ibenez 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think Harvey Winestein proved that correct, they wanted the movie parts so they sold themselves for it...."they don't even care"! Me too BS was all the reprobates distracting from the real issue, CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE. Trump was RIGHT, "You can grab them by the pussey and they don't even care" Because they are covering for their masters!

ibenez 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well I'm certainly not a communist...wow straight to "commie", obviously pearls before swine with you...moving on now!

ibenez -1 points ago +2 / -3

What or who is a demon, and what's the definition of "demon"? IMO it is simply "lie or liars". I believe in life and death. Life is life because there is no death in it. Death is death because there is no life in it. That eleminates "devil, satan, demons" as entities in the spirit realm that ordinary people are suppose to square off with...silly idea, our enemy is the demons...liars. Principalities and spiritual wickedness in high places, IS WHERE? Within yourself, that's where changes are made FIRST...the TRUTH is the only thing that can set us free..from what...the LIES.

ibenez 6 points ago +6 / -0

Revelation 9 The angel with the key to the bottomless pit.....someone has to EXPOSE these people, is Trump a "STAR" that fell from a "heavenly place"? He's certainly opening up the DC SWAMP for all to see!

ibenez 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Charged with child endangerment" these people are so dangerous. I raised alot of kids, mostly off grid because I homeschooled, so we were constantly being challenged by someone, the state, the school system, medical people...everyone knows, much better than you, how you should live! We joined a homeschooling group of parents who retained a lawyer, we paid a small yearly fee, it was great. The stories you could tell, huh, yeah me too. I apologize for my poor grammer and sp too, no rock throwing here, lol.

ibenez 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm just not superstitious, I can't stand magicians either.

ibenez 3 points ago +3 / -0

Winner, winner chicken dinner, I miss bingo.

ibenez 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is so beyond any reason, that's why they have gotten away with these things because WHO COULD BELIEVE THIS STUFF!! Normal people (most of us) do not think this way...PERIOD

ibenez 2 points ago +2 / -0

So sorry, I worked as a BHT for 7yrs in a level 1 lock down for patients in extreme crisis. I would seek alternative options, homeopathic. I do not trust these people. My grandson had seizures as a child, he was on depacote and tegritol for years until his mom and dad went out on a limb and tried CBD, he has never had another seizure since, years now about 10yrs. He had grand maul, would leave him paralyzed for a time. Get away from these crazy evil people. You love your daughter, they don't! I will be praying for you all, God Bless

ibenez 2 points ago +2 / -0

The evil is so tremendous that "the thoughts of their imaginations were evil continually" Reset-Noah's flood .... are we there yet?

ibenez 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yep, fuckin nut-job shrinks. If they can get a court order on you, you're theirs. Anti-psychotic drug of choice for first time psychotic break is Resperidol Consta, a monthly shot for those who won't take the meds. It causes boys breasts to lactate! Like they didn't already have enough crap happening to them. The propencity for evil in this and medical industrial complex is of course huge! CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY

ibenez 4 points ago +4 / -0

Pedo Mike, if so and the Tory Smith expose' of Pence crimes against small boys is fact, he needs death by a thousand cuts!

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