Some girls like being spanked? What’s it to you?
they deleted his twitter, FB, youtube. He simply moved to rumble and became much more popular than he ever was. Then his twitter was reinstated after Elon took over.
There has a been a seismic shift in the power of cancel culture. Andrew Tate is the first person who has been UNCANCELLABLE. Hence his appearance on podcasts on youtube a few weeks after his cancellation
disheartening to see how many people on GAW are wide asleep. Someone as influential as Top G comes along who is able to wake more people up in a matter of months regarding covid, the clot shot, the war on masculinity, feminism, climate change than us goons on GAW did in years...
is met with hate and vitriol on GAW? where the fuck am I?
he was cancelled, but they failed spectacularly. And the few times he was on piers morgan he was trying to bait andrew tate into being cancelled by saying transphobic/racist things. Highly suggest you check out the videos you are citing before passing judgment.
I’m accusing you of being wide asleep for quoting what some dork on YouTube told you to think about Andrew Tate instead of checking out what Andrew Tate says and deciding for yourself. Call me an asshole I DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS
You are a prime example of someone who managed to find their way to GAW and is still wide asleep. The Deep State cancelled him and wants to off him like they did Trump. Yet here you are echoing the bullshit that the Deep State instructs their goons to spread
The girl speaking about the video: