Huffman98 45 points ago +45 / -0

watch the cowards scatter like cockroaches! best video i've seen all day.

Huffman98 1 point ago +1 / -0

MOntauk's up that way I believe.

Huffman98 2 points ago +2 / -0

the idea you mention has sometimes been discussed among inventors, but natural lightning is too powerful and unpredictable to get much traction in terms of building up actual devices to harness this energy form.

Something more promising is the creation of artificial ball lightning inside a reactor that convert its energy into electricity. Some of those systems simply take the light from the bright flash of ball lightning and convert it to electricity the same way as ordinary solar power works. More sophisticated approaches try to tap into more exotic ("zero point") energy from ball lightning flashes.

Huffman98 2 points ago +2 / -0

worthy of continued research even if it turns out someone at Twitter was pulling a spoof.

A tweet from the same account earlier this year:


prevent facebook and klearu+ from finalizing and publishing advanced AI technology 'METAPAL1.0' on November 12 2027

8:11 AM · Jan 23, 2022"


only five more years to wait to see if that one comes true.

Huffman98 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think it could certainly explain the dropoff in hitting that many players have experienced. Like Marcell Ozuna for the Braves - from 2014 to 2020 he was consistently above league average and since he got the jab around March 2021, he's been 30% or so below league average. May have lost his MLB job recently from what I read.

Or on the Astros, Yuli Gurriel. Dude won the American League batting title last year hitting .319 and this year he puts up a weak .245. It's not even clear his manager would start him in the playoffs.

Huffman98 2 points ago +2 / -0

yeah, not sure how long these players can keep running and hitting and jumping when their veins and arteries are filled with these amyloid clots. I'm amazed none of them have collapsed on live TV (yet).

Yordan had been complaining of hand soreness for the past 3 weeks or so... I think he's only hit 1 home run in his last 17 games or something, which is odd for a guy like him - usually averages 1 homer every three or four games. His jab side effects might date back to the time of his sudden 'power outage'.

I can see how amyloid clots, thrombosis, etc. could make a baseball player have reduced control or strength in his limbs. It might be one reason why batting averages across the league this year are down substantially. Another would be the blurry vision that a lot of the jabbed people report.

Huffman98 4 points ago +4 / -0

MLB has stood out among pro sports leagues around the world insofar as it hasn't yet had major jab fatalities (among active players, at any rate) the way we've seen in soccer. Some retired MLB players have died of the jab, but that's been about it at least as far as the public has been made aware.

Unless by chance the MLB owners worked out a sweetheart deal with Fauci to have their players injected with saline solution just to increase public confidence in the 'vax', eventually the spike/graphene/mRNA cocktail is going to show visible effects in players however.

Huffman98 4 points ago +4 / -0

another stat that would be interesting to track is the percentage of babies that are born premature. Some jabbed women do manage to give birth, but what maternity ward nurses tell me anecdotally is that the vast majority are premature. I'd hope that eventually we see some statistics to go along with the shop talk sort of stories being passed around.

Huffman98 6 points ago +6 / -0

reminds me of the Vietnam War. North Vietnamese POWs didn't want to be part of prisoner exchanges because they knew the commies in Hanoi would execute them for having let themselves fall into the hands of the enemy.

Huffman98 11 points ago +11 / -0

funny, they should be debating whether she existed at all.

Huffman98 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm amazed no current MLB players have died from the shot yet. A few retired players, some still in their 40s, have died from it though. A few current Japanese players have died from the shot - they were in their 20s.

Huffman98 1 point ago +1 / -0

for a few months the Toronto team actually played its games in Buffalo, NY for precisely this reason.

Then they moved games back to Toronto to get more fans in the stadium. That is what has caused much of the problem.

Huffman98 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is it any surprise that Benintendi (the unvaxxed player) leads his team with a .317 batting average? To find the second-best hitter on the team, Hunter Dozier, you have to go all the way down to a .267 average.

Is it any surprise that batting averages are down across the American league, from a pre-Covid level of .253 in the 2019 season to .241 this year (when presumably 80% or more of MLB players have taken the clot shot)?

What happened? Baseball players simply forgot how to hit? Kinda hard to hit when your eyes and muscles and joints are full of spike proteins and nanocrap.

Huffman98 2 points ago +2 / -0

started just after Jim appeared briefly on the kangaroo court 'Jan 6th Committee'.

Huffman98 3 points ago +3 / -0

it works fine for me but it's no longer as secure as it was years ago.

The EU has gutted the user privacy features of Protonmail (not that they big intel agencies couldn't have defeated them anyway) so I would consider it only a little better than Gmail.

Huffman98 3 points ago +3 / -0

it seems rather incredible that his security detail didn't screen people at this event. I'd think those guys have "ninja style" training.

Huffman98 1 point ago +1 / -0

not a bad start. The whole place needs a spiritual cleansing, that is for sure.

Huffman98 5 points ago +5 / -0

Russian mil has been in Nicaragua for a long time already; the real question is why they are choosing now to be so noisy and public about it.

Huffman98 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes, bicycles as well as mopeds are going to see a boost in sales this year.

Get a Honda 50cc moped (150cc if you're feeling frisky) or similar, and you'll not spend more than $50 a month in gas, even at today's ridiculous prices.

Huffman98 2 points ago +2 / -0

well I just assumed it was the Mark of Zorro but looks like this vid is on to something

by jdqw210
Huffman98 2 points ago +2 / -0

the visuals look a lot like the art of the late Ingo Swann.

Huffman98 2 points ago +2 / -0

this makes it pretty tough to watch RT then.

The most stable working link I can find is: https://www.rt.com/on-air/rumble/

I can get that to work on Firefox but not Brave, Edge, or Chrome.

by mmtwo
Huffman98 0 points ago +2 / -2

"Страница не найдена" = Page not found

I don't doubt the Russian troops probably are finding and liberating trafficked persons, but we need something more than 'Real Raw News' as a source if normies are ever going to believe it.

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