The reason we were told we were watching a movie is because a lot of this shit is going to look totally contrived. Is it all contrived? Yes. Do the Demons operate under God's will? Yes. Is it all a test? Yes. Stay with Jesus ... much to come.
People have no idea how the Street works. All it takes is one bad PR article to tank the stock and then - after the selling occurs from retail investors - retract the article and bring the stock back up. Take a lesson from TTNP ... they don't lose their own game. They're currently collecting your money. And you will be pissed.
False. Their HCQ was much more expensive than Amneal and others. Apotex was, however, one of the best generic companies because they didn't give a shit what the market was on a drug - they sold it for the profit amount they found reasonable. They were awesome - and they are all but gone now (except for their Atorvastatin prices).
Apotex - the Sherman's company - was always selling generic drugs cheaper than competitors. In 2017 there was a huge push to make generics more expensive. I'm willing to bet that the Sherman's did not agree. After they died - Apotex is hardly seen on shelves like it once was at pharmacies these days. It's a damn shame.
Read the ICAN website first. It's called Religious persecution or discrimination. If you want to make a difference, sacrifice yourself for the good of all. One person files a lawsuit - a second will. Once there are 3 lawsuits - businesses quickly change their tune. These people - not specifically your employer - but the ones who are pushing this mentality don't care about your employer. They want your employer's business to dissolve. A few employers will be sacrificed - but it;s the only way we get other businesses to wake up. Notice that most of the major corporations don't have these mandates. The goal is to have monopolies in every industry.
Move to Oklahoma ... people are afraid to spit liberal shit here. When I tell a lib I'm an Independent they always end up coming back to me by the end of the night saying, "I probably shouldn't say this here, but ..."
Then they get the response of a true independent and it generally makes them think about things. It's interesting that they will give an "independent" the time of day, but if I were Republican and said the same thing they look at me crazy. It's fun.
Dude's response makes no fucking sense in regard to the stated material. This guy read his bullshit off an index card as it doesn't even make for an appropriate response to what was stated. It actually backs what was stated and doesn't even realize it. Oust.
Is it a conflation?
It is hidden history. However, your side makes it all worthwhile to discover more ... so the Federal Government wanted money from taxes - so they sent in the KKK to kill people rather than have U.S. Marshalls come in and arrest people and get their money back???
Where the fuck do you shills get your information from ... it's so fucking laughable.
When you think about 9/11 and the sudden reason to attack Iraq ... it all resounds the Tulsa Race Riot and one man "attacking" a white woman on an elevator - therefore means - Black Wall Street must be destroyed? Never let a good crisis go to waste.
These people are so weak - they're embarrassing to God and the human race.
She won in Georgia ... think about that ... why not try to take out the FBI??? Why the ATF? I know they're somewhat corrupt - but if she were truly MAGA they would've made her gone by now. Stop the trust in this woman.