "It's a reminder to us that we are all accountable for what we say." Mmm, yes, very free and open society, where every day speech is criminal if it is not what BIG BROTHER told us. Removing all those potential violences that it caused, in the name of DEMOCRACY™️

dominickmilford 3 points ago +3 / -0

Quick search produced the following:

West Point is a city in and the county seat of Cuming County, Nebraska, United States.] The population was 3,504 at the 2020 census.


🙄🙄🤨.... seriously!?


As my Nan always used to say that You can lead a Walz to water, but you can't make it drink.... horse semen. 🐴🤣🤣

dominickmilford 2 points ago +3 / -1

Not sure why, but I can see what seems to be NUMEROUS anatomical issues and other weirdness. I don't know enough to say if its full, partial or whatever in terms of the AI but to my eye, it is REALLY EASY to tell there is something unnatural and doctored about this photo.

I did not download the image, I am just zooming in from a browser page on my phone which is an old Galaxy 8. Follow along with me if you would like.

  • Start at the bottom middle of the image, at the sign: WHEN WE FIGHT WE WIN. Look underneath the sign and between the set of arms holding the sign up. There is what looks to be the back of an older female's head, short grey hair. There is a disembodied section of black arm jutting through right there. I can't see any shoulder its connected to and it doesn't appear to protrude anywhere else around the edges of the sign unless...
  • Start at the sign again. Look at the middle left edge of the sign, there is a partial cell phone showing, perhaps being held by that disembodied black arm. Above that is a pudgy white hand seeming to belong to Mr. Grey swirl hair grey shirt to the left of the sign. All that looks OK but then something bothers me. Travel left from the chubby hand to the edge of the image, why is the tattooed hand SO much smaller? Depth issue I think.
  • Same starting spot. Go to the right, past the cell phone and to the bottom right corner of the image. Look at the sunglasses on brunette's head. Is that a 2nd set just floating above the first?
  • Start at the blue shirt Harris-Walz sign closest to us. Move to the right and find the bald man, look at the position the light seems to be shining off of his head from.
  • Keep at baldy and move "up" right in front of his head, the cell phones and arms are melting into each other or something.
  • Start at the nose of the plane, zoom in and look at the right edge of the image. 50 foot woman ready for Snoo Snoo there.
  • Start at the plane, zoom in at the 'A' in America and look right above it. Prehistoric dorsal fin? Looking to the left of it seems like maybe another plane starting to materialize behind there.
  • Start at the staircase next to the word "UNITED" on the plane, zoom in, move down and look just past the line where the light/shadow change. Looks like Grover came to get a picture of Kamala for the guys at Sesame Street. Arms making a big old number zero "0" that's fantastic. LOL.

Idk if this will help anyone but it is kind of fun to play Waldo and spot the strangeness in these things tbh.

dominickmilford 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Missus" Flanagan, eh? .... yuck.

Personally after having gone through numerous photos of hers, I don't exactly see a man under there... she seems to have that squat, wide frame of some Native American folk (I used to hang w/ some Lumbees and am part Creek myself)

But gosh dang if that isn't a GROUCHO MARX schnoz, and whatever the hell is going on with the rest of it. And the shirt itself was just too rife with devilish symbolism to not share with y'all.

Her husband seems like he probably enjoys a Peggy-ing, too. 🤣

dominickmilford 13 points ago +13 / -0

Ugh, what else could we expect?

These people are Sick.

I hope this is a massive scandal that puts Kama(b)la in serious doubt and sends her ultra-fragile fake polls into the sub-basement.

They are terrified to even put her on camera, and now Walz comes with a whole slew of issues that need to be accounted for. Who is going to answer these questions?

This is now the ultimate paper tiger ticket, Walz is a nothing-burger, a cowardly capitulation to the Genocide Joe weirdos. He's a far-left sycophant with all kinds of problems, THE SQUAD ENDORSES HIM but also he is a "moderate" Dem? Really Nance, does Obama endorse him and his record? MISS ME WITH YOUR BULLSHIT. ALL OF AMERICA PLEASE REPEAT AFTER ME.

