dot1118 2 points ago +2 / -0

NOT really. Looked it up and this is how far away. 4 hr 44 min (281.0 mi) via I-71 N

dot1118 3 points ago +3 / -0

I actually looked at some of the file when it was released along with a lot of other files before Trump was forced out after winning the 2020 election. It had stuff from Killery and Huma one being Frazzledrip. Only looked at a small portion since it was too disturbing to watch the whole thing. Huma Killery and a poor young beautiful girl that they tortured and did cut off her face. There was also a LOT of Satanic objects that were on the computer. I copied them and sent them to a family member and months later when I pulled up the email the pictures would not show. Didn't think it was something that had to be saved.

dot1118 2 points ago +2 / -0

I just pulled up Papi Trump on twitter.

dot1118 1 point ago +1 / -0

BTW we definitely don't require the vax. I wouldn't let them tough me with that thing or my children.

dot1118 6 points ago +6 / -0

My brother started and owns Encore Technologies in Cincinnati. My 4 brothers one being an engineer and sister work there as do I. My son graduated in computer engineering in 2017 and works there. We have almost 300 people working there now and growing. Not sure how close you are to the area but we also have a separate group there that does recruiting for companies needing IT type workers. We don't do the hire from other countries for cheap labor shit. Contact me and I can give you more information on the company and who to contact.

dot1118 2 points ago +2 / -0

Didn't anyone see the emails that came out a while ago where Pence and Paul Ryan were trying to make themselves the 2016 ticket after Trump won the nomination? Also a deposition that when Rod was going to pull the 25th on Trump Pence was ready to step in and there was a fight who would then be the VP which Rod thought he deserved. He's a POS and a pussy.

dot1118 -2 points ago +3 / -5

He's a pedophile and a pussy. The reason he isn't into other women other than mother (wife) is he likes other men/boys according the deposition given by Dr Jon McGreevy.

dot1118 2 points ago +2 / -0

Anything is better than what we are living through now. Steve Bannon expects an orgy of spending between now and Jan 2023 if they can't cheat enough to stay in. I hate RINOS but they are a bit better. Not sure is winning the house and senate will help the millions pouring in the border. The Governors would have to play hardball and Abbott has done nothing to keep them from crossing or sending them back. Him putting them in the spotlight like DeSantis did help the dem narrative the the border was fine.

dot1118 4 points ago +4 / -0

After All this time I'll believe it when I see it. Meanwhile how do you fix the 2 years and counting of great damage caused by this administration. A lot of us have lost everything or close to it and those of us at retirement age like myself won't be able to recover financially to retire for years and I have numerous health issues. How do we rid ourselves of the millions of gimmegrants that have come here for all the free stuff we have to pay for. There is still proof of voter fraud going on in this election so nothing has changed.

dot1118 2 points ago +2 / -0

I save up and buy 10 at a time of 100 oz when I can. They set it inside the door and I have to get one of my kids to come over and move it.

dot1118 2 points ago +2 / -0

I like Ampex for buying my silver, My sister likes JM Bullion. I find better prices on Ampex. I'm trying to do catchup too. My stocks are all losing so it's my only hope to eventually retire. I'm already past the not early retirement date. Hope I can retire by 70 wth unless silver takes off in the next year or 2.

dot1118 -1 points ago +1 / -2

For a year I followed Scavino's every move on Twitter that showed a lot of hopium. We're still waiting and living in hell on earth as many of us lose everything so I don't bother looking anymore.

dot1118 1 point ago +1 / -0

My water tastes great with my filter which is why I was so surprised. I have a Rainsoft system that softens my water then an additional filter added to the kitchen sink. The last 6 years my pink rose lasted about 5 days after picking and putting in a vase with my water. \Why is it different this year in May and October.

dot1118 1 point ago +1 / -0

Can't afford it between all the supplements I take for 5 autoimmune diseases and inflation it's all I can do to keep my house at 60 degrees in the winter and eat cheap food.

dot1118 7 points ago +7 / -0

I ordered mine and hydroxy online from alldaychemist without a script because my crappy doctors won't write one. I have 5 autoimmune the first one starting after getting the 1976 shot. Got bleeding issue ITP and it went down hill from there. I did a 5 day course of Ivermectin to see if it would help any of my autoimmune and I haven't noticed any difference. I do keep it on hand in case I get the China virus since I'm so compromised. I still work full time because I have to and go out in public but the days I have a few places to go I take some quercetin for a couple of days along with the regular zinc, vit c, vit d and other supplements to keep me off Methotrexate. Almost all of my family has had the virus at least once including my unvaxed children. I can't help but believe that the quercetin has helped. A year ago my daughter and I spent 2 days at a giant rock concert event with Metallica playing 2 days and no illness.

dot1118 2 points ago +2 / -0

I just had Graeters ice cream tonight for dinner. Also have frozen Skyline in my freezer almost always. 2 of my favorites.

dot1118 1 point ago +1 / -0

It was cut and put in water in about a minute. After I woke up and saw it I knew it looked wilted enough to not improve but I did pour out the water and put in the regular tap water and nothing changed. The fact it happened in May convinced me there was something really wrong going on with my water and I already have a slew of health issues that go back many years. It never happened the year before or the other 6 years I lived in the area and picked my rose.

dot1118 7 points ago +7 / -0

There was a clip 6 months or more ago of a DC building where the chick was facing the window holding on to the windowsill maybe with a guy right behind her and a lot of movement going on. Clearly some booty call. Garrett Ziegler had the clip on his Telegram and I saw it another place but don't remember where. Some claim it was Psaki.

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