drywall88 6 points ago +6 / -0

The PM does not have insane amounts of power compared to regular MPs. In most cases it's better to be an MP as you'll be in opposition, you can call out the PM as much as you want but will never be held responsible for any of the fuckery done by the government. You can also block much of the fuckery.

drywall88 1 point ago +1 / -0

In this cashless clown world, best you can do is to put your money into your own computer.

drywall88 1 point ago +1 / -0

Basically electric motors, but it burns hydrogen gas instead of carrying a huge flammable battery. The main issues is that hydrogen is very explosive, and not very rich in energy, but it is very clean when everything works, and could be useful in cities if it wasn't for the huge explosion risk.

Either way, by focusing on that part without having to worry about how to build the rest of the truck from scratch, they have a better chance of success. Personally I prefer diesel.

drywall88 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nikola might be the only one with some hope, they buy truck chassis from DAF and will install either hydrogen or electric engine in it. Most others have never built a car/truck before and tries to do it all from scratch.

drywall88 11 points ago +11 / -0

Notice how Norway and Switzerland are some of the richest countries in Europe, yet none of them are members of the EU.

drywall88 2 points ago +2 / -0

All in all, those $365M would cover less than 100 illegals, housing, food and all the surrounding costs related to it. During the 2015 peak when borders were open, 1.8M illegals came to EU as a whole. EUs total population is roughly 500M and Hungary has almost 10M people, a ratio of 50:1.

If EU got what they wanted, i.e distributed illegal immigration, while returning to the 2015 numbers. That means 36 000 illegals to Hungary alone every year. The fines they got is a fart in the ocean compared to the cost of all those illegals.

drywall88 2 points ago +2 / -0

Brainwashing by a certain group of demonic people, and it's all women allover the world, they're all attracted to foreign men.

drywall88 2 points ago +2 / -0

It would be the perfect way to prevent deported illegals from returning, even if they get rid of it somehow the marks still gonna be there forever. Too many of these illegals just moves on to the next country as soon as they get deported from one. There needs to be more cooperation among all western countries to track and keep illegals away.

But I doubt that will ever happen as monitoring illegals only would remove the justification for monitoring everyone.

drywall88 4 points ago +4 / -0

Were it came from most likely.

Tho with Biden in charge it wouldn't surprise me if that one comes to America via some NGO. Sweden apparently chip these freaks now too so that they can't return back to EU at all. Only thing missing is a big tattoo on their forehead saying "DEPORTED" in red.

drywall88 5 points ago +5 / -0

Or allow execution when their home country refuse to have them back. Basically eliminating the concept of having no citizenship anywhere and forcing immigrants to behave and not commit any crime which would cause them to get deported.

drywall88 1 point ago +1 / -0

Same reason AWS has value, we live in the digital age of the internet and a lot of people depends on services which they realize could fuck them over at any time. People want and need decentralized alternatives, such as Bitcoin to avoid always having to live in fear of getting shut down and fucked over if they don't obey.

Have you ever been online? of course you have, you're here in this forum right. Sharing your opinions with a bunch of strangers. Hence your right to be heard must be somewhat valuable to you, now think about the fact that there are roughly 2B more people in that same situation.

drywall88 1 point ago +1 / -0

The best engine is one that is overbuilt, performance and reliability usually have to compromise to find the perfect balance. For your daily drive reliability is all the matters.

drywall88 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's hard to stop people from walking cycling. Unless... they use medicine and poison our food to make everyone fat, tired and miserable, that way I can see how a lot of people would prefer to work from home and never go outside, they'll be too sick.

And then in a few decades when AI is perfected in all these areas, all these useless eaters can die alone in their pods.

A very dark future indeed. Eat red meat and fruit, take water from your own well, avoid all kinds of slop and make sure to exercise every day. No need to dress up like a fag in spandex with logos of multinational corporations, just take a walk, a hike or ride a bicycle out to nearest forest, beach or mountain range. Enjoy the nature and the fresh air.

drywall88 2 points ago +2 / -0

Every now and then I look at new cars, only to come to the realization that my current old cars will always be more affordable and reliable thanks to simplicity.

drywall88 3 points ago +3 / -0

One last attempt of grift before the inevitable switch to mass transit and bicycles happens in the cities. The modes of transport they can't tax or practice usury on your wallet while you use them.

Or I could be wrong, and we'll see something even more stupid in terms of expensive pod based transportation, which you pay a lot for but don't actually own and can't be repaired. 🤡🌎

Hyperloop and the Vegas loop already failed, and now those tunnels are worthless because they're too small and too curvy to fit a train in them.

drywall88 2 points ago +2 / -0

They were always doomed to fail as they could only ever serve as short distance transport within a city, And because cars within cities was already a stupid idea to begin with, all the problems that came with that won't be solved by making all the cars bigger, heavier and a lot more prone to spontaneously explode.

drywall88 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's old, during the most recent arrest they dragged her away face down. Here they carry her. There's also this based guy who walked right through the protest.

drywall88 1 point ago +1 / -0

Recycling is hard, the cops wouldn't know which bin to stuff her in. Not that it matter tho because it all gets thrown into the incinerator anyway.

drywall88 3 points ago +3 / -0

Like most millionaires, she started a "charity" organization in order to accept tax free "donations". Look up "STIFTELSEN THE GRETA THUNBERG FOUNDATION".