I actually bought about 1500 USD worth of shares of BBBY. I sold my DWAC stocks to hop on to BBBY. I am okay taking that loss but its not okay for people who YOLOed lifesavings into it.
Lets just be honest here, people have been really hurt by memestocks. I believe the corporate board of BBBY acted in bad faith.
The news have really not been kind to GME. Not the fake news, the actual news coming from the company about their ventures that did not work out such as the cryptowallet.
The sun receives cosmic energy from Creator/Source. The sun is also responsible for the cooling and heating cycles of the earth. I think the Cabal is spooked about the earth changes and the changes in our collective consciousness. That's why they are rushing their agenda.
White hats are responsible for exposing their corruption to speed up the shift in human consciousness. God will not be mocked. This is divine intervention. It has been planned a long time in advance by all of us. We are the actors Q referred to. All of us.
It seems to resonate yes. The whole post about saving Israel for last has to do, in my opinion, the physical termination of the highest members of Cabal, i.e the Rothschilds.
Think about it. Trump had access to the most powerful military in the world. Why did he not send special forces to clean up the puppet masters? That would end all of this.
It refers to spiritual point of view and metaphysics not taught in schools. Basically, the philosophy states is that all souls choose what kind of life they will live before reincarnating on earth. This means souls voluntarily agree to play the role of evil people so that other souls can learn from these experiences and grow.
The idea is that Earth is following a movie-like script were we have all agreed to evolve spiritually together. These bad people like Joe Biden are playing a role to help people wake up.
The end of the movie is the same. Hence NCSWIC.
The earth isnt flat. Why is it so important for some of you to propagate this? What exactly are you trying to prove? What difference does it make for humanity if you are right?
Its being used against the movement to show that we are all crazy. Use some discernment.
NCSWIC is a spiritual concept. It is the convergence of all timelines into a singular event, the evolution of planet earth and the mass consciousness.
In order to do so the will of the few will have to be suspended for the will of the many. This is something all souls agreed to at this specific time in the earth age.
Its all a big lie.