FuckNewsom 2 points ago +2 / -0

Same here, I wanted a businessman, not another corrupt career politician. Plus… I would have voted for literally anyone besides Hellary.

FuckNewsom 5 points ago +5 / -0

Current phase: Gradually showing the public more and more that the shots were dangerous. I’d imagine this will escalate for the next several months, until all but the 4-6% are finally aware, and furious.

After that phase, the MOAB is revealed: [They] swapped out the shots from the initial versions, to the killer versions, once they got DJT out of office.

Uniparty, media, pharma, FDA, CDC, and AMA all collapse in the aftermath.

FuckNewsom 1 point ago +1 / -0

It moves up the ladder. The entity above them is then responsible. All this has been researched to death over the past few years on SS and other sites.

FuckNewsom 2 points ago +2 / -0

And when the market crashes, and those blue-chip stocks decline, they won’t be able to be used as collateral to cover their short positions any longer.

Earlier this week the new “haircut” rule went into affect, which banned shorts from being able to use crypto as collateral… I wonder if that has anything to do with this price run, because the timing matches up.

FuckNewsom 7 points ago +7 / -0

But yet, every time Congress, or Johnson do something TO SHOW THE PEOPLE how corrupt the system is, like Q forewarned us they would be doing, some people on here lose sight of the plot and call them traitors.

We are watching a scripted movie.

FuckNewsom 2 points ago +2 / -0

Top comment on his post is from Flynn, asking how he can help contribute.

FuckNewsom 1 point ago +1 / -0

I can’t understand why so many people here can’t understand that most basic concept.

FuckNewsom 9 points ago +9 / -0

If there were any shares for sale at the current price, wouldn't the holders of the naked shorts be buying them now before they rise in price?

Not nearly enough REAL shares exist for them to buy. THEY. ARE. TRAPPED. Their only way out is if the company goes bankrupt and GME stock is de-listed, so it’s a waiting game between shareholders who continue to hold, and shorts who desperately need all of us to sell and abandon the stock.

All we have to do is hold our shares and wait. But now, DJT and Devin Nunes have joined the fight, and are applying pressure to NASDAQ, and Nunes just wrote a letter to Congress yesterday.

Three years ago I speculated that the GME situation was part of the Q plan… as time and events have progressed since then, I’m now certain of it.

FuckNewsom 3 points ago +3 / -0

She’s a bad-ass, but whoever decided to drown her out with loud background music, needs to tone it down, literally.

FuckNewsom 12 points ago +12 / -0

what's the point of even going through the trouble of all of this, creating this narrative, when there is no substantial evidence of aggression towards Semites by the American people?

Because they know that’s coming. The public is in the process of being shown who the real enemy is (Israel, and not Russia, China, etc). Once the public is awakened to the facts about Israel, they’ll learn who in Congress/Senate has dual-citizenship with Israel.

FuckNewsom 3 points ago +3 / -0

Is this one of those things where people put out intentional mis-information, in the hope that community notes will correct it with the actual truth… which is what you wanted revealed all along?

Post: “Covid shots cause autism”

Community notes: “Autism is a result of MMR vaccines, not Covid vaccines”

FuckNewsom 1 point ago +1 / -0

First comes exposing the enemy and awakening the public to the truth, AND THEN comes the part you describe.

We’re solidly into the first part now.

FuckNewsom 2 points ago +2 / -0

I like how you put “friend” in quotation marks.

It’s the same thing (in reverse) as Trump’s “feuds” with people like Vivek, DeSantis, Barr, etc.

FuckNewsom 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not only will people do it, but even greater numbers of people will begin to question WHY they aren’t allowed. Questioning “why” leads people on their path down the rabbit holes toward awakening.

FuckNewsom 7 points ago +7 / -0

You just summed it up exactly, short and sweet.

To say it another way…

Step 1: The great awakening.

Step 2: Drain the swamp.

FuckNewsom 8 points ago +8 / -0

Yes, but I have a feeling that it will boomerang on them, Streisand Effect. Dragging these issues out of the shadows, and into the sunlight, so the public will awaken to the truth.

FuckNewsom 19 points ago +19 / -0

So keep revealing more and more over the next few months how dangerous the shots are, until it becomes widespread public knowledge.

Then, AFTER the public is fully aware how dangerous it is, drop the MOAB that the shots were intentionally swapped out to the killer version after Trump left office.

Holy hell, I can't even imagine the outrage that would ensue. Is that the Trump card?

FuckNewsom 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nice. I've got 2,000 warrants in my IRA, but at $12.82 cost basis. So I'm still up on those, but I wish I would have loaded up when they were dirt cheap, like you did!

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