Define…. “Convicted”
Been flying mine like that since the 2020 election.
It’s going to be the next Sinatra mug shot.
What better way to present evidence that will expose them all, than when the entire world is watching.. I can't wait!!!
I have them ;)
That’s cool with me. I’m happy to educate them lol
I did and have since. It’s either been my trump flag or this upside down USA ever since November 2020.
Nah. This is an unrelated event. No cams or anything. I’m just going to be there for sound purposes only. It’s a speaking event. I don’t know who the guests will be or what the topics will be. But given everything happening right now it should be interesting.
I get a network error in my TS app when I try to view this.
Anyone who thinks they meant building back the country... is either foolish, or just not paying attention... They meant they wanted to build back their corrupt system, after trump began to destroy it.
I’d sure love to know how many trails were in the sky in the 24 hours leading up to this.
In a nutshell, if what we’ve all been following is accurate and true, we are at the part where the good guys are giving the bad guys all the rope they want, in order to hang themselves.
Mine didn’t, but the rain near me 2 days ago smelled funky and my poor daughter said it was making her eyes burn when I picked my kids up from school in the rain. This shit is so fucked!!
I watched this live and I was squirming in my seat too… with giddiness. Lmao.
The first one took place a few blocks from my friend's house.
I'm a DJ... And I just know this song is about bad things. I don't think i've played it once. Think about it. "Body Shop" like a place for bodies? I doubt it's about an auto body shop... Doing something unholy? Like what? Pizzagate shit.... That's what. As good as the song is for what it is as a DJ, it creeped me out from day one knowing what I know about these people.
All is can think of here with that caption is the Steve Buscemi meme. “Hello fellow women”
Yikes! That’s scary. I’m in the city pretty often doing these jobs and I refuse to take the subway because of how crazy it’s getting down there.
UPDATE: So, it was an uneventful night. I was watching the Times Square live cam when I could and it didn’t seem like much was happening. Either the people behind these things lost the influence they once had, or it’s because the cops weren’t white… or both. In any case, I’m home safe and no riots or protests to report.
UPDATE: Still pretty quiet here where I’m at. Not sure what’s happening a few blocks away in Times Square or anywhere else. Not much online in my quick searches. Event is going so I’m looking when I can. If anyone has any links to live streams or updates please feel free to post.
I feel like this is an optics move.
It was from the first round of FOIA releases
I hear ya… but there’s a lot more to this situation. I’ve already been alienated by the same people over Covid. I don’t even care anymore. Second, I’ll be damned if someone who came here from another country is going to dictate to me, a natural born citizen, how I can, can’t should or shouldn’t exercise my first amendment right.. Sorry, I respect your opinion, but guess what… I’m not changing.