ePhDinNY 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why is it rated R? I've found that only action movies are ok if R rated, comedies and other movies rated R usually are just F-bomb fests and/or include unnecessary sex scenes.

ePhDinNY 5 points ago +5 / -0

So sorry for you and family! Will pray for your peace and comfort during this time.

ePhDinNY 9 points ago +9 / -0

So do you park cash until the crash happens, and then buy back in?

ePhDinNY 10 points ago +11 / -1

If you are indicating that occurred over a 6 year period, that would be ~85 posts an hour, for every waking hour (assuming 16 hours awake each day); that doesn't seem possible, but I guess if you have nothing else to do :)

ePhDinNY 1 point ago +1 / -0

Have they ever provided an answer? I've never heard of a group of people who so zealously support something without being able to say what benefit there is. I'm actually surprised that they don't immediately jump in with "making abortion legal"; perhaps they know how evil it is and they can't even through that up as an attractive feature of the Democrats.

ePhDinNY 2 points ago +2 / -0

I read many years ago that the journalism schools teach the students that it is their duty as journalists to promote all the things that are "good for society". The who, what, where, when, and why, disappeared decades ago.

ePhDinNY 3 points ago +3 / -0

The alternative theory is that the "blue states" DID get a form of the covid shots that aren't resulting in an increased mortality rate, but that would indicate a level of evil beyond what we already know about them, because that means they were willing to have many of their leftist comrades in the "red states" be poisoned. The leftists seem to have been more likely get the shots, so they would be poisoning more of their voter base in the "red states" by doing this.

ePhDinNY 3 points ago +3 / -0

I received one of FB "truth squad" messages that said a post I either commented on, or maybe posted myself (I received the notice yesterday, for something from Dec 1st!), I can't remember, but when I clicked to the details, it said some person put out a post or video about New Zealand's higher death rate after covid was due to the shots. The higher rate was in 2022, clearly after any dangerous strains of covid had passed, but covid shots full implemented. The "truth squad" actually claimed something on the order of "in 2022, a wave of covid swept the country, causing the increased deaths; not due to covid shots". I've been doing an analysis of excess deaths and am finding that leftist U.S. states appear to be hiding the increased deaths AFTER covid passed (2022 and 2023); "red states" show a significant increase in deaths in those years compared to pre-covid, and the "celebrity death" counts in 2022 and 2023 are about 50% higher than pre-covid counts; with celebrities probably the population group with the highest percentage of "vaccinated".

ePhDinNY 3 points ago +3 / -0

Maybe this explains why, when I try to get a SINGLE Democrat to state a SINGLE policy of the DC Democrats that helps the entire country, I just get crickets. It's truly unbelievable at this point that none will ever reply. I've also asked them to state a policy of Trump that hurt the country, and again, crickets.

ePhDinNY 1 point ago +1 / -0

So you really think that if Trump had maintained his policy stances, and backed off on the childish behavior, it would not have helped him get more votes?

ePhDinNY 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's why I don't call them "liberals", I call them "leftists", and I think that nobody on the right should call them "liberals"; we should all call them "leftists".

ePhDinNY 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's impressive! I had to learn Fortran as my "language" in undergraduate college (mid-70s), back when it was computer cards, and a large program was a few hundred cards :) I mostly forgot it but had to learn again a few years later when in graduate school (the first time). I was testing the use of a contracted computer service via a 56K Baud modem, by writing a program to calculate pi to something like 8 places. It took a few seconds of the computer time, and got billed at a couple hundred dollars, if I remember correctly :) I would later go back to grad school and had to learn Fortran for a third time, this time writing significantly longer programs :) I ended up writing one to do image analysis, and if I saw a printout of that program today, I wouldn't even know what it was doing (I remember that I had to do bit manipulation of the binary image files; totally amazes me today to think that I actually wrote that program!)

ePhDinNY 1 point ago +1 / -0

Maybe it's more for the young :)

ePhDinNY -2 points ago +2 / -4

I want it back as much as anyone else, but I believe Trump could have EASILY won 2020, even with Dem cheating, if he had moderated his childish behavior. Women, in particular, didn't like how he was perceived. So maybe it is possible he needed to make sure he wasn't going to win in a landslide in order for "the plan" to proceed. There is no real benefit to the "mean tweets", other than to enrage leftists, but in doing so, he alienated a good percentage (it only takes a few percent swing to make the difference in an election) of the electorate.

ePhDinNY -2 points ago +3 / -5

You won't find too many times Trump and classy occur together :) I love Trump as President, but am not a big fan of his personality, maturity, and public behavior. (but it could all be just to make leftists fume, right?}

ePhDinNY 7 points ago +7 / -0

Ketones are acids that your body makes when it breaks down fat for energy12. They are a backup energy source when your cells can't get enough glucose, which is the primary energy source32. When your body produces ketones, it enters a state of ketosis, which means it is burning fat instead of glucose1. Ketones can fuel your brain and body in the absence of glucose3.

I tried the keto diet, and after a few days felt weak. Maybe it's for younger people :)

ePhDinNY 2 points ago +2 / -0

Look, it's another leftist who refuses to consider the truth, on probably many things! Have you gotten your booster yet?

ePhDinNY 2 points ago +2 / -0

So did this get sent out by Trump, and later deleted, or was it deleted by the Twitter insiders before it was sent to the phones of the protesters?

ePhDinNY 16 points ago +16 / -0

All cells in your body "feed off of sugar" :) Reminds me of a piece I read once where they said "and when you consume salt, NaCl, you are consuming chlorine, a deadly element" Yes, over-consumption of sugar is bad, but all forms of sugar, including sucrose, are turned into glucose, which every human uses for energy.

ePhDinNY 9 points ago +9 / -0

Interesting! Reminds me of what I see with some businesses. In some cases, a visibly, very successful business (I've seen it with restaurants), with tons of customers all the time, will go "out of business", and I wonder if they were embezzling the profits (to themselves), so that there was minimal tax on the business when in operation, and then, when they decide they've made enough, or perhaps they sense they might be investigated, they shut down. The other end is an obviously dead business (never see customers) keeps going for years and years; my interpretation of this phenomena is that it is a money laundering operation where, on paper, the business is thriving. There was a used furniture place where I used to live, and when going there, I noticed the prices were really high, and not only did we not buy anything, I didn't know, or ever notice, anyone else ever buying anything. The place had a lot of creepy mob-looking men working there; my take is that it WAS a money laundering operation for some NYC area mafia types. (the mafia is still around, just not as prolific as it used to be)

ePhDinNY 2 points ago +2 / -0

What good things did Obama say? I know he said a lot of things in a "nice way", but I never heard him say anything that was an actual policy that was good for the U.S.

ePhDinNY 4 points ago +4 / -0

Isn't Vivek fully onboard with the "climate change"/green energy scam?

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