Morgan & Morgan are hard left liberals. Avoid them at all cost.
Ask to get mega vitamin C intravenous. It's cheap and all hospital can do it. Insist they do it. It's very effective. This is in addition to what people ahve said, NAC, tons of Vit D, Ivermectin, HCQ, zinc.
Also, do nasal rinse (you can buy nasal rinse devices in pharmacies) and do gargles with salt water. These kill viruses in the upper respiratory track.
If you have a nebulizer, do water + hydrogen peroxyde. - very effective.
For everybody as prevention you can do the throat gargles with salt water. It creates an alkaline environment that prevents viruses to take hold.
Finally, during the winter, keep humidity between 40% and 60%. Central heating dries the lungs mucus, which is the trigger for infection.
They are under DDOS attack.
This is a must watch: Dr Jordan Peterson interviewing Dr Ammous on Bitcoin and they talk a lot about fiat money and it being the root of evil.
Facebook is blocking, that's how you know this is an important site.
Foster kids have no choice, they get over medicated and I am pretty sure jabbed.
Florida has a large elderly population and most of them got vaxxed.
Can the sauce be edited without the grammar errors (its instead of "it's") so I can post it without people laughing at the bad grammar?
What a beta male.
Sucks for the healthcare workers, though, but they did not fight for patients rights for the most part and were happily prescribing deadly drugs while suppressing effective treatment. They reap what they sow. The healthcare industry is corrupt beyond saving.
My wife has to travel oversea to see family and the rules force her to be tested every few days and before each travel. This is crazy, and we live in Florida! Even my based wife, pure blood, has to take a bunch of tests just to be able to travel. That's in part what's driving the tests demand so high.
Wait, you guys wash your jeans?
Put this on twitter and call them out publicly.
Fire this employee asap. The earlier the better. If you can't isolate her and don't let her destroy your office.
This is explained by this:
Here is the link I forgot to provide:
ugh - yes sorry, I fixed it. The correct link is
...and my link was wrong. Here is the correct link:
ugh - I pasted the wrong link - no idea how this happened. Here is the correct link:
Did you read the tweet?
That's a very different situation. Adding steam is not the same than keeping humidity within proper levels. I don't know what the actual humidity level was, it's possible that the air was too humid. For places using central heating during winter, typically indoor air humidity is below 30%, which starts to make us vulnerable to viruses.
This is more effective than Ivermectin and any other prevention method. During winter months when central heating is on, add a humidifier. Keep humidity levels between 40 and 60% and you will be pretty much Covid proof.
ok everybody: stick up ivermectin at home. Really, do it for you or for friends. I have saved a friend's life this summer by giving him ivm right away and he was in very bad shape.
Keep the humidity level in your house this winder > 40%. It's the most important protection against C19 and any respiratory disease and common colds. It truly is that simple. Check
No, everybody has to defer to parents concerning sexuality. Even doctors and psychologists. Psychologists and psychiatrists ranked are riddled with pedophiles. Don't give doctor some extra rights or aura - parental rights are sacred.