Amazing how often this comes up,the national debt, but is off the mark on questioning what the national debt actually is. It's simple to think it's money owed to someone, this is true however not in a straight forward sense. The debt is essentially the amount of dollars in circulation printed /allocated by the federal reserve. The money is loaned to the US and therefore the citizens and this is the debt along with interest payments on the ount printed and some other things. But it's the wrong question and focus to persist on an idea of paying off the national debt. Simply put it can't be paid off. It would require payment with a currency that is what the debt is actually made of. Dissolve the federal reserve and congress regain the power to control and regulate currency is the only way this "debt" is paid. Every US dollar aka federal reserve note is the national debt
I wonder what happens to members of congress that approved 350 billion in "aid" to an illegitimate president that was installed undemocraticly without an election in a country the US "liberated" and brought "democracy" to. And then brought, hung and waived a foreign flag of Ukraine in support of a illegitimate president inside our halls of congress.
I've worked inside this installation many times, this add seems very odd. Most of dugway is quite restricted access with some being lethal force areas. Not many parts of the base could someone just get a security clearance on a authorized to work condition. Perhaps things have changed over the years but sounds suspect, like not actually inside dugway as a location.
Possibly. I more mean it's still a truck just different name. Ai as being presented with massive spending behind it, I get the logic for sure..but like income-tax back when it was proposed. It's was sold as only the rich, cater to the masses and now here we are 100 years later funding our near demise from the overlords we allowed to take control.
That existence is perpetrated through your skull traveling along neurological synapses forming a "belief" aka opinion. Which is planar and modulated from the circle of influence and the proprietor of the belief. Which makes your provided said belief fundamentally inconsequential to the "prime directive" and basis of universal complexity balance of an ecosystem.
Because we are an irresponsible species and until industrialism is demolished we clearly can't co-habitate within nature and keep a balance. Obviously modern society isn't going anywhere any time soon and it's back to the stone ages, unless the power switch gets turned off. But I get what you are saying. It's just the viewpoint that a tiny fish is a meaningless species. Some of those dissappear and a entire ecosystem can crumble. Yellowstone is a great example of how fragile ecosystems are, especially when man kind has its dirty little fingers in "managing" what we basically have fucked up.
Definitely not alone. Unfortunately many others In similar thought seem to have simply left or no longer contribute. I've received many side messages stating this before. I could care less what someone's religious views are it's the sanctimonious ones that feel necessary to correct or talk down to, or "pray for you" to anyone with differing viewpoints that I take exception with.
I believe it's a counter psyop honestly. To have sites like this that use to research, are nowfilled with the loudest and extreme Christian view points blasting the keyboard bullhorn ad-naseum so it can dilute these topics. Like every other thread or post is a sermon, prayer or Bible reference anymore. Didn't use to be that way and this seems very intentional since it's "allowed" even stickied constantly now.
And exactly right. Big take away from Q drops is just that.
Think for yourself! Use discernment!
That means everything, even the institutionalized religious dogma these folks still latch onto.
A gas chamber actually existed and existed as God and spoke to them to enter and breathe deeply, only those filthy non believers who defy the Will and follow the great deceiver are still seeking and ask why should I.
The logic being used here by the sycophants is what I would imagine an ant would postulate on about tennis shoe descending down upon them right before being flattened as the God shoe intended for them, the ant, the faithful believers.
It's useless trying to have a counter discussion with the religous Zealots who have, for some reason, coff coff, infiltrated to inject topic sliding coff coff, inundated this site. It's hilarious because this is the great awakening folks preach to question and verify everything!!! And then this shit gets plastered in here on the daily like a catholicism Facebook. I watched a basic video use zoom of known mapped solar system (galaxy) and God was actually the last belief that would come from it.
As far as i know yes. Some folks on here are a far better resource than I for that. I dont have time to dedicate to compiling those kind of nuances to drops and comes. I'm just a guy that likes to stay on top of current events and the nuts and bolts of things. So I read every single drop years ago to see what it's all about to come to a conclusion of my own if this is a psyop or not
No problem. When this all started I went through and read every single drop in context to anon responses that were collected in a massive SharePoint style spreadsheet. It provides excellent perspective on the entire operation. If interested I can try and find that spreadsheet. It's not current to all the drops and takes a very long time to read through but it has most of the sourced links "that still work", as well, so a massive amount of info can be found. It's similar to the Marco Polo report developed on the hunter biden laptop, as far as aggregate info and presentation.
You are a "raycist!" Lolol these people. There is no hope I swear to Zeus. Beyond retarded. Circus chimps are smarter than these liberal meat puppet parrots.