They desperately want to keep this honeymoon alive just a bit longer, maybe they think the media can spend another week or two defending and apologizing for Walz. It won't work.

Can't wait to watch this one go up in flames. They'll be asking for Joe back any minute now.

dominickmilford 4 points ago +4 / -0

Just talked to my Mom who is about 30 minutes west of Winston-Salem (on I-40; Bermuda Run area for those who are curious) she said y'all were getting only a touch of rain so far but it could be up to 30 inches in North Charleston where her sister lives.

Also have an aunt outside Tampa that we need to check in with.

Here in New England we have a severe thunderstorm happening, flood watches and a lot of rain and wind, but unrelated to Debby.

Where ever you are be safe, anons!

dominickmilford 2 points ago +2 / -0

How is rural Oklahoma similar to UK?

Thinking about the behavior of UK police in the sticky u/brain_dead had with a video log of the UK rioting. Weren't they claiming the rioters WERE ACTUALLY extremist racists, and most of them white?

So in that instance it was an anti-Muslim response generated by extremist white racist people (organized or no, but LIKELY right wing according to the UK media and you were backing up that position) who were doing the most egregious damage and causing harm and chaos.

Then there were groups of what seemed to be counter protesters, opposition made up apparently of folks with higher melanin, donning facial coverings and engaging with the original group. (And by now we can just abbreviate by calling them Nazi punks eh? Cuz the media said that's who they were... and most importantly, though it was lost on many, WHY they were out demonstrating)

And if I'm incorrect anywhere just say so, but did we not view footage in that video log where the UK police seemed to be actively engaging with Nazi punks while elsewhere they were allowing the brave counter protesters to walk on by even as they donned weaponry?

I am pursuing this because I think it leads to a major truth underneath: we now assign ourselves to a DIFFERENT MORAL CODE than ever before in the United States of America. Starting from a long period of indoctrination, miseducation in schools, trampling of religious doctrine, deception by an ever more false, jingoist media subsumed with propaganda and many other spheres of American life invaded, we have been turned to another way of thought and response, and I think mostly unbeknownst to us.

This is the LAW OF THE JUNGLE.

This is about man's treatment of his fellow man, when asked to do something to their neighbor that they know deep down to be wrong, how will that man who holds even the most meager bit of power over others will choose to act.

This is about Stockholm syndrome; when Father goes out at night and doesn't tell us where he has been, and gives us a beating for transgressions we didn't know we did. Then we take it out on brother and sister.

Because hurt people hurt people. Man is given to cruelty, especially when his masters are giving him the very same. The extreme manifestations of this in cancel culture and the celebration of victimhood are terribly ill omens for where the psychology of collective society is at currently. We have to find a way to NOT ALLOW OURSELVES to be victims, to rise above that label and overcome those miserable circumstances in pursuit of a brighter day.

The alternative is grim. Justice replaced by revenge. Tearing down someone else, whether or not they were your tormentors, is now the cultural standard we have been seduced into believing is acceptable. The endgame of that is again, a zero-sum one: mutual destruction.

Much of this has been a subliminal spread, only now starting to show itself in video clips such as this, and elsewhere, Rittenhouse or BLM or Canadian truckers and more stand as examples; but plainly I wonder if the tenure of Janet Reno, Oklahoma City, Ruby Ridge and Waco were the beginnings of the collapse. Once upon a time, the President's infidelity to his wife and the dreadful particulars of that story were a grievous injury to his public support and image; now just 25 years later, we would elect a dead man (or create one) just to stop the other scumbag from winning.

Support for a candidate gets people to go vote; hatred and disgust for the OTHER candidate wakes EVERYONE in the Nation to cast their ballots.

Culture is upstream from politics and whether we like it or not everyone is so afraid these days they almost instantly revert back into an identity group when threatened. The bubbles pods and echo chambers technology has helped all of us fall into are the way the globalists and Democrat machine destroys us; that is, by destroying one another.

