fedupwithdem 2 points ago +2 / -0

No clue. Just wanted to say that that's my workplace's (TX-based law firm) current date to comply as well, although the initial date was earlier in October.

fedupwithdem 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for the great advice and the good luck wishes! Preparing this letter will also help me better formulate how to explain to people my anti-mandate position.

fedupwithdem 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thank you! This will likely be helpful for me, as will mac1221's approach.

fedupwithdem 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for this, and for posting it repeatedly (this is the only time I saw it, so I would have missed it if you only posted it elsewhere). I'm kind of ready to be put on administrative leave and possibly let go, but sending something along the lines of the above is definitely up my alley, especially since I work as an assistant in a law firm and it doesn't have explicit threats of a law suit tied to it (so gives me and my employer wiggle room going forward). Thanks! (Although I'm sure they will relay my email to general counsel... I'll figure it out. =)

fedupwithdem 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hi SassyLass, I just want to wish you the best and to stay strong! And you know what they say, misery loves company. =) I have the Oct 18 date (announced last week) as well before being placed on administrative leave (I'm in legal services). They haven't announced up to how long the leave would be. The email did indicate that 90% were vaccinated, but who knows. Also, they said we were at 70%+ vaccinated back in August, and a lot of people left the firm from August till now, so I think some people left ahead of the mandate. It is funny because I work in CA, and the firm is headquartered in TX. The CA office's HR person seemed shocked about the mandate from TX headquarters. It seems... somewhat reversed from what I expected. But then, I've always known this was a pretty-lefty TX firm. Anyway, you will be in my prayers along with all others in this annoying situation. Thank you for helping hold the line!

fedupwithdem 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah, I hear you. It's really frustrating. The good thing, I guess, is that the audit report has MSM and these people's blessings now. So, we'll need the AG and/or whoever has the authority to charge people to properly do their job... which is always worrisome. When MSM and the NPCs shriek about the charges, then we'll say that the charges are based on what the audit reports that had their blessing actually revealed and it's their fault they didn't know what the reports actually revealed... But definitely, it has been a long and drawn-out process. Please take a few days off here and there as needed, and then come back to continue holding the line.

fedupwithdem 1 point ago +1 / -0

I didn't see anything a while back either when I clicked your link. Now I do. Probably just a temporary server issue...

fedupwithdem 8 points ago +8 / -0

I like the typo "hose": "move forward with indictments of hose who perpetrated this fraud against us." Sounds funny.

fedupwithdem 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you for this. I am a non-attorney patent professional and can review patents & patent applications if needed. I mostly work in the engineering (e.g., electronics, communications) technologies rather than biotech technologies.

fedupwithdem 5 points ago +5 / -0

She updated it yesterday (Wednesday) or the day before. She made a tweet about it and included hashtags like decertify and canvass all 50 states.

fedupwithdem 1 point ago +1 / -0

I haven't thought too much into it. I figure a lot of companies (including my workplace) set vaccination deadlines for October.

fedupwithdem 4 points ago +4 / -0

I don't know what setting the video is from or whether the guy in the video is really saying all of this. I can only confirm that the text (English & Chinese) match the words that we are hearing.

fedupwithdem 4 points ago +4 / -0

To think, I didn't like Trump at that point in time (for no real reason aside from his mannerisms), although I preferred him over Hillary... I thought I was awake at that point, but I didn't know squat back then. I even remember people in SoCal in 2016... I was getting public posts on FB from my liberal friend's less liberal friends (all residing in SoCal) saying, "I'm a Republican, but this year I'm going to vote Democrat."

fedupwithdem 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you sir, for the article. I have a bunch of articles saved that I need to review and print out. At this point, it's pre-emptive on my part for a potential employer mandate for a Texas-based firm... That said, I am in CA so a state-wide mandate is probably in the works. I feel sandwiched in terms of these mandate threats. Oh well. I could make do with more time to improve myself and do more within my immediate community.

fedupwithdem 5 points ago +5 / -0

I just wanted to thank you for this message. My family and I are in SoCal. I might lose my job soon due to a possible non-CA-based workplace's mandate and/or a CA mandate (e.g., Gavin's revenge), but, if it comes to that, I look at it as an opportunity to do more redpilling and/or other community work in my area. Stay strong fellow Californian.

by Quelle
fedupwithdem 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm surprised they went with an angry black lady...

fedupwithdem 16 points ago +16 / -0

I think at the end of the day it's mostly about 'encouraging' people to get the jab and employers to move ahead with any mandates, while also clogging up the news cycles and keeping people divided...

fedupwithdem 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah, I get you. My mom seemed so close to waking up about covid, but then covid 'hit' Taiwan (we're from Taiwan) around May 2021 and she went back to fearing covid and worrying that if Newsome loses people won't wear masks anymore. Taiwan and probably other Asian countries are traumatized by the much more deadly (probably bioengineered/planned) SARS-CoV-1 of 2002-2004, which conditioned them to blindly trust masks and medical personnel. "They couldn't ALL be lying?" Sometimes it is best to just let them be for a while...

fedupwithdem 17 points ago +17 / -0

To me, this almost feels like a pivotal moment that we've been building up to. Whether or not most people in the country will believe the spin that all this traitorous activity is to protect the world from Trump... We've been redpilling people as best we can so that people won't believe this spin... Like you, I'm waiting to see how this plays out.

fedupwithdem 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah, I'll see what I can do. The office I'm at has always been very blue-leaning, with CNN playing in the break room (until I visit the break room and shut it off). The ones that I believe to be redpillable have left, and the remaining ones have been very pro-vax (and lament there not being a vax available for their kids yet). Anyway, as we all know, all is not what it seems and many may just be playing along in terms of the blue-leaning atmosphere. One of the people I work most closely with has gotten redpilled through all this due to MSM's contradictory messages regarding the jab. And, I've kinda been adding some supplements to guide her along. =)

fedupwithdem 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yeah. They're going to have to fire me if it comes down to it. The law firm I work at (as a non-attorney) has recommended the jab since the beginning and has set a "back to office" date next month but has been very vague about what that entails, so I'm waiting for an email about a mandate. We've had a lot of departures all throughout the summer though, and I wonder if the people who departed have left in part because of all these emails that hint at a future mandate. I've saved money over the years and could use some time off to get more active in redpilling and doing work in my community.

fedupwithdem 1 point ago +1 / -0

Understood. One of those that just gets the convenient 'info' programmed into them by msm while also able to ignore / shelve contradicting messages from msm or anything from msm that they disagree with (e.g., the rare moment msm criticized Biden a little).

fedupwithdem 4 points ago +4 / -0

Out of curiosity, has this liberal friend messaged you about Biden recently?

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