Voters? What "voters"? Most of his 80 million were manufactured, stolen from 45 and/or photocopied.
Mad props to her. Spot on, mostly. But.....there are treatments available that are effective against viral infections, not labeled a "vaccine". C, D, Zinc, HCQ, Ivermectin, etc. This has been known since forever ago. Kind of undermines her otherwise credible rant.
Oh, so the white hats WANT massive unemployment, green energy and 800 dollar epi pens. Got it.
Almighty God could ask me to donate to the GOP and I still wouldn't do it.
Dontcha know there's a "credible threat" of another FF event on 3/4?
That's awesome. Another judicial ruling to be freely ignored. PA blazed the trail on this. SCOTUS backed them up. Nothing to see here.
Oh yeah, man, they're just trembling in their boots. Stop enabling them.
Fuck MI GOP lawmakers. Can't find election fraud after a forensic audit reveals a 68% error rate. Flush them all.
You're supposed to be wearing TWO on federal property.
Stop making shit up.
I think the number of SJWs out there posing with "Free Xiden" signs would be significantly less than what you're seeing out on the streets of Burma. Anqueefa, notwithstanding.
Where are the (double) masks?
Game, set, match.
C'mon's just a different cultural norm.
SCOTUS declared it to be "moot".
You can also get it from certain Indian pharmacies sans Rx, but it takes 30 days to get here.
C, D3, Zinc daily. HCQ once a week. Fuck their experimental gene therapy.
- Of little or no practical value, meaning, or relevance; purely academic:
Is that part of The Plan?
Xiden already did "step in". That's why the grid is down.
Awesome! Then there's no reason for any mandates.
The first known case of WooFlu in the US was "diagnosed" with a cycle count of 18. There's no reason to set this over 20, unless you're trying to create a plandemic.
So what was that burning bush thing all about, anyway? Stop making shit up.