by gamepwn
iamherefortheluls 1 point ago +1 / -0

that's only several dozen people and it looks like most of them are office workers.

iamherefortheluls 6 points ago +6 / -0

the reports to which they are referring to in no way mention the total immune system. Only effectiveness of preventing COVID and different outcomes.

example of one of these.

I don't see how anything here could be interpreted to speak about the overall immune system.

iamherefortheluls 1 point ago +1 / -0

trailer went into silly territory with the idea of viruses spreading on money - like anyone uses cash these days.

their 5 day plan was a bit much too.

iamherefortheluls 1 point ago +1 / -0

basically they are buying themselves time to keep things going and prepare for the strike action.

iamherefortheluls 3 points ago +3 / -0


speak WELL of vaccines

second, no he doesn't. Libs have been brainwashed to see vaccine as Fauci's achievement and not Trump's.

He only needs to keep hammering something like

every person should be allowed to weight their own preferences between the adverse reactions from vaccines, which are consequential and frequent enough to concern anyone, to their personal risk from the virus. Our ramped up speed of development was meant to bring an emergency product to market to give desperate people a better option than just hoping to net get effected, not for everyone to be forced into taking it.

iamherefortheluls 7 points ago +7 / -0

produced two cases of COVID-19 from within its ranks

this is fake news on top of fake news.

yes, this is technically an outbreak according to province standards. but if they actually reported that as being an 'outbreak., I would call the story another case of fake news.

iamherefortheluls 1 point ago +1 / -0

are you still giving out review or are you fighting a war?

doesn't matter if that's an enemy soldier - right now he is firing in direction of the rest of the enemies. No need to get in his way.

iamherefortheluls 1 point ago +1 / -0

uhm, US has 350 million population.

If an EXTRA million died in the 1 year since this vaccine rollout pretty sure those stats would be easy to confirm

iamherefortheluls 2 points ago +2 / -0

why the hell would you downvote a news segment that's is trying to inform the normies about people resisting the mandates?


iamherefortheluls 3 points ago +3 / -0

as far as I know China has been at this for over 20 years now. Why would it collapse now? what has changed that would make it serious now? I mean I've heard of empty cities in Chine in early 2000s for the first time. in 2010 i've heard people been slowly moving in to these empty cities.

iamherefortheluls 3 points ago +3 / -0

pretty sure they misspelled and mislinked 'influence' to effect, when they meant to list the word 'affect' in there.

you can see that their page for effect does not list 'influence' (and it shouldn't because those words are not synonymous)

iamherefortheluls 3 points ago +3 / -0

'affect' as a verb doesn't require the subject to be you personally. It can be used used synonymous with 'influence'

ie. The amount of insulation in the attic affects the temperature in the house during both winter and summer.

iamherefortheluls 3 points ago +3 / -0

I am in Ontario, Canada. I don't believe they are rigged. Our media though is 100% controlled and very few people are aware of our alt media.

I myself know of only 1 such outlet (Rebel News) and they are kind of tiny.

iamherefortheluls 1 point ago +1 / -0

what makes you think that? I live in Ontario as well and our elections seem to reflect the general population around me. Like I can reliably predict outcomes as I drive around GTA and look at number of signs.

iamherefortheluls 2 points ago +2 / -0

i think the problem here is that because we are a relatively small state, most of our population is utterly captured by a few mass media tentacles and we do not have the equivalent 'red' media.

Canadians only hear what government wants them to hear. Being a small country means its cheap to buy up all the media influence.

iamherefortheluls 3 points ago +3 / -0

In your examples you are not using 'effect' as a verb. Its rarely used that way these days.

effect: to cause or come unto being.

ie: This policy change will effect a 15% increase in productivity.

iamherefortheluls 7 points ago +7 / -0

ask them if they are planning to go for the boosters in 6 months.

because people who've had bad reaction to the initial shots, are likely to have worse reactions to boosters. So they better be sure 'it's not the vaccine' because right now booster shots are looking very likely for continued 'fully vaccinated' status. Remind them that those first vaccine cards had more than 2 lines for a reason.

So when that booster rolls around, and they don't have a medical record testifying that they should be exempt due to bad reaction to initial vaccination it will be another 'safe' jab or become officially 'anti-vaxxer'

by BQnita
iamherefortheluls 3 points ago +3 / -0

what/who is shown at the bottom?

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