I'm off topic, but you're talking about sleep apnea and tagging it to obesity? That's rich. Don't open a door if you don't want someone to come in, Fren.
Everyone in the world would be better off if each and every person enhanced their empathy skills.
What’s the inherent value of gold, people think it’s shiny? I’ve always thought jewelry is a vain waste of money, diamonds too.
You guys keep pumping money into gold and in 5 years, we will see who made a greater return.
Great Article! The author states very closely what I feel: President Trump knows what he is doing, he has inside information we cannot possess and we need to truest who he selects to help him with the most monumental task of our time-destroy the Deep State and return our Constitutional Republic to We The People.
Obviously I have hit a nerve. Wish you the all the best.