Just looked this up. It was a Canada registered plane. There was audio of the controller and the pilot. The tail number was C-FBWH. I wasn't able to see any registration information since it is a Canadian registered plane. He sounded middle eastern to me. Totally avoidable and he was either an inexperienced pilot and panicked, or there is more to this story. I have personally been in a small plane, capable of carrying 5 people and had an engine out about 20 years ago. I was able to put it down in a field and walked away to fly again another day. There are always options if you are on top of your situational awareness. Now, if this was a Jet, or Turbo Prop, that would be a little different situation, but not a single engine piston aircraft IMO.
May they all RIP.
my only comment is "drip, drip, drip" could it be a way to get the DS to expend more ammo? Just my random thoughts on this subject. The information has already been out there about the FJB and his trash son treason. It doesnt seem to get much traction because the MSM changes the narrative or is working overtime to cover up as much as they can.
My shares are in Vanguard account. I usually get an email when I need to vote on any shares I own for other organizations. It is usually a secure link that I can select my vote. If you have any shares at all, you should get that notification from ameritrade. Make sure you have your setting selected on your account options to receive via snail mail or email. Hope that helps.
I listen to CNBC when I drive into work. Today, all I heard was Putin is going to use tactical nukes. WTF? When did this escalate to Nukes? They are pushing Nuclear war. I hope the white hats are truly in control. I do recall a post about nuclear scare I believe. Forgive me, I do not have the post number, nor is my search feature working when I try to search the archives.
I did not read all the responses, but on Friday the 26th, Congress just so happened to pass the CROWN act,
"The CROWN Act, which was introduced by Congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman, would prohibit hair-based discrimination "if that hair texture or that hairstyle is commonly associated with a particular race or national origin." Hairstyles the legislation would protect include those "in which hair is tightly coiled or tightly curled, locs, cornrows, twists, braids, Bantu knots and Afros." sauce was CBS News. Timing of the CROWN act is also a coincidence, much like when they were going to use the Jussie Smullet to get a lyinching bill passed. Which, the last time I checked, Murder was against the law, I might be mistaken.
Given the fact that some of the RINO controlled states that are not forthcoming, I would assume they are complicit. UNIPARTY. I do not think that the R's stuffed ballot boxes, but they sure as heck are dragging their feet when it comes to investigating. I would say that means they are neck deep in the cess pool of corruption. Just my opinion.
Not fully true on the payment. It depends on the terms of the sale. Most product is purchased FOB origin Port, which basically means that the manufacturer in China gets paid once it is loaded on a container and put on a ship. Since there is a shortage of containers in China, it still has the same effect.
I am a supply chain guy. I have been in the industry for 30 years. That port is highly automated, meaning, they have robot chassis that will take a container. Minimal people and labor involved compared to 10 years ago. None of this makes any sense to me. There are also other circumstances, i.e. the State of CA has mandates on the carriers/draymen that their trucks have to meet certain emission standards or they cannot pull from the port. Trucking hours of service are also artificially placed on how much work someone can do, or how long someone can be on duty. During the 2020 shutdown, the hours of service were waived. I am still waiting on the safety reports to see if drivers were more unsafe during this time. On the other side of the pond, there is a shortage of drivers in China. We have hundreds of containers that are ready to ship, but there are no empty containers, nor space available on ships. Last year, a container 40ft cost us $2500 to get here (Port to Door) that same container is now $25,000. The only reason we don't make this product line in the US, is we can buy it delivered for cheaper than we can source the raw materials in the US. Every thing else we manufacture here 24/7, 360 (we shut down production for Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Years, and 4th of July) The resident is a joke saying work 24/7 and the problem will be resolved. Wal Mart was their to back him up. Wal Mart DC's have ALWAYS been 24/7. They cannot get labor right now to unload trucks or load trucks out. We supply grocery goods and we have customers who are out of stock on the shelf, but cannot take delivery of our goods because they don't have the labor in the warehouse to take delivery. There are so many more intricacies weaved into this than just saying open up 24/7. Rant over. OP tell your pops thank you for keeping the economy going. Without hard working folks like him, everything grinds to a halt as we are seeing.
here is the link if you want to see for yourselves. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/global-covid-19/shielding-approach-humanitarian.html
posted it yesterday.
I heard a blip on the radio this morning about that. My plan is to channel my inner liberal. My Body My Choice. Fortunately, I live in Texas and Abbot has already said no mandates, along with our senators. Cornyn would be the asshat that flips IMO.
This is directly from the CDC and it outlines separation of population into camps and green zones. I posted for people to be aware and to review for themselves and to do their own research. Maybe this will red pill someone who thinks that the Government would never go that far. The fact that they are outlining process and procedures, leads me to believe that we will see the Govt try to start this type of population separation. Think Vaxxed and unvaxxed. The push is that the unvaxxed are driving the covid case numbers and out breaks. Even though the CDC cannot keep their story straight from week to week. We may have rougher times ahead. In my whole life as a red white and blue, god fearing American, I never could imagine half the crap that has come out in the last 12 months. All it will take is for people to comply out of the good of the community and before you know it, boom, camps.
I haven't flown in about 18 years. I used to instruct at the AirForce Aero Club at Kelly AFB, which was a service provided to the AF community at the base commanders discretion. Because it was civilian aircraft (think Cessna 172, military version T-41, with T being trainer, F preceding would be fighter, B Bomber and so on) We mixed it up between C-5's and C-17's, which was neat to watch. Anyway, at that time, the call sign would be assigned to a unit and the scope of the mission. If it was a training sortie, it might have a different call sign than if it was on an actual cargo or combat support mission. We could, as an aeroclub, request a "call sign" from base operations if we wanted one, since we flew out of military airspace. When we were handed over to civilian ATC, that call sign would transfer over. Hope that helps explain a little. I assume the rules are still the same. Even commercials have "nicknames" that ATC will use. (our company has a KingAir 200 and sometimes I will climb up front still)
Cactus - was used by America West/US Airways before American Airlines merger
Rewood - Virgin America
Brickyard - Republic Airlines
Shamrock - Aer Lingus
Speedbird - British Airways
Hawaii Five-O - Hawaiian Airlines
the news dripping out could also be part of the baiting trap setting to pacify the left/DS. This is like one of those murder mystery dinner parties, and when you think you have an idea of who dunnit, it turns out to be the least expected. That criminal investigation portion is what made me think of this on my morning commute.
Thank you for the clarification on the arrest portion. I do think that they are going to pull out all the stops as their stated goal is to ensure that Trump cannot serve in the future. Given what we have seen with recent criminal court cases, and prosecutorial malfeasance, if they can arrest him for jaywalking and chewing gum on 5th avenue from 1980, they will do it and hand down the harshest sentence possible. Since we are living in upside down world, I would not be shocked at all to see wall to wall coverage about his arrest. It would be the ultimate False Flag slight of hand. That would signal to me that the DS is out of options and their last option is to railroad Trump.
my wife is the least political person you will ever meet. She relies on me to keep her up to speed on what is going on. She absolutely believes that the election was stolen, but like so many law abiding people, is not sure what or how to fix it. So at night, I have been listening to both A and B. She now asks when we are going to listen.
None Dare Call It Conspiracy by Gary Allen. The book was originally published in 1971 and IMO is more relevent today as it describes events in that day that I beleive lead us to this point. I couldn't read it, it was dry, but I did listen to it on audible driving to and from work. It is about 4 hours in length to listen to.