He couldn’t stay away too long or his name will fade into the ether forever lol
You mean ‘who do u want him to ARREST first’ 😆
The best news today🥳
Denied….They really thought they were gonna stroll in there with cameras rolling and top demonrats… Ilhan’s eyes bulging got me wondering what she’s got to discover
They really r a sick bunch. They will eventually answer to the most high
Well Donald is a very bold man 😆
Currently Canada is China. Greenland is EU Brussels boys. Gaza is isreal. Panama Canal is China. Trump is indirectly hitting China, EU and Israel by making a play for their ‘territories’
They r so arrogant to brag as if they weren’t the minority
It’s a two for one … takes care of the congress critters and their global associates robbing us and the using our $ to hurt us with
Wow amazing … lol bibi just standing there dumbfounded like ‘this isn’t what we discussed?!!’ He’s sooo mad especially at the end when Donald said ‘can’t go back’ lol … bibi tried to take Gaza with brute force and Donald swooped in like an eagle and snatched it out of his hands.
Trump to bibi - ur Gaza? Nah bro…Magaza 🤣
He was a great actor who fooled many
lol yes and he’s crying like a bitch traitor about it on the news
Very disappointed in Pompeo He had so many opportunities to do the right thing and chose wrong. He will now be reaping what he has sowed against Donald. The folks at the time warning ‘once a spook always a spook’ were right
And now we wait for klaus to fade to irrelevancy on the world stage and then watch his trial
So happy that his 2nd administration is full of people he has chosen and not deep state plants like during his first term
I’m sooo not tired of all the winning. This has been the best I’ve felt in the last 5yrs
He’s not afraid to show up on their turf to deliver a whooping
I hope this is true cuz otherwise we won’t have accountability
Totally fuckerburgs mo to buy up social media competitors presently more successful than his failing facebook
Now the next step is deporting all illegals
Send them ALL back. ALL. No exceptions
Let the games begin … payback is a wench