fuck this movie
it makes me think that like our country is doomed no matter what. the most outstanding men and women in the world are american, yet as a whole we suck ass.
china is better than us. they are smarter, they work harder, we deserve this shit. americans are fkin retarded
i agree fuck this shit its making me care less and less tbh
who gives a fuck were americans would u rather talk to a judge or deal with the loss of your own life or a loved one thats what it ultimately comes down to
reddit gonna reddit lol
honestly im starting to give less of a fuck every day the shenanigans continues. they wanna destroy the country so bad fuck it let em
Silence, racist!!! BIGOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh so we weren't talking about my dick :(
good look having a sustainable market. i know if they started doin that shit here the whole economy would just go to shit
wait...they had paratroopers in the 1700's? lmaooo
I mean, hes starting another company, he isn't being arrested or anything. can yall stop being retarded
i mean we've been saying this for a while now
its a high risk trade
Hooah mothafuckas!!!
honestly i wanna slap my dick on her face
idk if some of this is mind control, i mean the music is scary and all but i just legitimately believe cardi b is half retarded
you honestly think a demoralized leftist is going to roll with this shit
I feel like its just more "lets bring up racism to keep racism alive"
All my life I've never seen the slightest (ok maybe some jokes here and there) regarding asian "hate"
Its really asian persuasion. Idk, i think the media creates racism by playing the race card, never have seen legit actual asian racism tho
i had to buy some emergency rounds off my buddy but theres a range out in the boonies that usually has some 556
to be fair, i do this quite a bit going up the stairs in my own home lol
bruh no cap this shit would actually work fr