hanksno 1 point ago +1 / -0

Trouble sleeping is definitely an issue. I take melatonin now. It helps a lot.

hanksno 3 points ago +3 / -0

After 26 years of smoking weed daily, I quit last spring. All I suffered from was a bit of excess sweating for a few days and hyperactivity. No body aches or flu-like symptoms at all. I smoked cigarettes too, but switched to vaping at the same time I quit weed. I haven't caught covid, ever. I think nicotine definitely blocks the virus.

hanksno 5 points ago +5 / -0

I hear you. When some hysterical angry person starts slinging out the word shill to anyone they don't agree with, it reminds me of woke Karens calling people who challenge them a Nazi, racist, homophobic whatever. It's a kind of ideological fascism that's lazy and confrontational. I wonder if those who call people shills are actually shills themselves.

hanksno 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, I recall the stickies, and it's very encouraging to know the town square has been neutralized. Almost encouraging enough to rejoin, and it's a conflicting situation for me personally. Woods has been very active and a great asset to the movement, as are many others. But I can see how exhausting it must have been for him, and my particular critic of social media was based on general observations over a long period of time and experience. In general, social media has drawbacks and benefits. Sometimes a person just needs to unplug and take a break.

hanksno 4 points ago +4 / -0

While it's important to have an open and honest 'town square' to share valuable information to the public, and fight tyrannical brainwashing, the social programming aspects can be dangerously distracting. When people pay more attention to their followers, and likes, and upvotes than the actual message content, it becomes a degrading pattern of Pavlov's dog-style manipulation based on a rewards system. The content on GAW is far superior and more information-focused, and, to some extent, the upvote/downvote system does help to self-moderate against idiocy. I can understand Woods' position. One needs self-care and a balanced personal life.

hanksno 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's worse with my mom. She laughed hysterically when I talked about the DS billionaires and how MSM lies. She said people have been talking about the DS for years, and there have always been those who try to control others, and there's nothing we can do about it. She's a black-pilled doomer. And, yet, while she admits she knows the MSM lies, all her opinions are based on what she hears on MSM, as she does not know how to use a computer. When I told her I support Trump, she went ballistic, started screaming and almost hung up on me. She hasn't made the cognitive connection to question everything she thought she knew as true. Her cognitive dissonance is astounding.

hanksno 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, and further, I've observed that those who are asleep only use Internet for FB, IG, Twitter, and recipes. Many don't use Internet at all.

hanksno 1 point ago +1 / -0

So..this...followed by a Twitter ban by Elon Musk for posting the Raelian logo, a combo swastika/star of David. I wonder...with all the rampant Nazism in Ukraine, could this be some kind of reveal trap? Imagine the Ukraine-supporting, woke public outcry over Ye's Hitler-loving, swastika-posting rants. Then imagine confronting same public with images of Azov soldiers with their own Nazi BS on Twitter. What then? Hmmm....(could be Ye's havin' a meltdown, too...but, I'm just looking at this from a broader perspective) https://thepostmillennial.com/breaking-elon-musk-permanently-suspends-ye-from-twitter

hanksno 1 point ago +1 / -0

I considered this, also. One has to wonder, re the recent announcement of Balenciaga corporate suing the production company behind this launch, how could they risk bringing this to court and having their crimes brought into the open? Are they going to pin this on the production company ('rogue' photographers, etc), hoping corporate will not be implicated? If the WH theory is true, and it's certainly plausible, their lawsuit will backfire terribly on them. Maybe that's part of the plan?

hanksno 2 points ago +2 / -0

All good points. I'll take it into consideration. Also, congratulations!

hanksno 2 points ago +2 / -0

I would like to add that I used to smoke cannabis, and quit last March. Upon reflection, I realized that this is when my symptoms started to get worse. Quitting cannabis led to many positive changes in my life, but I wonder if there's a connection there to my arthritis symptoms. I understand people use CBD oil to treat arthritis. I might consider CBD in the future.

