by Koanic
dumbASaRock 1 point ago +1 / -0

His Dad is a registered Libertarian, gun owner and Hunter.

dumbASaRock 6 points ago +6 / -0

Princess Diana was not close to Trump.

Perhaps it because I'm older, but I hear so many myths about times I lived through

Trump said he met her one time.

dumbASaRock 1 point ago +2 / -1

The problem is you cannot count sealed Indictments that way.

Unless you have insider access to that specific district court, you CANNOT distinguish one sealed proceeding from another.

This is why stopped using "sealed Indictments" and now talks about sealed cases. They changed the language a few years ago, but they didn't go on to educate people on the difference.

The difference means they have no way of knowing how many of those 500,000 sealed cases are Indictments. NONE.

by Koanic
dumbASaRock 3 points ago +3 / -0

Where's the evidence his Dad was a leftist?

There seems to be some facts wrong in that screenshot. The family did talk to the police for like a month before they hired a lawyer.

Where's the silverware thing come from. I never saw real evidence for that claim.

by Koanic
dumbASaRock 2 points ago +2 / -0


The GA kid already has visits from the local sheriff and was not old enough to own a gun.

Both of those things don't apply to crooks.

dumbASaRock 2 points ago +2 / -0

Probably not. Indictments only come from grand juries. A judge can just move to deport you.

However, if you miss an immigration court hearing, you will most likely receive a deportation order.

dumbASaRock 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's an ABC article and it's definitely only DC. But still, if we applied that to all 93 judicial districts. It doesn't come anywhere close to 61,000.

And you would think the DC district court would have more than say, North and South Dakota.

So, it is a wrong comparison I think.

This is basically a giant clue that the theory there 10,000's of sealed Indictments and now half a million sealed Indictments waiting to be acted on is not supported by facts.

Because another fact is. Outsiders cannot count sealed indictments using PACER. There's just no way to tell one sealed court filing from another. Lots of things are sealed and many of them stay sealed.

dumbASaRock 2 points ago +3 / -1

So this article argues against the high number of sealed Indictments.

This article said 36 sealed Indictments are unusual.

But this came out several months AFTER people were claiming there were already 25,000 sealed Indictments, a claim going around in early 2018

By August they were claiming 45,000.

In November when that article came someone replied to it saying there were 61,000 sealed Indictments

So there's a giant disconnect there

dumbASaRock 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm sorry but what are you talking about here?

Deferred prosecution agreements were the staple of the Guliani RICO playbook in taking down the NYC crime families.

I don't think deferred prosecutions were ever used against the mob in NYC or elsewhere.

They are used against corporations,agrees%20to%20drop%20the%20charges.

Indicting low level members to flip them is not an example of a deferred prosecution agreement which is a different thing altogether. Plea bargains for cooperation are a different type of agreement

Here's a deferred prosecution agreement for Boeing

dumbASaRock 0 points ago +1 / -1

Let me guess, you think Seal Team Six is half a dozen guys

dumbASaRock 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think you're missing the point.

Arizona driver's license indicates whether or not you were a citizen.

Perfectly legal to use an Arizona driver's license to register to vote.

Because it shows if you are a citizen or not. Non-Citizens do not vote in Arizona. It's a myth.

dumbASaRock 3 points ago +3 / -0

The sentencing was never scheduled for today.

A ruling on the date of sentencing was.

Judge moved it to November after the election

dumbASaRock -1 points ago +1 / -2

That probably just means boomers retired.

dumbASaRock 4 points ago +5 / -1

What do you mean we haven't had on any indictments unsealed in 18 months? Indictments are unsealed all the time

Here's one of the big indictment they just dropped. It was filed under seal in early August.

Is this something about a long-term sealed indictment?

dumbASaRock 3 points ago +5 / -2

Influencers desperate for content are recycling things.

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