Some sort of looting in Lausanne apparently, and sounds more like a local antifa taking advantage of the chaos to mess things up.
Translation here says pretty much what you think it will.
More info on the school and teacher. Supposedly Huntington Beach is quite a conservative area.
If you are a crime gang looking for like-minded collaborators, why not go with the crazy trannies who will inevitably be killing themselves soon enough? Since dead gang affiliates will never blab, and if arrested and questioned who would believe a word they say?
Even Norm Macdonald pointed out that if history is written by the victors, and history always says 'the good guys won', why ought that ever be believed? Since if the bad guys won, they would also surely reframe their mandated interpretations and historical records to make them the good guys.
And there is no reason to think that process is not continuing today.
Things have progressed quite a bit since the basic concept of the rabble style armed militia, to roman-style training, discipline and formations, to flanking and blitzkrieg and mobility warfare, to where are are today.
A battlefront when the attackers are either not visible (and hence retain all the advantages of ambush-style attackers) or unaccountable and unmentionable due to the powers they hold over public-opinion gaming and captive media and courts systems, gives attackers lots of power.
Dr Loupis is a great account to watch, twitter is trying to target her, likely because of exposing stuff like this.
I think thats part of it, and the whole 'cant be compelled to testify against your spouse' thing is being exploited by crime groups to give them additional legal cover. Because why wouldn't they take advantage of something like that?
Post 1351 looks pretty similar in concept to the image here, ticking off the names of a list of deep state people who have been FIRED.. or dealt with in some way.
Milley looks at least as vile and useless as people like John Bolton, John Kelly and other vestigal warhawk holdouts and anti-MAGA insurgents.
Its the classic euro adoption of the 'military industrial complex', and needs to be kicked to the curb like all such manifestations. Ostensibly for the defense of the EU region, it took no action when attacked by fake refugees across the Mediterranean, and via Turkey. So what then is its premise and purpose other than perpetuating itself?
Interesting how the 'dirty bomb' aspect is not being bought up yet. If the premise behind dirty bombs being classified as radiological WMDs because of heightened cancer risks and the fear this heightened risk spreads among the local impacted population, then essentially all advanced militaries qualify as a terrorist group for using DU munitions alone.
Interesting lessons learned by the russians the hard way, namely how best to defeat their own hardware like the S-300s and Buk-M1s. Its one thing to know design flaws, code limitations, weak points etc as its designer, but another thing entirely to put that internal knowhow to use in the theatre of active operations.
See what the russians did to the patriot missile battery? Seems like they know how to negate or jam this entirely, not that it was ever particularly effective except at lining the pockets of its defense contractor makers.
I think the document listed all terrorist acts the group planned to commit, of which this shooting was to be one of multiples. The massive censorship of 'trans day of vengeance', banning of accounts pointing it out, banning of anyone reposting any of the flyers, and the effort to memory-hole the atrocity and instead call it a 'trans day of visibility' shows massive and coordinated efforts by the entire deep state apparatus. To justify actions like this, there must have been a proportionally huge revelation that the manifesto outed.
So its my take that the precious marginalized but yet hero group of which all corporates fly the pedo flags dutifully in homage to, has reached its final form. An actual terrorist group, as if antifa was not enough of a precursor.
A nice compilation, this would be the now infamous '51 former intelligence officials who signed a letter warning that the first crackheads laptop was a russian hoax'
Look at how many of these people by the way, have gone on to accept positions at 'universities'. These are tendrils of a very nasty swamp beast, like heads of the hydra they all need to be cut off with the stumps and tendrils being burned.
An industry that supposedly has been since the earliest days of medicine been laser-focused on evidence, epistomology, predictions and extrapolations, and correlations and causation that somehow ignores the perfect 100% alignment with the clotshot for all 'died mysteriously' presenting cases is no longer a viable industry.
There is going to have to be a huge zeroing-out of all existing medical certifications worldwide as a result of the killings done in hospitals, and by doctors. And like having to clean out a nest of filth and rebuild from rubble, the medical profession will be back to square 1, having to try again and rebuild the trust that was shattered.
Its really no place for any genuine physician in its current form. So its very heartening to know that you will not bow to the pharma gang but will take a different path for now. With the training you have, I'm sure you will find your feet taking you back to follow your calling at some future time, and that your patients will be lucky to have you. America's Frontline Doctors probably would like to hear from you in the meanwhile.
I thought Maher has been not as rabidly leftist for the last couple of months, even when his own audience turned on him in response. Wavering, faltering. I wonder if he has had his slave-collar yanked back down to the ground by his owner who directed him in no uncertain terms to go after Trump.
Mosques being turned into arms depots is a pretty common thing when there are islamic incursions, I bet the usual playbook is being followed in france.