Strange statistical info/evidence that vax'd people can have negative physiological effects on non-vaxxed people. Of course the vaxxed will be more destroyed.
If the military is 'in charge' since Jan 20 (per Juan o savin), Miller was put in near the end, I thought Miller was sorta the 'main man' now, or half-way with FEMA on the other half. So it's pretty bad news if Miller is traitor but I'll see your Miller and raise you a Flynn. Or Miller's 'comment' is just smokescreen either way. Who the hell knows anymore? I guess that's the general idea...
They are throwing them under the bus because they are convenient fodder, and cuomo's sex harass label might help save the other nursing home murdering gov's. Feed the monster the handy fodder that is already under fire, but the monster, we the people, is coming for them all.
i live out in the country, half way up a mountain, and see a few people walking around with masks on, in some of the cleanest, freshest, unpolluted air there is. Nobody around here ever got 'the covid'. Just hopeless.
Even if it applies pressure, gives the DS annoyance or distraction, worth it. I figure we will be owning some business/soc. media and other 'stuff' within a few months, so a little symbolism of roping them inside the stink corral is fine by me.
Only 1 upvote, because I don't know how to do 2. Although not part of freedom of speech strictly, it only damages the community to use 'n' words. People with half a brain can express themselves without it. Thanks, BO/mod
Fraud vitiates everything. There is precedent, though at a lower level.