More than anything else I think COVID was a social experiment, to see how much they could tighten the screws and get away with it. The worst thing about all of it was the sheer amount of people in positions of authority like doctors and police just doing their jobs.

Civil disobedience HAS to be the way. We can't allow ourselves to fear consequences to ourselves and our station in life MORE than we dislike punishing our fellow man for no real reason. Good Christians and Patriots MUST resist or we are doomed. Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.

Some food for thought.

dominickmilford 13 points ago +13 / -0

This is too easily going to be marked down as mostly "racist" "ant-Muslim" "alt-right" Whites and a few "brave counter protestors of Middle East heritage" responding in a "mostly peaceful" manner until they underwent "vicious assaults" and were "valiantly defended" by Old Billy and his mates.

Just a little too picture perfect for next week's discussion at the Tony Blair Society I mean nothing is ever so starched and wrinkle free in life, much less gatherings of "the public" (well, mostly they don't look to be glowing 🤣)

Any Geordies in this crowd of ignan't white rights perhaps? Any cops off-duty (or ON assignment) tagging along? I spotted quite a few pairs of sunglasses and Tai-Bo bodies, especially in the scenes with the most melee happening.

And I heard tell the fair, balanced and free UK press and tellie news was now saying initial reports of the attacker's ethnicity being Muslim was in fact (to quote good ol Joe in the States) a Russian disinformation campaign, which duped the ~WHITE PEOPLE~ UK citizens into taking to pavement.

Of course, in the US they aren't allowed to release certain details when a minor is involved in a crime, so who could know who is lying or truthful, if the law is the same across the pond (which I do not know)

But it seems quite the happy coincidence for certain coalitions within UK politics that all this unfortunate business was ignited the way they tell it, you know?

What does Mr. Farage say? I would believe him far, far ahead of any other source. Or maybe you can just reverse whatever Piers Morgan claims is going on 🤣

dominickmilford 6 points ago +6 / -0

Wow he is hitting these so damn fast LOL. He'd give the best auctioneer a run for their money.... but it also would be like everyone having their paddle raised, if bids were facts.[You know what I mean. 😖]

I know I'm getting slower with my old age, but I had to give this a couple spins to catch everything: That logic takes a lot of balls. There's no reason to bring Michelle Obama into this, but....


dominickmilford 1 point ago +1 / -0

I know what you mean, which is why I ALSO said that I can't decide if they wanted to distract everyone with the chaos that was happening there or not in another paragraph.

If anything, maybe they just didn't expect the numbers of people hanging around outside the perimeter.

Also I found an article that studied this video and apparently found a muzzle flash coming from one of the windows:


The plot thickens....

dominickmilford 8 points ago +8 / -0

Wow. After watching all of this, and then reading his notes about what happened afterward at the end of the clip, all I can say is God Damn what a Clusterfuck this was.

I don't think the operatives who planned and coordinated this had any notion that there would be his level of activity and peering eyes** when they planned this out.

Could we possibly say that another element that contributed to Trump's life being saved that day were these numerous watchful and attentive Patriots? I'd certainly like to credit them.

Perhaps they incorrectly assumed that when the event began, everyone would just be focused on Trump and they would have more time and space around the perimeter.

If I'm thinking like a libtard or a glowie, I see potential: they see Trump as a demagogue after all. Its possible that they misjudged the sheer number of folks who would be present outside and at further distance from the event after Trump took the stage.

Personally I have been wondering if the chaos around that building wasn't intentional to focus everyone's eyes that way while they set up the real killshot somewhere else.

Whatever the case its pretty obvious something went wrong. This footage of some angry douche attempting to clear the area outside the building just around an hour before the shots were fired seems to FURTHER SUGGEST that this was a coordinated set of events. So this guy walks around trying to shoo people off and just minutes later McLovin strolls up and jumps onto the building unseen?

Yeah, fuck off please.

Let's give thanks to this man and the other patriots who were on condition yellow, paying careful attention to what was happening around them and had the forethought and savvy to start recording when things started to get weird. Bravo you guys.

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