gumundre 3 points ago +5 / -2

He told the 911 operator he had hammers, rebber mallot and a knife. Clearly he was having a mental issue when he indicated that he feared "skin walkers" ???? would attack him if he got out of the car. How in the hell could he harm anyone when he is seatbelted behind a steering wheel with both hands on the wheel until 'killer cop' jumps on hood pulls his weapon and aims it at the confused man who now has his pocket knife in one hand while the other one remains on the wheel. The confused man clearly is more agitated and fearful. At his point several pain causing, non lethal, bean bags are fired at him, hitting him in face, head and shoulders miliseconds after he was tazed. You see his face demeaner change as he moans in pain. This is when the window mear inches from his head is broken sending glass at his face causing a mechanical self defensive reaction to swing hand holding the pocket knife toward the area of the attack. Please convince me that this man who'd called 911 because he was trapped inside his car and imagined preditors aka "skin walkers" were outside waiting to kill him was a serious threat to any of those officers who had themselves become in reality the dangerous preditors. Whether caused by drugs or a medical/mental condition there was no reason this man should have died.

gumundre 3 points ago +3 / -0

I totally agree. We know the justice system is rigged. The only way to get the bastard is with an incorruptible Military tribunal. It may likely take place in private settings or it already has. For all we know the real Fauci may be pushing up contaminated daisies by now. We can only hope and pray.

gumundre 1 point ago +1 / -0

Twitter won't allow sharing the complete tweet. They also have a box saying it's misinformation. I thought Elon changed everthing too bad.

gumundre 2 points ago +2 / -0

I believe Trump will be arrested. They are desperate. They tried to bring cival war on JAN 6 and failed they will try again with his arrest. Watch Brazil and don't be surprised if you see Desantis come to Trumps defense. There will be much support from many unexpected worldwide leaders. They will be an absolute nightmare for the global cabal.

gumundre 1 point ago +1 / -0

I really believe we are about to see the birth of THE MAGA PARTY. Since their is actually only 1 Corrupt party currently in existence Rs + Ds = CCC (crime chaos control) MAGA will truely be the 2nd party, not an independant 3rd party. D's + R's are 2 sides of the same coin. There are still a few good republicans and I believe they will cross over and join But there will be a strict vetting process. Thiis the only way since there are so many rinos and they have strong holds and have firm support from the SOROS Controled demoncats and can never be allowed to divide again.

gumundre 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'll be watching for you🙏❤

gumundre 7 points ago +7 / -0

I am so sorry. I will pray for you along with all others that are experiencing the devastation you are going through. If you get a chance and you need company know this, each evening at 7:14 me and millions of other Christians are praying for one another. God wants us to lift each other through these times. Whether praying for miracles or just need that fellowship please join us. BTW, don't worry about which timezone you're in, God's not bound by time zones. May The Holy Spirit comfort and keep you. Praying as always in The Name Of Jesus.

gumundre 1 point ago +2 / -1

Bullshit, I watched the video! The link you provided doesn't show any video from BHO speech, it only shows a written review! I don't care that it's written by FOX BHO was adressing A LARGE GROUP OF PEOPLE WHO WERE YELLING F J B! Obama couldn't talk over them. He was frustrated and diseveled. He started stuttering "If, if, if, if, if, if...." Not sure how many before he finally stopped but he may have worded it as if he was addressing one person but it was clearly many.

gumundre 2 points ago +2 / -0

Rumor has it this guy is a former fudge packer from Greenbay, Wisconsin. He was supposedly fired after it was discovered he was advertising as a traveling 'gentlemen fudge packer' specializing in aged fudge. His place of birth is listed as Spread Eagle, Wisconsin. He has also lived in Kaka, Arizona, Blue Ball, Arkansas, Threeway, Arizona, Ballplay Alabama, Dickshooter Idaho, Ramtown New Jersey, Little Dick Lake Minnesota, Bald Nob, Toad Suck, Wienier Arkansas, Ft Dick, Johnsons, Peters, Shafter, & Woody California. None of this has been verified but seems to have possibly lifted from his Berkley University application.

gumundre 1 point ago +1 / -0

I jumped in here hoping to read reviews. I watched a few minutes of video 1 but got lost in the gematria [93] ? wait[197] nevermind

gumundre 2 points ago +4 / -2

The " F*ck Joe Biden " chanting was very loud. There were a lot of people loudly yelling FJB, not 1 or even afew. There was a multitude of folks drowning him out. It looked and sounded as if the guy was about to cry.

gumundre 1 point ago +2 / -1

I watched the video. There were MANY, sounded like a majority. The article says Obummer was asking 'the person to be quiet' or something to that affect but if you watch the video you'll see and hear " Fu`k Joe Biden " chant was clearly drowning out the native Kenyan's words!

gumundre 4 points ago +4 / -0

I can't wait till Nancy subpoena's Trump for another special democrat committee hearing. Trump AKA Maxwell Silver time!

gumundre 1 point ago +1 / -0

Does anyone think DJT declaring his cadidacy for 2024 the day before had anything to do with it? She was a soft target. This could be a message to drop out or risk his family? John B Wells mentioned this on last nights C2M broadcast.

by gamepwn
gumundre 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thans for fixing the link.

by gamepwn
gumundre 1 point ago +1 / -0

The youtube link does'nt take you to a video. It took me to my YT home page, tried 2 times.

gumundre 1 point ago +1 / -0

I like that he said "NORMAL CONTRACT" laws. CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY is much more than a "Normal" law, to wit, there is no immunity.

gumundre 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dude, the trains leavin the station. Leave or stay it ain't going to effect any of my crew. By "my crew", was talking about all those God fearing, Jesus loving patriots who's cried tears like mine. We have been blind far too long. We have heard politicians, tv actors, doctors, lawyers beggermans thieves...And every DAMNED one of them is an enemy that has no truth, no consience, no morals, embraces hate, stifles good, "They" say RT is "Russian Propaganda" ? Son you best run on home and leave this for those who know that God has born in us His Spririt to teach us to know truth. I am not a regular RT viewer but from time to time I take some to see whats going on over there. I've always felt like it was genuine.

gumundre 1 point ago +1 / -0

I wonder how many, if any, MSM news networks would even cover the story? CNN & MSNBC would accuse Trump of being involved I'm sure. SMH

gumundre 8 points ago +8 / -0

I am hoping he sold because the Potomac is about to unlease a heavy rinse cycle on DC. "Watch the water" DC will be 'evacuated' person by person by Badass US Marshalls. You don't wanna be on their list. When the water recedes, and the swamp finally empties, what do you think we will find in the river bed?

gumundre 1 point ago +1 / -0

I been on the great awakeing a lot to day, mainly real kim shady board.

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