halcyondream 1 point ago +1 / -0

They basically have secret police, and a leftist government that's being installed via rigged elections. They're just a little ahead of the USA.

halcyondream 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's nonsense really. They didn't purposefully orchestrate for Adolf Hitler to rise to power, start WWII and purposefully lose it due to miracle bad luck with the weather.

Zionist movement was a whole movement bigger than the Rothschilds.

Hitler and the Nazis didn't just have a plan to move European Jews to Palestine, they also considered Madagascar, anywhere but German controlled Europe. The resources and support they gave the Zionists was minimal.

Hitler's grandmother working for a Rothschild household and becoming pregnant seems to be a story fabricated out of whole cloth.

halcyondream 0 points ago +1 / -1

They probably would send the police out to clear them in the first place in such locations.

In locations like this they would throw the book at you in a kangaroo court.

halcyondream 0 points ago +1 / -1

Your "LOEs" which by the way doesn't even make sense as an acronym for law enforcement officer, are the ones that enforce mask laws and would force people to take vaccines if they became mandatory, dummy. What did you even mean by this reply? Yeah, that's right, retards (you) gonna retard.


halcyondream 0 points ago +1 / -1

And do British patriots blindly support British cops that come and beat down their doors for sharing politically incorrect opinions online, or having 4 people in their home instead of 3 for covid lockdowns? While they turn a blind eye to arab rape gangs? What separates the kind of people that become British cops versus American cops? Or Canadian cops? Or German cops?

A whole St. Louis police force came and raided the McCloskey couple for "brandishing firearms" and grabbed all their guns. Do you know how many quit or refused that order? How many cops ever refuse to raid someone's home over BS red flag laws where they confiscate the guns of someone that committed no crime whatsoever?

If cops are told by their bosses to raid your home and crack your skull open for having shared wrongthink, they will, no questions asked, they'll enjoy it.

Cops don't even back other cops if it's their own ass on the line. Look at how all the Minneapolis cops threw Chauvin under the bus to save their own skin. That's who I'm tasked to support and defend? PFFT.

Just read up about how the LAPD behaved during the LA riots.

Patriots don't blindly support authority. Our nation was founded by men that disobeyed a tyrannical authority. They warned us about allowing their new government grow to become a tyrannical authority.

"Patriots support LOEs." That's a cuck sentiment. You are the cuck.

halcyondream 5 points ago +8 / -3

So you counter many examples with a personal anecdote to prove the many examples are the exception not your personal anecdote?

halcyondream 0 points ago +1 / -1

Doubtful unless you are talking about porn stars which are a tiny percentage of the population, not 28% of all homosexuals in the year 1978.

So you know "more than a few" straights with more than 1000 different sexual partners (yeah right), that's totally the same thing as more than a quarter of homosexuals.

halcyondream 6 points ago +7 / -1

If you care about the collective well-being of society then you can't just "live and let live," these people will just keep pushing their degeneracy further and further, and onto schoolchildren as they have already done. Slippery slope is no fallacy.

Also homosexuals are anything but "wholesome" as they are depicted in Hollywood and TV. 28% of them have had more than 1000 different sexual partners. 43% have had 500 or more, and 83% 50 or more different sexual partners. And that was from a study conducted in 1978.

80% of homosexuals say over half their sexual partners are strangers.

halcyondream 23 points ago +23 / -0

Conflict of interest isn't a problem when it's favorable to their side.

halcyondream 9 points ago +9 / -0

They were both cheating. Kemp was unconcerned about her rig attempt because he knew he was going to cheat better than her. Compare DeSantis's reactions to the fraud taking place in 2018 to Kemp's.

halcyondream 1 point ago +1 / -0

I would think the Pfizer one. Israel also only gave their people the Pfizer one, and then didn't pay the bill.

I personally wouldn't take either one.

halcyondream 8 points ago +8 / -0

Title IX destroyed many male sports programs. They get what they deserve.

halcyondream 1 point ago +1 / -0

Link and quote something specific. There are many methods that can date the Earth older than 10,000 years, but I already know your answer: "God did it. God made it that way. See: Kurt Wise."

halcyondream 1 point ago +1 / -0

You can observe the predictability of dating radioactive isotopes, and from that infer the age of the Earth. Which is much older than 10,000 years.

Carbon dating is accurate for up to 30,000 years, once again one can infer that the age of the Earth is older than 10,000 years.

halcyondream 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think you are confused by the terms evidence and proof.

Also the first cell likely came from protobionts not "wet rocks."

halcyondream 2 points ago +2 / -0

There's quite a lot of evidence. Maybe you think there is no "proof" but radiocarbon dating is evidence, stratigraphic superposition is evidence.

halcyondream 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, the speech is a little too free there. They don't want all speech to be allowed, just their own.

halcyondream 5 points ago +5 / -0

He's got skin in the game and it's not with Christian whites. His children didn't marry Christians, I'll leave it at that.

halcyondream 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why would a child get the vaccine "to be safe," when it doesn't impact them?

Just point out that the vaccine is experimental, the companies producing them have no legal liability despite tons of side effects and children unless they have cancer and such aren't impacted by COVID.

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