dtxman75 1 point ago +1 / -0

Alot to unpack there with the skeptical blanket questions. I dont understand the question, seriously suitcase nukes. Those are definitely possible to create. Are you inferring it's ridiculous and not possible? Are you inferring fat man and little boy weren't real or capable of creating the large scale collateral damage incurred on the cities? It was just carpet bombing? Or that additional bombing coincided in close timing to the nuclear warhead impact?

"There's very credible evidence that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not single-bomb events" AND WHAT IS THIS CREDIBLE EVIDENCE? a blog or youtube video? Have you ever spent anytime in these areas or been involve with damage, testing and cleanup efforts? Someone in this conversation actually has.

"Fukushima area? Has anyone documented radiation damage in the animals or fish there?" YES MANY, except radiation damage is the incorrect terminology more accurate is radioactive impact, fallout and presence AND YES ALL OVER THE WORLD FROM THAT EVENT "Is Chernobyl a wasteland today?" IT IS ENVIRONMENTALLY COMPROMISED YES "Was it ever?" YES

Fukushima was catastrophic, it took a massive clean up effort under highly controlled settings and conditions. As documented Chernobyl is one of the greatest test -scapes to observe bio evolution through adversity to survive because of the catastrophic failures that occurred and residual outcome.. I certainly don't need to dig deeper, do the research or have Galen Windsor explain something.

Has history told the story accurately to the public on some of these events, absolutely not, even if it was the average person would tune out because it wasn't an 8 second synopsis. I find it interesting you are motivated to research the disinformation aspect of the story telling but haven't researched the basics of nuclear and radiological physics and capacity, capability which would answer most of these proposed flat earth style blanket questions.

dtxman75 1 point ago +1 / -0

I can say with absolute certainty "nukes" are real. Nuclear warheads, missile and weapons are very real. It's incredible folks can go all out flat earth style on this topic. You should understand and read up what nuke really means and refers to and unpack the nuts and bolts of it then its no longer fear porn.

In short its simply physics and the destabilizing (splitting or joining) of atoms of particular elements, atomic event creating chain reactions that occur from either fission or fusion.

dtxman75 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is clearly an attempt to make a universal symbol for hazard radiation or radioactivity. Amazing how many people don't know what it is.

dtxman75 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's suspicious for sure. I'm well aware of the capabilities you have described for detection methods and is more likely what would be the purpose such as LIDAR. Looking for what, I or anyone doesn't know yet. Btw dirty does not mean leaky it means uncharacterized. As far as nuke sniffing and air sampling that is very specific conditions it would be used in. Key words their is air sampling, that is a physical collection and assay and not remote detection analysis which is the speculation where a drone is just sitting in the air "scanning" for nukes. Lol.

If that's what is occurring then that is a major problem as it would indicate radioactive particulates in the air, above ground and massive area would be in serious jeopardy right now, and folks better start making arrangements, dependant on the intensity and type of this fictional material being speculated.

Again nuke sniffing, with some floating craft to find radio-isotopes is not a thing, and if it is, mankind's understanding of physics will need to be reevaluated and changed.

dtxman75 1 point ago +1 / -0

Understandable, there are roles and responsibilities that do still play out, especially in government agencies, one being the NSA having access to, and deploying nuclear, radiological detection and meter technology. These types of system, if they exist on the level of deployment in this circumstance, would contain radioactive isotopes. Which require verifiable licensing, hazmat and an entire gambit of other licensing requirements. If that were the case then it means there is a significant amount of unregulated radioactive material out there being utilized and would dwarf the issue of rogue material presumably being searched for.

That would be like an apple orchard selling oranges. In theory it could be mentioned as possible but in reality the apple orchard can't physically grow an orange. For a primitive example

dtxman75 2 points ago +2 / -0

That is another good example in a layer of the mess our monetary system is fundamentally based on. Making total some "debt" 1005 special tokens. Paying X fiat (debt) back in Y fiat (payment) with Z fiat (interest)

dtxman75 1 point ago +1 / -0

"What if this data isn’t being collected for monetary purposes but to create a highly accurate predictive AI that takes in account every human on earth. "

Not crazy, it's already in place its called Facebook and Google to some extent TikTok and others. You literally just described what these systems have been doing for 10 plus years already.

