So my mind goes straight to ; this is projection for Blue Beam. Didn't the vatican make some statement awhile ago about seeing demons?
Operation Warp Speed
That's exactly what I've been thinking this entire time.
and she wonders why she's not in contention for the hot seat. Does she even KNOW she just keeps repeating the exact same phrases every time she speaks?
However :
I've thought since day one that Harris is a victim in all this. I think she REALLY thought she was going to be the VP and do great things. I don't think she has any clue this whole thing is a sham.
She's so fucking nervous all the time. It's like the person who KNOWS nobody likes them but they have to deal first hand with them.
Tell me you let your wife fuck other men without telling me
Oh, please don't compare these pieces of shit with a good one. Kevorkian wasn't killing people against their will or without their knowledge. Kevorkian helped end people's suffering, and he had the consent of every person he helped.
A more accurate comparison is Mengle.
Is she seriously just learning this? The policy specifically stated a terrorist act with airplanes. And this was well known before the end of year 2001.
So... we're letting mentally ill faggots decide how young the kids can be before they mutilate them. Seriously, ffs, this has to end
They have something big on her, like major big. If you remember, a few years ago, Mz. Gaga was telling everyone about the evils of the music industry. She made all the rounds on the talk shows. She freed herself and openly talked about what she saw, knew, and knew why she had to get out.
Then, her dogs were kidnapped or something. She got them back, but.. she then became the Gaga we now know - full tilt Cabal influencer.
The US government is doing to Russia what it's doing to it's own patriot citizens : poke, poke, poke, come on.. retaliate so I can do what I REALLY want to do to you
Don't go to the kill sites then lol. The Ukraine stuff is constantly in the feeds as both sides are uploading the killing of each other. Drone footage from an attack, direct feed from the drones as they're doing the attacks, boots on the ground GOPRO's and everything.
Yes. Once you clue in that being a lefty retard is exactly like narcissism you get it.
Lies, projection, manipulation, gas lighting, deceit, theft and cheating whenever they feel they can get away with it. It's 100% the same thing
Right. As soon as they finally pulled AZT off the market, all the deaths stopped.
I guarantee the Jennifer Klein one sucks dick like she owes money. It's either the ones having zero sex or the freaks that want to control the sex narratives
Thank you very much for the information, I appreciate it.
Maybe a dumb question, but not being American, I have no idea:
Are your guys' financial information / banking stuff off limits by the government without a warrant or something ( tax stuff not included )?
Here in Canada, our financial information isn't private protected under our Charter - the government can look at your bank account whenever they want. That's why they were able to do what they did with the Truckers Convoy people.
These people are retarded. If they REALLY gave a shit, they would do something about the actual #1 killer in North America : heart disease.
Put the warning labels on the fast food joints and processed crap in the grocery stores.
You must remember the big tadoo because people thought Jar Jar Binks was "black". Man, that was hilarious lol. It's a fucking science fiction movie and he's an alien LOL. Even back then they looked for it whenever they wanted to see it.
Equal the suffering would be a good starting point : skinned alive. Get the Columbian Cartels to do it ; they're pretty good at it. Lots of clips of them skinning people alive on the kill sites
Servicing these scumbags with the respect of a quick death would be a great injustice to those that now have permanent health issues because of these shots.
The user name is basically just for letting folks know I'm fully awake and on the right side of things. I also use this as my gamer tag, and I do randomly get asked in game - some people have heard the word so they're curious - and I gladly red pill them.
You wouldn't use this username for any reason other than letting people know that " you know". So, that's my angle lol.
I'm also not scared of shit - no man, no government, no police agency, so I have zero bones creating controversy if needed. I'm the type that will NEVER not say what needs to be said, I will NEVER not stand up for what needs to be stood up for. Zero fear, I will absolutely go down swinging full tilt with everything I have if it comes to it.
I'm not trying to come off as a tough guy, but as you read, I've been fully awake for a long time just waiting for them to do what they're going to do, which means I've had lots of time to prepare my home, my body and my defenses for just in case it does happen
Well lol.. I'll be 49 on debate day and I've been full awake for most of my life. Asked a few questions in Sunday school, got in a lot of trouble, and was then approached by one of my older cousins and one of his friends ; the rest, they say is history.
I've mentioned a lot of this before ( on here ) but, I've known about stuff like Blue Beam, frequency weapons, and the N.W. O since high school. I've known for most of my life, the plan was world communism / slavery ; I just never thought it was going to happen in my lifetime.
As for the username : I'm not going full into it, people say bullshit, I don't care, I know what I ( and 2 friends ) saw and it was a little over 3 minutes of the actual " my username" video. It's real.
The original "Best Gore" website had still images pulled from the DW and it was exactly what we saw. Owner said it would leave the thread up for one day and then take it down. Not long after that, Best Gore was gone.
Sorry for the novel, I'm long winded sometimes lol
Oh I know nobody here is that retarded lol. I'm just surprised someone hasn't actually tried yet.
I can't even understand how someone hasn't peeled this faggot's cap back yet.
Same excuse used for WW2, but something about history repeating itself...
I ask people who I know are on the verge of waking up : Who's the only other person in history that you've seen everyone go after like they're going after Trump?
Does the trick ;)