I have no idea how they lost the plane. there are tons of transponders all around, I suppose they could be turned off but there still would be a black box and other equipment. That's the main part of the story that confuses me.
Same goes for invisible plane and no one hearing it.
The pilot would have made emergency calls before he ejected and they 100% plan alternate airfields to land in for an emergency.
I have heard a rumor that the plane auto ejected him like your hack theory. So maybe it's the first fighter jet hack.
Or maybe it's all part of the show.
that is a big jump to assume the plane got hacked by a hostile entity. possible but would be the first time of that sort of attack vector.
radios would still work though you can't hack HF/VHF/UHF
former USAF aviator here btw
so it's everybody else's fault except the aircraft commander of the crashed aircraft? That's not really how it works, once the checklist is signed off the AC is in charge and takes ownership.
There are tons of controllers that could have directed the pilot to an alternate airfield for an emergency landing. That is a portion of mission planning that happens before every military flight. We don't hear those radio calls though.
just wait until you learn what they are hiding.
No shares from brokers are real?!?! They don't actually ever go to market!