hanksno 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you! I'll look into this, for sure. I believe I've read stuff on WebMD before. I appreciate your help.

hanksno 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sorry for late reply. As described in the article, his attending doctor gave him a lethal injection of drugs to speed up his death so that it would appear in the morning newspapers, as opposed to the evening newspapers, so that it would get the coverage they wanted. And something about the date, too, I think, but I can't remember. It's on record that his doctor euthanized him, though, for timing purposes, and that was hushed up.

hanksno 2 points ago +2 / -0

I tried it for a month and didn't notice any significant changes, unfortunately. Maybe it has to do with different types and causes, but I was disappointed. But I can't say if it made a difference with my mineral absorption. I never get sick, but that could be from the zinc supplements I take daily.

hanksno 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wonder if there's an inside battle between the writers and the producers, which might explain the conflicting, back-and-forth subject categories. Your examples have given me much to think about. Just the other day there was a category called Wouk Mob, pronounced 'woke', but was a pun on a writer by the name of Wouk. I imagine the producers influencing incidents like the "Get Vaccinated" example, while the writers respond with subtle commentaries of their own, like "Woke Mob". Poor Jennings is being pulled in both directions! lol I picture the writers, who are undoubtedly well-informed, as closet anons, and the producers as bloodthirsty corporate bullies.

hanksno 3 points ago +3 / -0

Satan is the Prince of Lies, he uses trickery to coerce people into agreeing, people have to agree to give up their souls, but subversion plays a big part. 'Get the shot, or you'll kill my grandma' is a great example. Notice they didn't tie us all down and jab us by force, we had to do it willingly, but that doesn't mean coercion didn't play a big part.

hanksno 3 points ago +3 / -0

In a Free Will universe, Satan needs our permission to enslave our souls. This may be done by subversion and/or trickery, but he needs us to agree. And so, they tell us what they are doing, hidden in plain sight, and hope we assume they don't really mean what they say literally, and we agree. When Biden, during the red speech, said they were fighting for the souls of Americans, he was not being metaphorical. Satan wants our souls, and by voting for Biden, et al, we are agreeing to the enslavement of our souls, our signatures on the contract. They can't just take our souls, willy nilly, we must agree to it, in some sort of contract or another. Karma, Free Will, call it what you want, it's an agreement. By buying their clothes, we are agreeing to Balenciaga's actions, for example, and fairy tales throughout history have been describing this situation all along. The father of Sleeping Beauty made a deal with the witch to give up his first-born child. Rumplestiltskin made a deal with the girl to trick her into agreeing to be his bride-slave. King Midas, of the golden touch, all the victims of the Genie in the bottle, all same. We are tricked into being motivated to agree to their enslavement, by greed, or just plain misunderstanding/denial. When wannabe celebrities, for example, sign the corporate contract, they ignore the obvious symbols, the fine print, because they don't want to believe Satan exists, they just want fame, riches, and glory. We assumed Biden was talking metaphorically about our future security, or whatever, but he was actually telling us [they] want our souls. He didn't say 'save' our souls, he said they were 'fighting' for our souls, and Dems assumed he meant the former. Misdirection, trickery, subversion of truth, or blatant revelation, people ignore it, deny its true meaning, with the help of msm, who have already signed away their souls, and are enslaved to be [their] minions.

hanksno 18 points ago +18 / -0

Trudeau is a white male with an incurable mental disability. Maybe he should be euthanized?

hanksno 4 points ago +4 / -0

Reminds me of a joke from twenty years ago: "Thanks to autocorrect, millions of children will be writing letters to Satan this year." Now I'm wondering, was Coca-Cola's 20th Century version of Santa Claus a deliberate attempt to weave Satan into our culture? We know of the historic Germanic origin of Santa, or so we were told. What if there's more to it than that?

hanksno 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm also curious to know why Q went dark for a while. But I think the answer to that will be revealed in time.

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