Well, that's interesting and encouraging. You make a good point, if they could survive covid, especially if it's some type of food related business, then they should be able to survive a great, "Trump" economy. Having your girl's encouragement means a lot. Personally, if I went for it, I'd want the owner to spend at least a month teaching me the ropes. I'd want to do exactly as he's done all this time before I even thought of putting my own spin on things. Apparently what he's been doing has worked well. It sounds good man. I'm not saying go for it or don't go for it. I guess I'm being ultra cautious, but it seems like you're doing your due diligence and things are looking good. I hope it works out for you. Oh, and not knowing your age, I'd say, if you're <35 and wind up taking a hit, you can probably recover. If you're 50+ and take a hit, that will be a lot tougher. So I'd consider that age factor as well. Could be a great move for you though. Whatever you decide, I hope you'll let us know. Good luck.
What a tool. Aren't people sick of THEIR representatives flitting about the world on their taxpayer dime? This guy has no business in another country or any other part of the US other than the small district that elected him. He needs to be sanctioned. Let's see if the repubs in congress have the Harry Bolz to do it.
Honestly, I can understand why you want to be as vague as possible, but it's hard to answer without knowing what sort of business you mean. Some businesses would perhaps do well with Biden and not so much with Trump. And visa versa. It's hard to say.
Also, are you a family man with a wife and kids to support? Putting your house up as collateral is very concerning. What is the loan to value on it these days?
Overall, I think it could be a great time to build a business in America. Especially manufacturing here. But you would be taking on a lot of debt and risk. is your personality and comfort level up for that? What does your wife think? Do you have kids nearing college age? Not trying to discourage you, but it's a lot to take on. Personally, I'm very cautious about such steps. Maybe give Dave Ramsey a call and lay it all out for him and get his 2 cents. Of course, ultimately, it's your call and I wish you luck in making your decision and all the best whether you go forward or not.
What a dumbass. Seriously. I'm so tired of stupid people. Did SHE bother to check it out. I did. There are multiple bills, several state bills, as well as one for the 117th congress. (Meaning done and dusted) And the federal bill has nothing to do with what she said.
On the other hand, the Save Act -- the bill she is supposedly referencing-- was brought during the 118th congress and is bill # (H.R.) 8281. It took me all of about a minute to get that info. What's her excuse?
That's why every single politician and bureaucrat who allowed this to happen - and happen against the will of the people-- needs to be tried. And when convicted, they need to be executed. I'm expecting at the very minimum, tens of thousands of executions. How about you?
So to join X you just used a dummy email and that's all they wanted? I have seen people complaining that the approval process for joining is extreme. Not so? If not, I'd like to join and I have plenty to say! How long ago did you join? If it was years ago, it might be a different process now.
I don't want to press "1" for English. I don't want to have my call recorded for 'quality assurance,' (or any other reason). I don't want to spend an hour and a half opening a bank account when it should take 10 minutes.
"Lightbulb Moment."
I have an idea. Maybe we should all pool our resources and buy one of these houses at bargain basement prices. Then we could take turns staying there and keeping an eye on D.C. Our own little time share, of sorts. Who's in?