Learn to code....asshole.
I wonder if deepstate assassinates zelensky now and either blames russia as a way to further provoke ww3 OR trump admin to continue the trump/russia collusion narrative?
These people still haven't figured out the are the minority by a large number...lol.
Women like her need to stop being sluts and keep random dicks out of themselves. Do this and there's no need to have to get a DNA test to figure out who the father is. What is wrong with women like this?
This right here. You can't carry guns in DC "legally" the last time i checked. Lefties love it until they are the ones wanting to pack heat. Fucking dumb asses. Reddit never ceases to amaze with the levels of idiocy coming out of there.
I think I read something last year where the florida state legislature had assembled a 4 person committee to look into and prepare legislation for ending property tax in florida. This needs to happen!!!
Currently if you own your home outright but don't pay your property tax, see how long you still own your home. Property tax is essentially just leasing land and you don't own shit if you don't pay your property taxes.
The real question is will they show it on the broadcast or selectively edit it out or go to commercial? We all know there will be a giant roar from the crowd....but the network and production team are the gate keepers. It's as simple as, "we had technical difficulties."
Fuck these people, all of them. I honestly do not care what happens to them, just get them the fuck out of here.
Astronauts too, don't forget them.
Illegals. They have no constitutional rights.
This right here. Plus, fuck these people coming illegally. Nothing says FAFO like a Marine manning a turret mounted .50 on top of a humvee.
Florida has Florida man..what else is needed...lol
It's Babylon and it can't be kamala because it's actually my ex wife..lol
Is that considered assault?
Because it's white in color...lol.
A co worker, mid 50s, no health issues, almost died over the weekend. Trouble breathing, rushed to hospital, emergency surgery for pulmonary embolism. Removed two large blood clots from his lungs. Arriving 30 mins later they said he would have died.
100% from covid shot. He and his wife both laughed at me in 2021 when I told them it was a bad idea to get it and why. They both laughed and said they were getting it so they could go on vacation. All I can say now is I hope it was worth it.
Perhaps it all ties in to precedent and being able to now go after former president's for their various nefarious dealings? I'm reminded of the word boomerang.
Better question, WHY would anyone live there? In all fairness, not all cali is shit. There are some nice areas, just not any of the meteo areas. But me personally, been there many times all over the state for work...hard pass for me.
Nope, you're not alone. It's the principle of the matter for me. And if they already have my picture on my driver license then there's no reason to take it again.
Haven't heard that one in a while. Good stuff.
I left in 2006. Saw the writing on the wall.
Also, love seeing it referred to as Pennsyltucky....called it that most of my life growing up there...haha. always felt like they messed up the border when William Penn was given the land because western PA sure does seem like West Virginia to me...hahaha.