I don't doubt some contracts have bid requests and maybe some facilities are already in work or further. I find it hard to believe that its 50 states. Surely they could not pull this off totally undercover. To many building codes and utility requirements at the State and County level, further to many people involved for there not to be chatter and whistle blowers. Sounds more like a drawing board project than a happing now project.
The number 17 itself occurs ten times in the King James Bible. Of particular interest is the fact that the 17th day of the month, while not directly spelled out in scripture, is referenced within the dates of historical events in the Bible. As you will see, the number 17 is associated with victory, the restoration of all things, spiritual perfection, and perfect order. The first time the number 17 occurs in the bible is significant.
More on this https://www.scripturerevealed.com/numbers/the-mystery-of-17/
Short interview with accused murderer
Mine has gone up every year for the last 4 years. Muh home values they say. Its a racket They re-insure your insurance, they divest your premiums in bonds and other instruments. If investment returns are down rates go up, if claims are up rates go up. There is no scenario where rates go down. Best case, they remain stable if P/L meets objectives. Those in insurance will not agree. Insurance is a form of gambling. The table always wins. self insuring (which is not possible for the common man by laws and or loan requirements) there is a Delta where you win. BTW, the money you borrow to buy something that is required to be insured is likely backed by an insurance company's investment.
No mor legos for my kiddo, he will get over it pretty quick.