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Hang High until u know the thing
YT I banned in many countries
Sorry for the loss . You are right Chemotherapy is not a good thing . If I need I will go with Ivermectin/ Fenbenazol and no Sugar
I hope this is true
5 shooters trying to Kill Our CIC Fake basement Actor playing FJB . Fake Camell tow
When you have your country full of Nazi what you do . Send them to Bandera . If not it will be you
Kabuki theater
He was in Ukraine until end of April this year. Nobody talks about it
Hope to see him Hanging by his feet same like the Duche
Controlled u know the thing
Wrong . Elon should see 2000 Mules
Polygraph yearly
Brandon not popular. Goes under the bus
Woman is not correct to me
I hope she is right . Treason and crimes need medicine . Very bitter one . Like gallows and firing sq
What Romel did .
They don't want to use Cockpit but they mutilate Innocent kids . Mentally disturbed Cabal munions
I am using it
WH is not White House
Yes I agree . Omicron was the WH antivax
What nationality is this POS . He cannot even speak English
Not very high Hopes
Hang High until u know the thing