icecoldmax 6 points ago +6 / -0

I have been taking this stack for nearly a year now and haven't caught any significant sickness whatsoever since I started. Then last weekend I (not vaxxed) went to a birthday party with about 10 vaxxed people. The very next day I got a splitting headache that lasted 24 hours, and now (8 days later) I STILL cannot get all the mucus out of my sinuses and ears. My body feels totally fine though, just super stuffed up.

I'm never getting a covid test so I don't know if what I caught was covid, some other common cold, or even some weird effect of hanging out with vaxxed people.

TBH I hope it's covid and this is as bad as it gets because it would be testament to the effectiveness of the supplements, plus I would basically never have to worry about catching it again.

icecoldmax 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sigh yes my coworkers (Australians) all got their 12 year old kids jabbed ASAP.

icecoldmax 3 points ago +3 / -0

Kinda says something if even the gender equality people are fed up

icecoldmax 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks for that! +1 for cold showers haha. I’ve been doing that for nearly a year now and it’s totally awesome. Makes you feel like a total badass. Would like to try fasting sometime too.

icecoldmax 1 point ago +1 / -0

Would it work better if I took it before bed so I sleep through the headache?

icecoldmax 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wish I could. It’s inside the capsule haha. I do have a bunch of turmeric though. Just gotta start cooking with it

icecoldmax 4 points ago +4 / -0

I bought some curcumin (active ingredient in turmeric) that came together with black pepper extract for enhanced absorption but it just gives me a horrible headache every time I take it. For reference I took it a couple of days in a row, headaches both days, then stopped taking it and the headaches stopped. Then waited 2 weeks and tried it again and instantly got a headache again. Sucks cos I was also quite enamored with the potential benefits re: inflammation etc.

icecoldmax 3 points ago +3 / -0

The really weird thing about this is that another politician named Clive Palmer said about 2 weeks ago on TV that the reason Gladys was pushing for the double jab/vaccine mandates etc. was because she was being controlled by a powerful lobbyist and was being threatened with an ICAC corruption inquiry if she didn’t push it forward.

Then a couple of days ago, the NSW police commissioner said that the police would NOT be enforcing any vaccine mandates.

And now suddenly she’s resigned because of an ICAC inquiry.

Coincidence? 🤔

icecoldmax 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thanks for that wrap-up. I saw all those events but seeing it written out like that really makes this story spicy.

icecoldmax 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lol are you me? I too have lived here for a total of about 10 years. 7 years the first time and now here since 2018. Can totally relate to the feeling though. EVERYONE in a mask all the time, and all the foreigners I know just immediately got their shots and are now busting to get their kids jabbed too. Japanese YouTube lately is full of these awful ads trying to convince people that the vaccines are "safe and effective".

While all but one of my foreigner friends were immediately on the vax train, only about half of the Japanese people I know were. The hesitant half seemed happy enough to wait, and among those who got jabbed, about half of them regret it or feel like they "had to" because their work insisted.

icecoldmax 4 points ago +4 / -0

Me too! I did happen to catch a Diet session a few weeks back and they seemed to be strongly pushing for oral medication to be approved, specifically mentioning ivermectin. Since then they’ve approved sotrovimab or whatever it’s called for inpatient use. They have about 4 or 5 non vaxx medicines approved now, IIRC.

Anecdotally, I chat with the pharmacist at my local shops. He said he doesn’t want the dangerous vax and has instead imported his own ivermectin for himself and his family. They take a prophylactic dose, once every 3 weeks or so.

icecoldmax 8 points ago +8 / -0

Hate to be that guy but I live in Japan and have been trying to follow this news myself. As far as I remember, this guy was just advising that it be used, however, trials for it had not yet been completed, and so far I haven't heard anything about ivermectin actually being prescribed yet. A quick search for "イベルメクチン” (ivermectin) doesn't seem to reveal all that much.

The source in the OP doesn't seem to say anything other than that the chairman recommended it. While it's true that cases have started plummeting, I haven't seen evidence that it's because of actual prescriptions and treatments for ivermectin (but I would love that to be the case!).

My suspicion so far is that test numbers dropped off significantly after the Olympics, where they were no doubt testing FAR more people than usual. In Japan you (mostly) can't just walk up and get a test for free. It has to either be provided by your workplace/school/whatever, or you have to have had symptoms for at least a few days and then be under the supervision of the public health system. You CAN pay money to get a PCR test but it's like 22,000 yen (let's say $200 or something) so people aren't doing that unless they absolutely have to (i.e. need to travel or do something that requires a negative test).

Anyway if there's something that's slipped by me I'd love to be corrected. Last I heard re non-vaxx treatments in Japan was this, a story about a new treatment called Sotrobimab or something, which is similar to the other, already approved monoclonal antibodies treatment.

icecoldmax 5 points ago +5 / -0

I love this idea of parallel systems. If shit doesn't change soon then we might just see an entire parallel economy popping up. Parallel school systems or banking systems and who knows what else. Hopefully the hurdles that arise that stop people from participating in the new system are kept to a low number. Participation in the parallel system will be an easy way for average joe to join what's effectively "the resistance".

I can't wait, actually.

icecoldmax 3 points ago +3 / -0

Jeez that article was depressing. Not only was she in dire straits in hospital for a while, but just as she thought she was getting out, a giant fuck you:

Eventually, medics were convinced she was well enough to go home, but just as she was leaving the hospital, a nurse said her Covid test had come back positive, so she would need to isolate for ten days at home.

How convenient! Well at least they aren't TOTALLY downplaying the link to the vax (although they are a little bit):

Doctors said the clots can be linked for certain to the vaccine, and that she could have been more susceptible having been on the combined pill since she was 17.

icecoldmax 79 points ago +79 / -0

Careful frens, I live in Japan and the news about the foreign materials in the vaccines were about Moderna, not Pfizer. Just saying cos it seems like a red flag for accuracy.

icecoldmax 4 points ago +4 / -0

As an Australian who lives overseas but still works remotely for an Aussie company with Australian coworkers, this is sadly true. I’ve been told off multiple times for talking too much against the narrative on work chat.

icecoldmax 7 points ago +7 / -0

One thing that annoys me is the people who go along with it all because they just can’t be bothered with inconvenience. Like people say “oh I don’t really care about getting the vax but if I need it to go on holiday then I’ll get it”. Like they are just totally “whatevs” about it all and are just willing to go along with whatever. I have a feeling the powers that be are kind of banking on that kind of attitude, combined with a bit of a push for them to shame the unvaxxed.

icecoldmax 2 points ago +2 / -0

It’s the TGA - Therapeutic Goods Administration. It’s Australia’s FDA.

icecoldmax 3 points ago +3 / -0

I live in Japan and I saw on the news today that the stuff was apparently rubber. Like they were suspecting it’s a bit of the rubber cap on the vial that got scraped off and mixed in when they stabbed the needle in.

I mean it sounds plausible but who knows really. Here’s a news article about it (in Japanese so use deepl or Google translate if you need)

icecoldmax 8 points ago +8 / -0

I know I’m just one guy and it’s anecdotal but I have been taking this stack plus Vitamin K and low doses of copper and magnesium for 6 months and I haven’t had even the slightest respiratory illness since I started. And I’m the father of two kids who attend kindergarten/pre-school who bring home all sorts of things which I always used to catch.

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