AMC and BBBY were diversions from the start. Anything to prolong the slow inevitable death of the cabal's phony market. GME is and always has been the only play.
And those numbers youre quoting are fake, its all fake. Down xx% means nothing.
And of course i do, even if it doesnt mean phone number bank accounts, just being part of what takes down the cabals financial game of monopoly is pretty epic. Every new bank collapse and every new billionaire's "accident" is our doing.
For real, i mean how many operations were declassed showing an impassible barrier. Are they trying to say aliens have us in a dome or what. Not buying it.
Just look into the meaning of the freemasons symbol for example.
The marines were protecting the opium fields in Afghanistan. That was the only reason they were there. If they are an arm of the drug trade why is it too far to think they wouldnt have an involvement in trafficking as well?
There are countless stories of civilizations rising up to take on some sort of alien/god king and being annihilated in response. There is some merit to these stories from ancient glass that could only be created through nuclear blasts.
So maybe actual aliens or a group that withheld technology and restarted humanity many times over.
EDIT: To add to that, the sumerians believed that two aliens created humanity by mixing some dna they brought with them with ape dna. There is some science to support that as well. The aliens intentions were to create a utopia vacation spot basically. It actually where the garden of Eden story was stolen from. The name satan was also stolen from the sumerians. One of the aliens was named satan and he would disguise himself as a snake and give the humans tech secrets, like how to make fire or how to make weapons. He felt bad for humanity and thought that we were too intelligent to be slave tenders to their garden.
The bible says all you have to do is confess your sins and you will be forgiven. It doesnt even say that you have to feel bad about it, just to confess. A narcissistic kid diddler would probably enjoy confessing all his wrong doings.
One of the many illogical and undefendable parts of Christianity. You can be a total pos, rape and murder children all your life, but as long as you ask for forgiveness before death all is forgiven. Hell must be pretty empty. Imagine hanging out serial killers and kid diddlers in heaven, that must be fun.
Appreciate the info, but we should all stay laser focused until the float is locked.