dtxman75 1 point ago +1 / -0

You probably meant NNSA I think. And the idea has become rampant that devices exist that can search for radiological materials in this way and that technogically does not exist in the application currently observed by these "drones". There are systems that can detect but in order to do so it requires very specific elevations, speed angles baseline geographic feature inputs in order to compute distinguishable levels of decay and determine specific intensities of the ionizing radio isotope found to determine basis and output levels (Ci,RAD,REM, MR, Bq,GBq, Sv, eV etc.)

dtxman75 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm curious why nuke sniffing military intelligence devices is easier to digest then aliens when both are in the same spectrum of unknown, unconfirmed. If there are drones that can detect radioactive materials in the way the footage is shown for these " drones" then this is physics breaking technology and go's way beyond what our current understanding of light and material properties are. That's as far fetched or as grandeur of a theory as alien invasion.

dtxman75 2 points ago +2 / -0

But that is what a UFO is. Unidentified Flying Object. Fits it word for word. Does that mean extraterrestrial beings are inside them, sure doesn't.

dtxman75 5 points ago +5 / -0

Sure. Some of which you reference here is accurate in context. I wasn't going into details of securities and the like. That is a broader and more nuanced discussion.

Because it's called a debt does not make it a debt. It's a loan, of currency, fiat money, federal IOU on behalf of we the people to the owner, the federal reserve. If someone loans you are car, is it a debt? Do you pay that debt off with the same car.

How exactly then does the federal "debt" get paid off? How does America pay down the national debt? With dollars? Lol. Sure another tangible could be used, let's say gold. And now ripping off each American citizen twice by doing so.

dtxman75 15 points ago +15 / -0

The national debt isn't what you think it is. It is not something that can be payed down. It's another grand illusion perpetrated on the american people and is important every single citizen understand this in order to stop repeating this kind of sentiment.

The "debt" is the amount of currency in circulation, interest payment for this loan and some other legacy programs and entitlements, but by and large the debt is what is loaned to the American people from the federal reserve because in 1913 they removed the responsibility of congress to manage and create the federal currency.

To pay off the debt is in fact to remove or dissolve the federal reserve. Can't pay off a debt with what is the mechanism of that debt.

dtxman75 3 points ago +3 / -0

Concrete isn't complicated. It's probably seismic class, cat. XX Type 1-3 concrete for structural application which could be infrastructure but more than likely for facility enplacement... if facility then it just means either critical structure for specific function will be constructed or other basic needs based on geographic location and local state and counties sublaw requirements.

dtxman75 1 point ago +1 / -0

Agreed. Another example is if someone chews tobacco and just decides to spit anywhere they want and oh well if it happens to land on someone else. That's the same level of, sharing one's habit but different context. I bet a smoker wouldn't appreciate that.

dtxman75 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sure I agree with that. But that is also using hyperbole to convolute a point philosophically. Simple version, what you described is in the air, so smoking around and then no smoking, the latter is fresh air for the non smokers,, especially the ones that loathe it.

dtxman75 0 points ago +1 / -1

I dont have the truth on this to share. Just know what is probably not the truth in this case. Drone sniffing isn't really a thing. Yeah there's AARM systems but they would not operate on how this is being pushed. And as stated this NRC reportable I'm near certain would not be justification for immediate detection efforts like how this is being pushed to appear like.

dtxman75 0 points ago +1 / -1

I didn't see anything describing the container was damaged. That detail is of importance and if it was the shipping container, overpack, or the or the DOT 7A Type A container. As far as a threshold that really can't be answered since there isn't a response, at least public, proposing drone sniffers en masse.. But immediate responses and recovery, it's usually a very significant amount that I've ever seen.i.e. Cesium-137 experimental medical source at 3800 Ci Last one I worked on.

dtxman75 0 points ago +1 / -1

I'm not debating the aspect of addiction. It was the example that was used to make a point but it counters the point.

dtxman75 3 points ago +3 / -0

Agent provocateur princess. I'm good, I think I'll disregard another uninformed opinion of yours. You should follow your own sage advice and get over the butthurt. Don't try too hard with your comeback since no one will care what it is based on proven lack of being informed. Cheers cupcake

dtxman75 2 points ago +3 / -1

No they don't care to investigate, they already know, dontchaknow. They are entitled to their opinion even if it has as much backing substances as a soggy loaf of bread. Its utter bullshit. /s

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